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Closet rule

My cat decided that our closet is his bed now

  • Ascii fingers

  • NSFW
    I made a porn scroller, AMA.
  • How did you even come up with this idea?

  • Which DE/WM do you prefer?
  • Xfce just works, but I wanna switch back to kde someday

  • People who use distros without systemd, why do you do this?
  • Ehh, probably. I didnt really check what systemd is

  • People who use distros without systemd, why do you do this?
  • Its just easier for me to dualboot windows. Im too dumb to find how to do it with systemd :p

  • Games rule
  • Dunno if genocides are punished in hell. I dont think theres someone in there to arrest me anyway

  • AMA
  • So thats how linux works, thx

  • AMA
  • What is GNOME?

  • Peak organization
  • Used 'seal' and 'retro music' apps from f-droid, cool stuff

  • kitty rule
  • Meowdy

  • He was never heard from again
  • "Thats a smooth way to meet god" © Some wise internet man

  • The awakening
  • When your custom character show up in a cutscene

  • One very crude photoshop later :p
  • For some reason post is missing a picture, so i reuploaded it to imgur:

  • Buried alive
  • Edible sand

  • One very crude photoshop later :p

    So, I made whatever this is trying to combine most of the suggestions on my previous post. Made in like 20 minutes or so.

    Suggest what to add to this stock photo (Already done, check comments)

    I'm very bored, so why not try to make a very stupid photoshop of this stock photo I found on google using your suggestions (I'll upload the progress tomorrow)

    Can I skate a stake?
  • Im not sure what you said but I agree

  • Can I skate a stake?

    Yea, I misspelled steak and I dont really care to fix this

    Blinchik Blinchik

    Professional goofball

    Posts 5
    Comments 17