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Carbon emissions limits for cars weakened amid opposition's 'ute tax' campaign
  • Straight from the fuckwits page here:

    Recategorising a limited number of 4WDs from passenger car to light commercial vehicle. This acknowledges that some off-road wagons use similar ladder-frame chassis, and need comparable towing capacity above 3 tonnes, to dual cab utes. This includes models such as the Toyota Landcruiser and Nissan Patrol;

    Land cruiser and patrol? Oh fuck off. They are primarily used as soccer mum taxis in urban areas.

    Apparently Bowen's job title shouldn't be taken as first thought. The "Minister for Climate Change and Energy" actually means the minister for causing further climate change rather than preventing it.

  • Carbon emissions limits for cars weakened amid opposition's 'ute tax' campaign

    The federal government will water down proposed carbon emissions laws for vehicles, as it seeks to appease car makers who feared it would push up the price of some cars by thousands of dollars.

    Carbon emissions limits for cars weakened amid opposition's 'ute tax' campaign

    Laborel party letting foreign companies dictate policy.

    Draining entire superannuation savings wouldn’t cover most young couples’ home deposits, research finds
  • We know the liberal party have been itching to do this for a while now. Scummo mentioned it in the last days before the election.

    No doubt it's happening next time the liberal party gets in.

    As if it isn't enough that they transfer tax dollars to established real estate owners, they will transfer super balances to them as well.

  • Australia’s population is almost 27 million – and growing at a 70-year high
  • Perhaps you aren't aware that we have a housing crisis in Australia.

    Record low rental vacancies. Housing is too expensive and scarce for people on median incomes.

    The people we import typically have enough money to displace those who don't. Those who don't end up homeless. Our politicians don't give a fuck as many own multiple investment properties.

  • I need to replace milk in my coffee and I need ideas
  • For me, Oat is probably the first in line after dairy as far as flavour goes. Soy and almond I find can vary wildly depending on brand used. Some are OK.

    If black espresso is off the table for you, give cold brew a try. In summer I always have some in the fridge. Goes well straight, with milk and even with soda water.

  • The starting guide of de-googled user
  • I've been using this open board fork:

    Mainly because it comes with trace/swipe type input. Is there anything else out there that's better and more up to date? Probably not up to modifying the above to include libraries.

    I was a long term Swype user prior to getting a pixel 7, which it can't be installed on due to it being 32bit. I've not found anything else FOSS or otherwise that comes close to being as good as Swype's trace predictions. Sadly Microsoft bought the company that made Swype so the odds are it's never going to see the light of day again. They have their shitty Swiftkey app instead.

  • Extreme conditions for renters described as 'needle in a haystack type stuff' as housing crisis deepens

    There is further evidence Australia's ongoing housing crisis is deepening as the national vacancy rate hits a record low of 0.7 per cent, according to Domain.

    Extreme conditions for renters described as 'needle in a haystack type stuff' as housing crisis deepens

    I'm sure if we keep voting for the Libor and Laberal parties they will eventually fix it right?

    We're experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and a recession is looming
  • We have been in a per capita recession for ages. The govt avoids a technical recession with mass immigration.

    Think of "the economy" as "rich people's yachts" next time you hear a politician or bobble headed reporter talking about something (like immigration) being good for the economy.

  • We're experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and a recession is looming
  • We have been in a per capita recession for ages. The govt avoids a technical recession with mass immigration.

    Think of "the economy" as "rich people's yachts" next time you hear a politician or bobble headed reporter talking about something (like immigration) being good for the economy.

  • We're experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and a recession is looming

    Whatever today's economic data shows about how close Australia is to recession the truth is we are already experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and have been for two years, writes Peter Martin.

    We're experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and a recession is looming
    Australia's ageing population set to challenge reliance on workers' wages 'An Aldi tax system designed to fund a Coles or Woolies budget': Why the tax reform debate is unavoidable

    Workers shoulder the burden of paying for the things we want: schools, hospitals and a civil, safe society. But as our population ages and more people need support, can income tax continue to fund our needs?

    'An Aldi tax system designed to fund a Coles or Woolies budget': Why the tax reform debate is unavoidable
    An Australian New Vehicle Efficiency Standard—Frequently asked question

    Looks like we are finally working towards a fuel efficiency standard.

    Will be interesting to see what the final details are, especially the year at which manufacturers have to hit zero emissions, and if it's going to be a linear change to get there or otherwise.

    No doubt legacy parts of the industry will be busy lobbying for their own interests instead of the planet's.

    9 Foreign investors to be slapped with huge penalties for leaving homes vacant

    Penalties for foreign investors who leave homes vacant will face a sixfold increase, in a measure the federal government says will free up more housing stock.

    Foreign investors to be slapped with huge penalties for leaving homes vacant
    7 No one can escape this housing crisis — it's coming for homeowners too

    If we drop the antagonism between younger Australians and Boomers, will it help to fixing our housing crisis, asks Gareth Hutchens.

    No one can escape this housing crisis — it's coming for homeowners too

    Not sure I agree with the title that no one can ”escape” it. I think the wealth hoarding class does very nicely out of everyone else's misery. Perhaps if things don't turn around their grand children might go from owning the whole country to facing a guillotine.

    More likely once there is a large enough percentage of people who will have no hope of owning, then they will start to have an effect at the polling booth.

    19 Population growth a double-edged sword for inflation, according to RBA analysis

    The Reserve Bank reveals the reasoning behind its latest interest rate rise and whether it is likely to have to lift them again.

    Population growth a double-edged sword for inflation, according to RBA analysis

    Economists tie them selves in knots trying to justify record immigration:

    If you own a business, of course it lowered wages, give us a pat on the back.

    If you are a worker, of course it didn't lower wages, give us a pat on the back.

    One thing that isn't getting mixed messages is what the increased demand has done to the housing market. Albo would like all the renters to starve harder for the economy please.

    Calendar / event / sync / invites

    Recently made the switch to Graphene and am trying to get my main email away from

    What's everyone using for calendar event invites?

    I have a mixture of some events that only I need to see, but others I send and receive invites to people using gmail, outlook etc.

    Currently trying out free Proton, but it's a bit limited. For example if I make a recurring event there seems to be no way to edit or remove a single recurrence. Also would like to be able to use say simple calendar widgets with it. Edit, also discovered that invites sent from gmail to proton simply don't arrive.

    Happy for a paid service provided I'm not treated as a product for advertisers to market to.

    9 Bigger houses squeezed onto smaller blocks leave our suburbs sweating. How do we ‘re-green’ Perth?

    Perth has the worst tree canopy cover of any Australian capital, with the state government putting it as low as 16 per cent coverage.

    Bigger houses squeezed onto smaller blocks leave our suburbs sweating. How do we ‘re-green’ Perth?

    Apparantly there is no way to influence demand for housing.

    11 The 220-kilometre city: Why Western Australia’s giving up on infill

    Mining billionaires might have made the state wealthy, but it’s developers’ decades of wheeling and dealing that continue to have the most impact on daily life.

    The 220-kilometre city: Why Western Australia’s giving up on infill
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