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If only it was like that
  • Hell yeah, 50 degrees is tee shirt and shorts weather IMHO.

  • My children will refer to me as father.
  • Be the change the world needs

  • U.S. retailers admit they lied about shoplifting, retail crime again
  • Don't worry, people will completely ignore the retraction and continue to blame their fellow poor people (just not themselves) for the outrageous behavior of our corporations.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I picked it because I liked the name.

  • A genre of Country Music...
  • He always looks like he just got out of drag and washed his makeup off.

  • Why? Are we not doing enough?
  • It was better before people absolutely fucking insisted on scraping reddit posts to bring over here. Post after post after post of regurgitated bot posts, without a single comment, no engagement at all. Fun!

  • Can you roll extra evade charges on things other than boots?

    I can't reroll anything on my boots, so I'm hoping that I can roll for extra evade charges on something else like a helm or chest piece etc. Does anybody know if that's possible? I don't want to spend all the money and resources if it's not.

    TX school bans trans boy from playing "Oklahoma!" male lead, recasts with cisgender male student
  • Hate to tell you this... I don't know if you have kids yet, but it absolutely does not matter how you raise them, if they're gay they're gay. The only thing you're teaching your children, if they are gay, is that their father probably will hate them if he finds out, and they better hide in the closet until they grow up and can escape you. Nothing else. LGBTQ is not the result of poor parenting, friend, it's genetic.

  • I just want to set a timer for MY FOOD WINDOWS WHY?
  • So you're getting rid of Steam, right?

  • The Aliens did a little trolling
  • They did that with the movie Clue, showing different endings at different theaters. At the. Time, it pissed people off, and it got called a cash grab.

  • crazy idea, let's just feed people
  • Just watched a thing yesterday about milk companies dumping tanker after tanker of perfectly good milk, because they don't want the prices to drop.

  • What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • Right? While entire families sleep outside, let's make a corporation whose sole purpose is to buy up all the cheap homes to make Air BnBs out of them. Totally the same thing.

  • Microsoft now pops up a poll asking why you'd want to use another browser when you download Chrome
  • Edge is a perfectly cromulent browser that fills the average user's needs just fine and has some great additional cruft such as their vertical tabs and Collections implementation. It's not 2013 anymore. Why people still go out of their way to get Chrome of all things is an important question for Microsoft to ask. Just living off of Chrome's literal crumbs is worthwhile to Microsoft, imagine if they actually had a marketshare that reflected the two products capabilities. People obviously don't do it for safety or privacy or functionality reasons, and Microsoft will literally pay you to use Bing. They probably wonder what the fucking issue is at this point.

  • Microsoft now pops up a poll asking why you'd want to use another browser when you download Chrome
  • You do know that Chrome is not "the original one" and that Edge is not a reskinned Chrome, right?

    Edit: I don't know why I tipped off all rude like that over something so inconsequential. My apologies.

  • Microsoft now pops up a poll asking why you'd want to use another browser when you download Chrome
  • You can't blame them for wanting to know. It's a major market, and they're getting their asses kicked. If I had to pick one, I'd pick Edge over Chrome, so it's actually an interesting question anyway.

  • Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella admits giving up on Windows Phone and mobile was a mistake
  • THANK YOU! That's what we were all saying when you stopped caring about it.

  • It's getting to be soup season. What are your favorite soups?
  • It's sure not traditional French, but I just bought supplies for a few blender soups, lol. Carrot, broccoli, and cauliflower.

  • I've pretty much stopped caring about the Beeper app.

    I want to love the idea of a universal messaging app, but being on a waiting list with tens of thousands of other people for months has killed my excitement for it.

    "1 more reply"

    Does anyone else see "1 more reply" fairly often, but when you click it, the one more reply is not revealed?

    Text being preserved in the comment box from one comment to the next...

    I don't know if this is a problem with the app, a problem with Lemmy in general, or if I'm just doing something to fuck things up which is most likely.

    Quite often, I'll make a comment on Lemmy somewhere, and then the next time I go to make a comment, the text from my previous comment is already in the box and I have to delete it all to begin anew. Sometimes I get like an error message about it, sometimes I don't, sometimes it doesn't happen at all. It's a little unpredictable.

    Does anyone know if this is a known issue, or if I'm doing something to cause it?

    Edit: I added a pic of the error message. Interestingly, the error indicates that the app quit while I was typing, but that's never the actual case. I post and comment just fine, with no app failures. I just get this message the next time I open Voyager.

    Is there an app that will chart the quality of my internet connection over time?

    I'm not a big networking guy, so I'm not sure exactly the best way to ask this. My internet tends to drop out a lot, and I get disconnected. I'm wondering if there's an app out there that I can just put on on my laptop or phone and let it run in the background for like 24 hours to see exactly how many times my internet really gets disconnected during the day. I'd like to be able to contact my ISP and give actual information rather than guessing. Anyone know if such an app exists?

    Do you get XP just for completing a nightmare dungeon, aside from killing mobs?

    And if you do, what's best, killing every enemy in the dungeon, or just speed running to the boss?

    [D4] Any rogues using Word of Hakan?

    I don't have it, and I'm just curious. Do you have to have the imbuments on your skill bar in order for them to apply to rain of arrows, or do you just have to have points in them?

    Amazon videos "unsupported in this browser"

    Not Prime Video, rather the videos in item descriptions on the shopping pages. Anyone know a fix?

    [D4] So socket effects stack?

    I've read articles that say they do, however, flawless skulls provide +12 Life on kill, but no matter how many you have on, if you look at your stats, it still just says "Life on kill +12".

    [D4] Renown question.... Do you have to do all the side quests again?

    Hey there... I notice that doing side quests earns renown. However, I thought you only had to do renown once? I'm seeing a lot of side quests that I already did on my eternal character. I have to do them again? Just confirming.

    My Moto 5g (2022) keeps going down exactly 4 notches of volume on its own

    I hope it's okay to ask for support here. I have a 2022 Motorola 5G phone, and it keeps turning down the volume on its own by exactly four notches. Is it possible this is some kind of setting somewhere? Maybe I have accidentally turned this on, and it's trying to protect my hearing or something?

    what is the correct format to block an instance?

    For example, I've tried

    And I've tried

    Unfortunately neither is working....

    90's Music Dick Justice
    Luscious Jackson - Deep Shag (1994)
    QoL enhancement, maybe? Regarding clicking on pic previews

    When you click on a picture preview, and it opens up, in order to close it, you have to click the little X up in the top right hand corner.

    On big screens, it might be nice if you could just tap anywhere that's not the picture and it would go away and take you back to what you were looking at before.

    [D4]Really struggling with Brol, need tips (level 40 pulv. bear) (possible spoilers)

    Hey there. Looking for tips. I have a level 40 pulverize druey and just got to King Tyrant Brol. I just can't seem to get him. I even went back to Tier I to try, and it's the same every time, I use up all my potions before I'm half done with him, and then he gets me. I try to get out of his AoE when his circle pops up, and his adds aren't really a problem, I just consistently run out of potions and he doesn't seem to drop many. Any advice for me?

    How often to water a succulent?

    I'm terrible at telling when it's dry until it's totally parched. I'm new to this and really wanna keep the poor little guy alive. Is there a safe interval I can just set a reminder for? It's a small pot, like I can hold it in one hand.

    Dick_Justice Dick Justice
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    Comments 413