I'm still amazed at how many people I know still think cars are better before because they were "harder to break." Yeah, you can sit on the hood of an old car and it won't do anything to it, but try crashing at 80km/h and you're gonna wish that unbreakable object broke. Anything higher and you might not have a chance to wish for anything. Lol.
I'll start by saying that GUIs have gotten a lot better since the 90s. Many people seem to think Windows 95 or 2000 was the pinnacle of the user interface design, but it was clunky and terrible and I much prefer literally any contemporary GUI.
I agree, but I definitely think we reached a high point a decade or two ago. Windows switched to that weird hybrid GUI with 8, and websites now are obsessed with whitespace, scrolling fuckery, and the like.
While word 2003 was probably the high point for that product, I don't think that about windows, Linux, or the web.
I couldn't agree less. All the GUIs since Vista, KDE4 and iOS are infuriating. Worse, the functionality behind them is often crippled and the user is infantilised.
I'm mostly a command line guy, but whenever I have to interact with one of them modern, simple GUIs I'm quite happy with how much thought they put into cleaning them up so there's not a million icons and menus and stuff. I also like that there's more space (to some degree, you can obviously have too much space), because space is a good visual separator and my eyesight isn't getting any better.
A lot more is understood about how users interact with GUIs and how to best make them, but this is often exploited for monetary gain rather than end user experience.
The current thing that's annoying me is discords new paid for super reactions. Absolutely by design they have been put in the spot the regular reaction button used to occupy in order to trick you into pressing it.
Almost everything has seen significant improvements. Technology has improved at an astounding rate. The only down side of improvement is higher expenses for more complicated tech. Phones are so much better than they used to be. We don't have to carry a brick anymore but they cost a fortune now
Heh. It's funny to me that what one considers a regression others may see as an improvement.
Btw, prices actually went down (unless you're buying the latest iphone). It only makes sense, since the easier the production gets and the more efficient the technology gets, the cheaper it is to buy said technology. See https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/history-of-cellphones-prices
Yeah idk, slavery was pretty bad. Maybe the genociding of native peoples a bit worse? or where women were house slaves or when they were burning people for not appearing christian enough?
Seems to have gotten worse around here actually. The nurses and doctors are getting worse pay and worse working conditions every year, and many quit. They're also closing down hospitals because of "efficiency" or something.
Having to sit at a desk (with a computer) to access the Internet, rather than being able to bring a device with you, to access the Internet wherever you want.
Math education, probably. I don't have any numbers, but there are probably far more people taking calculus in high school than there used to be, and a lot of them are probably taking it earlier than senior year. At least that was my experience compared with my parents'.
Also, this is unrelated, but it's strange that this post has (at the moment) 20 comments but only 5 votes.
I was really lonely and scrolling up really old posts in this community to talk in, and maybe others sort their feeds by recent comments meaning my activity pushed it up. Or maybe I just like ascribing more responsibility to myself :P
Edit: I sort by recent comments, so this post showed up in my feed. I don't know why the others started commenting on it 10 hours ago though.