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  • Anyone: "There are millions dying."

    Liberals: "We're making slow, incremental change -- you just don't understand pahliticks"

  • Abetting. Committing.
  • I don't think history will look kindly on him or his supporters. We're in the midst of yet another "how did people let the Nazis take power" type scenario.

  • White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 Guatemalan immigrant neighbors
  • All 70% of Americans who subscribe to the fascist myth of a border crisis should follow his example

  • Everything liberals do is performative and "tactical," so they assume everyone is just as insincere and unserious as they are
  • Side note: I think people are capable of empathy even if they live in a suburb. People are complicated. It's just probably harder if one has more privilege or is not part of a marginalized group.

  • yikes rule
  • J.K. Rowling to give her opinion on the novel "Lolita" anything

    Joanne is incapable of summoning a good take about anything. No surprise I suppose since she also cannot write a good book.

  • Rule
  • Get doxxed

  • Everything liberals do is performative and "tactical," so they assume everyone is just as insincere and unserious as they are
  • I wonder if allistic people, with their intuitive empathy, just never bother to push beyond their empathetic and moral intuition? Distancing strategies seem far too effective on them, and cognitive dissonance is great at promoting distancing strategies.

    This is a very compelling idea. It seems quite plausible that an allistic person who hasn't had to navigate empathy in the same way you have might be more susceptible to fascist propaganda that portrays certain groups as a threat.

    I'm not autistic, but I often wonder if the trauma I've experienced hasn't made me understand the importance of empathy on a more personal level. If I had been raised comfortably in some suburb with a two-stall garage and all my needs met, it's quite possible I'd be a completely different person.

    I definitely don’t do as much as I really should

    Same tbh

  • From an unironic liberal tumblr blog, "yes he sucks and broke every promise, but come on, youre not going to vote trump, so dont worry"
  • I predict that they would double down on denying Biden's willful role in continuing funding for a genocide and offer some convoluted mental gymnastics for why "he has no choice" but to do so.

    I base this prediction on how they responded in 2021 when he extended the wall and opened more concentration camps at the Mexican border. Even then, they were acting like it was justified as long as it was Biden doing it instead of Trump.

    Cultlike behavior tbh

  • Everything liberals do is performative and "tactical," so they assume everyone is just as insincere and unserious as they are
  • A lot of people can't seem to fathom actually caring about doing the right thing. I'm never sure how to explain to someone that they should genuinely care about the well-being of other people.

  • "The whole vibe is so different" = political NIMBYism at its ugliest
  • The way I see it, it's never been civil from the POV of the people experiencing direct harm because of the actions of these politicians. Take for example Obama and W. Bush acting like comrades. That has a civil veneer, yes, but the implication speaks volumes about both of them, none of it good. No US president has ever been even remotely what can be described as "decent" and "proper." All have supported and committed atrocities (with the possible exception of William Henry Harrison). US politics has always involved incivility and violence. So yes, in my opinion maybe it's good that people who are typically unaffected by these atrocities can finally see these politicians for who they are.

  • "The whole vibe is so different" = political NIMBYism at its ugliest
  • Well in that case I'll just inform the immigrants in cages and the Palestinians having their infants' heads blown off to remain civil. I'm sure that will convince a nation that still openly enslaves people of color and routinely uses military force against civilians while colonizing the earth to see the error of its ways. As long as we're good little slaves it's better that way, right? We totally got all our meager labor laws and civil rights laws from just sitting calmly, and not at all by being shot, bombed, and firehosed while rising up against this racist nation and forcing them to grant them to us, right? /s

    Read rules 2 and 4 carefully, please. That should help you determine if you feel welcome here.

  • "The whole vibe is so different" = political NIMBYism at its ugliest
  • The system fundamentally cannot provide equity, and we have no party in the US that is interested in providing this. Moreover, we bar so-called "radical" leftists including anarchists and communists from citizenship and even residency to ensure our unjust structures stay in place.

    Appealing to civility in US politics has always been used as propaganda to protect a status quo that protects the interests of privileged classes at the expense of those they subjugate, to maintain subjugation and slavery. No one is going to burn this system down by being civil.

    You're right though that we'll need to throw a lot more than shit to rid ourselves of the billionaires, police, and politicians.

  • Everything liberals do is performative and "tactical," so they assume everyone is just as insincere and unserious as they are
  • I know what you mean, and I feel like there are a lot of people in my own community who would identify as liberal but are actually leftist in ideology. I feel like online it's the reverse -- lotta people who call themselves leftist but do nothing but defend liberalism.

  • Villain rule
  • I understand! I didn't intend to throw shade on you for that. My husband is the same way lol

  • Ru(le)thy
  • "Treatment is simple. Download DuoLingo app. Go and see Tim, who spends all day competing with elderly users. That should pick you up."

    Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor…"

  • Everything liberals do is performative and "tactical," so they assume everyone is just as insincere and unserious as they are

    Same energy: Liberals lecturing me about how I'm "privileged" and "working against my best interests" for not sucking off the ghouls who brazenly support and conduct the imprisonment and deportation of my actual fucking family members

    Saying this to a Palestinian is many layers of fucked. I'm not sure how liberals can live with themselves.

    Villain rule
  • Isn't that the whole thing with shows like The Addams Family? You're not supposed to think that deeply about them or attempt to apply logic. The illogic lends to the humor.

  • Villain rule
  • My inner monologue

  • ZaRule
  • That cat's name? Mebert Myselfstein

  • Who the heckin malarkey is the president anyway? Someone should write him a stern letter.
  • They never care, and neither do most US citizens as long as it's the "right" people being harmed. The fact that there's more outrage over a US citizen being harmed vs. a non-citizen is a perfect example of how many of us are willing to subscribe to what amounts to a fascist ideology.

    Just look how many US citizens openly support border fascism. It's appalling. And our president and his party fan those flames to win elections. So does the other party. We merely vote on which flavor of fascism we prefer.

  • "Border crisis" is a racist dogwhistle btw

    Thousands of Palestinians: Starved, tortured, and murdered

    Thousands of migrants: In concentration camps or deported

    Multiple states: Passing anti-trans and anti-choice legislation, unchecked

    Millions of USAmericans: Dying every year because of lack of healthcare access

    Liberal Democrats: LOL Trump has small hands & is orange (also there is a border crisis & whatabout Hamas)

    1 All the places where it's illegal to be LGBTQ+ – and why it's colonialism's fault

    We take a look at all the countries and territories where it is still illegal to be gay or LGBTQ+ – and examine the role colonialism played.

    All the places where it's illegal to be LGBTQ+ – and why it's colonialism's fault
    LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest.wav






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