It's obvious why they're suddenly obsessed with Raw Milk. It's the same reason they were suddenly Anti-Vax, anti-Mask, and anti-plague-control.
Democrats said a thing, Republicans immediately reply with the opposite.
Democrats said Vaccines prevent disease, Republicans declared vaccines are poison.
Democrats said wearing a mask can reduce the transmission of airborne pathogens, Republicans said masks will kill you and are illegal now.
Democrats said "Don't drink raw milk, it can transmit deadly diseases." Republicans declare "You can take the raw milk from my cold dead hands."
I honestly expect that if Democrats released a PSA against jumping off cliffs onto jagged rocks, because the fall could be dangerous, Republicans would immediately start taking picture standing on the edges of cliffs with the caption of "Don't tell me what to do."
They complain so much even when they have exactly what they claim they wanted. They wanted raw milk, they got it. But somehow all the non-raw milk drinkers are "ruining" something for them? Weird.
I hear the "deep state" wants to stop you from eating rotting food. You're not going to let a bunch of scientists and health department officials tell you what to eat, are you?
They think raw milk is natural, but would they still feel that way if they knew how selectively bred all dairy cows are at this point? The DNA of the dairy cow is where the milk manufacturing pipeline begins. We didn't select for sanitary milk from the udder because we knew it could be pasturized later in the pipeline.
I've noticed lately around me too that "conservatives" will pull out a cig and start smoking it (as a "defense" mode or something...or maybe because I have a mask) & it feels like it's to take a side in some kind of "culture war". Killing themselves to "own the libs". Brilliant.
Are they or is that just what the media wants us to believe? I hear the "left" is obsessed with all kinds of things too yet I never seem to encounter these people outside of social media.
If they want to drink raw milk and cough their lungs out; I am not going to stop them. The conservatives clearly wish to be left alone in their stupidity and lack of education, and we can't force them to pursue knowledge.
I also suspect that the bird flu (H5N1) is not (as of yet, at the time this post was written...) likely to mutate to spread in a human-to-human context. It's not impossible for it to do so though...but the mutation(s) have not yet reached a point where humans can pass it on to each other by breathing the same air; I would guess that a significant contact (Like breathing, eating or touching a very very very large amount of a bodily output that contains the virus) is likely needed to spread that virus; as that's how it's spread from animal to human so far. TL;DR: I could be wrong; but I don't believe it's capable of a pandemic yet. Science has not yet presented enough strong evidence that this is spreading from person to person. I welcome any citations to prove that wrong however. Thankfully I'm not conservative, and do welcome being shown that my suppositions are indeed wrong; as long as it's done respectfully.
I grew up on a dairy farm and milked cows every day. We never bought "store" milk to drink. It always came from the tank every morning. We also made and ate foods that would cause you urbanites blanch and faint if you only knew, (I miss the home made blood sausage and canned beef my Grandmothers made). It's not a death sentence like many of you seem to think. But, for commercial store bought milk, it IS imperative that the milk is pasteurized for consumer safety. That milk might be a week or two old before it reaches your refrigerator in the Big City/Suburbs/Gentrified neighborhood.
I doubt if drinking raw milk will become common place amongst magahats. It tastes NOTHING like what they or you are used to. It's a whole different thing. And the vast majority of you would hate the taste of it and refuse to drink it. And the first time someone gets the shits from drinking it, they will try and sue the dairy they bought the milk from. And that won't end well.
In Europe they seem to not have the same fear/issues with the sale or consumption of "raw dairy" that we do here in the US. Perhaps they are smarter about such things.
I wonder if the GOP really thought this through. First, they try to breed more uneducated Americans, so they have a voter base that is stupid enough to vote conservative, and then they kill them off by a combination of an antivaxx mindset and unhealthy food that promotes an incoming pandemic virus.
I've never heard anyone in the far-left make a point about unpasteurized milk, why would you put that in the title and then not reference that anywhere in the article, Salon?