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"Zero fucks given" in other languages
  • Swearing in Greece and across most of the whole region is hilarious. The actual "I don't care"/"zero fucks given" phrase is to write something on your balls or dick.

    So many sayings are mother/whore/balls/dick based - not offensive phrases, just common sayings.

  • In 2024, using social media felt worse than ever
  • Same. There's a few that I can tolerate for 20 minutes a day. It's more about the niche subs that benefit from a wide range of people that have collected over the years. I love Lemmy, but even the large communities are a niche in a niche.

  • Treasury Chief Warns US Could Hit Debt Limit in Mid-January
  • The only drawback is that the inauguration would still go on, with all the people working it unpaid and the price of everything doubled once it's finally tallied up months later. So it would make his special day MORE special in some ways.

  • zebztbezetbtbeztbe
  • It's been happening for a few months, my theory was that in the runup to the election it was their only idea for CYA about bots, and it just so happens to mean they're using facial recognition scanning to catalog the real humans on their platform.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Desert Hermit

    I wonder if he meant ol' Ben Kenobi

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