Biden administration calls for developers to embrace memory-safe programing languages and move away from those that cause buffer overflows and other memory access vulnerabilities.
Biden administration calls for developers to embrace memory-safe programing languages and move away from those that cause buffer overflows and other memory access vulnerabilities.
Nothing really, the JVM has a pretty troubled history that would really make me hesitate to call it "safe". It was originally built before anyone gave much thought to security and that fact plauges it to the present day.
Fair point, even log4j was running java code, not literally hijacking the stack or heap.
That being said, I'm poking fun because C and C++ have low level capabilities of which only Rust offers a complete alternative of. Most of everything else is safe because it comes packaged with a garbage collector which affects performance and viability. I think Go technically counts if you set the GC allocation to 0 and use pointers for everything, but might as well use Rust or C at that point.
I guess I'm just complaining out of all the issues ONCD could point out, they went after the very broad "memeory-safe is always better" when most of the people using C and C++ need the performance. They only offered Rust as a potential alternative in the report with nothing else which everyone already knows. Would be nice to see them make a real statement like telling megacorps to stop using unencrypted SCADA on the internet.
I love that Android chose Java so they could run it on different processor architectures, but in the end one architecture won out so Java wasn't necessary any more. I guess they didn't know at the time, but they'd claw back a tonne of efficiency if they dropped the Java VM.
Thats because in government products many unsafe languages shittier than C(++) are used, like Ada, Fortran, and Cobol. It wouldn't surprise me if most of the code running on products for government use werent written in C or C++
Nice. Now I'm waiting for all the Rust or whatever "safe" languages environments for embedded systems to fall from the sky. And please some that actually work on small processors with little memories.
When all the talented programmers are all gay communists and your entire state exists to murder gay communists. Still can't forget how Allen Turing, a gay man whose inventions were a gigantic help in winning WW2, KYS'd because they still treated him like garbage even after the fact.