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*Permanently Deleted*
  • You do not have to say it "again". I ignored it the first time because there's no logical reasoning or evidence for this. Until you do, it's not something that I can respond to.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You want it to be complicated given you're citing a claim from the last century that has been withdrawn, and Hamas has undergone a massive shift since. Moreover, no matter how bad Hamas is, it does not excuse genocide. So no, it is not complicated when we identify a genocide.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It being a war doesn't negate the simple conclusion that it is a genocide. If you have reason to deny that, you should provide proper reasoning rather than the hand wavy "it's a war, surely it has to be complex!". There are complex aspects to a war that do not negate the simplicity of classifying it as a genocide. The conclusion is simple due to the mountains of undeniable evidence.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • if you stop the "genocide", innocent people will still die (Oct 7).

    This implies genocide started after October 7th. Please do basic research on the issue and you'll find that's not true. I'm happy to provide you links if you need.

  • I Think I Am Committing Voter Fraud
  • maintaining democracy

    What definition of democracy are we using here? Just so we're on the same page.

    I do not think trump was making a meaningful change on that level, in any case. The US never had a true people's rule it that's what you mean, for trump to take it away.

    Gaza is not the only issue.

  • I Think I Am Committing Voter Fraud
  • maintaining democracy

    What definition of democracy are we using here? Just so we're on the same page.

    I do not think trump was making a meaningful change on that level, in any case. The US never had a true people's rule it that's what you mean, for trump to take it away.

    Gaza is not the only issue.

  • U.S Troops Loot Syrian Oil and Wheat Continuously
  • You're still too busy analyzing the motives or agenda of the author instead of evaluating the information. Of-fucking-course the Syrian state TV is going to have an agenda that... Surprise: agrees with state policy. This is not the revelation you think it is.

    Guess what? Every source has a bias or agenda. For many it is money related. If you take any source for granted, you'd be a fool. Analyze the information for what it is.

    Now, the US is indeed stealing. There have been several videos posted before, and local witnesses arresting to it. This has nothing to do with whatever you think it is framing. This is actually happening.

    The US isn't robbing Syrians at gunpoint

    What the hell do you call installing your literal military and building 14 bases (more US bases per square mile of any similarly-sized region in the world), and has initiated multiple attacks on Syria since?

    It's only considered theft because the people eating and using the fuel are ethnically undesirable.

    Maybe to you. To me, it is considered theft because the oil fields which were once keeping all Syrians warm, cooking, and supplying them with electric power is now being given to an occupying military while most Syrians are struggling for a drop of heating or cooking oil, many dying of the winter cold.

  • U.S Troops Loot Syrian Oil and Wheat Continuously
  • When did the people of Aleppo hand over land to Russia? You do realize the SDF collaborated with Russia and even hosts a Russian military base?

    Also, the Assad government, despite all its horrors and corruption, actually cooperates with the SDF on a moderate level. There is already some trade between the two, and they fought side by side on a few occasions.

  • U.S Troops Loot Syrian Oil and Wheat Continuously
  • maybe for a good reason

    There's literally no good reason

    The US coalition's bombings has been far more cruel than even the Syrian regime and ISIS. Just compare the size of the destruction, the number of destroyed buildings between the liberation of Raqqa vs the battle of Aleppo. Despite Aleppo being a much bigger city, and the fight being far more fierce, Raqqa had far more destruction and was raised to the ground.

    I agree with you that the SDF does not have many friends, and I support them in milking as much US aid as they can. But selling off the oil when most Syrians are struggling for a drop of oil is cruel, and we should not accept this.

  • U.S Troops Loot Syrian Oil and Wheat Continuously
  • who are keeping detained ISIL under lock and key

    Yeah I am not going to excuse a US occupation with ISIS as pretext when it was the US that sponsored ISIS' creation.

    I'm completely lost about your last paragraph. It sounds like you're assuming I have some stances that I do not. I support Kurdish autonomy and independence. Tying that into letting more people in non-US-occupied regions fight for a drop of heating or cooking oil is ridiculous. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

  • What if Z fighters did not face off Cell after reaching perfect form?

    Was cell seeking out to destroy the earth? Or hurt people?

    I know he absorbed people to reach his perfect form. But it seemed that was all he wanted. Was cell planning to do anything evil after reaching perfect form?

    Why is Matrix mentioned more often than XMPP in self hosted forums?

    I'm looking into hosting one of these for the first time. From my limited research, XMPP seems to win in every way, which makes me think I must be missing something. Matrix is almost always mentioned as the de-facto standard, but I rarely saw arguments why it is better than XMPP?

    Xmpp seems way easier to host, requiring less resources, has many more options for clients, and is simpler and thus easier to manage and reason about when something goes wrong.

    So what's the deal?

    [Question] Why is Matrix mentioned more often than XMPP in self hosted forums?

    I'm looking into hosting one of these for the first time. From my limited research, XMPP seems to win in every way, which makes me think I must be missing something. Matrix is almost always mentioned as the de-facto standard, but I rarely saw arguments why it is better than XMPP?

    Xmpp seems way easier to host, requiring less resources, has many more options for clients, and is simpler and thus easier to manage and reason about when something goes wrong.

    So what's the deal?

    Which communication protocol or open standard in software do you wish was more common or used more?

    Whether you're really passionate about RPC, MQTT, Matrix or wayland, tell us more about the protocols or open standards you have strong opinions on!

    Does this exist: Truly anonymous content sharing platform or social network?

    Given the extistence of technologies like Monero and SimpleX chat, I wonder if it is possible for a truly anonymous content sharing platform to exist? And does it?

    Use cases:

    • sharing pirated content without a link back to you
    • journalists or political activists not wanting to be found or caught by a government

    The platform should not allow the following to know the details of what you do on this platform:

    • users on the platform: should not know the identity of a poster unless they disclose it
    • the host of the platform: should not know which content belongs to who, or be able to deduce it via traffic logs
    • Intermediates like the ISP, DNS, or your router should not be able to link any content to you. However it is okay if they know that you use the platform at all, just not what you do with it.

    Does something like this exist?

    Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!

    I thought I'll make this thread for all of you out there who have questions but are afraid to ask them. This is your chance!

    I'll try my best to answer any questions here, but I hope others in the community will contribute too!

    Those who custom configure their kernel: what did you gain?

    Curious to know the coolest things you achieved by configuring your kernel. I know kernel config can be boring, but I'm hoping someone will have an impressive answer.

    For me I have a very lightweight kernel that runs wayland on nvidia without any issues to date.

    Linux users with uncommon or unusual setups: tell us about it

    I'll start with mine. yes part of this was to brag about my somewhat but not too unusual setup. But I also wanna learn from your setups!

    Anyways: I primarily use Gentoo Linux.

    I have two headless servers: a Raspberry Pi 4B and a Oracle cloud VM (free tier). Both running OpenRC, and both were running mainline kernel with custom config (I recently switched the Pi to PiFoundation kernel due to some issues). The raspberry pi boots from SSD and has no sd card inserted.

    Both servers were running musl libc instead of glibc for a while. This gave me a couple of random issues, but eventually I got tired and switched back to glibc.

    I have a desktop running gentoo and a laptop running arch, but hoping to switch the laptop to gentoo soon.

    Both are daily driving wayland (the desktop had nvidia card and used for gaming). The desktop is running a kernel with a minimal config that compiles in 2-3 minutes.

    What's your unusual setup like?

    Your journey with Lemmy: When and why did you join? When did you leave and come back? Are you finally settled?

    My journey with Lemmy started in 2022 out of interest in the fediverse and paranoia around how much control social media companies have, and how little choice common people are left with over the Internet.

    Lemmy was much smaller back then. I really wanted it go get bigger, and tried to contribute to it. But it was small enough to be unsatisfying, so I would go back and forth between lemmy and Reddit.

    After the Reddit fiasco, I shifted more and more towards lemmy and less towards Reddit. I finally abandoned Reddit when third party apps broke. I only go there for specific questions in communities that aren't active on lemmy.

    What about you?

    Striker funds in the US we can donate to?

    I am looking to contribute to striker funds, if possible. I am located in the US, hence why I choose it.

    I am hoping for striker funds that would be effective enough to make change. In other words, they may be the last thing a group of workers needed to decide to strike.

    I am hoping the fund is efficient in managing its funds, rather than a significant fraction going to administrative costs. Very preferred if the fund's financials are fully transparent.

    Any recommendations?

    Good price laptops with good build quality and lightweight? [US]

    Can anyone recommend cheap laptops that have good build quality and see lightweight?

    I aim to use it for programming, but I connect to my desktop for most hefty work so it doesn't need to have solid performance. 8 GB RAM, 256 GB storage are enough for me. a lower grade CPU would still be good; a i3 that's 6 cores is enough.

    What's really important to me is build quality, especially the keyboard. I also don't want it to be big. 13" would be enough, but not too picky here.

    Any recommendations? And are there any communities that are better to ask this in?

    Budget: I am hoping to pay $400 or less, but willing to pay $1000 or even more if it's justified or the value is worthwhile

    OS: Linux. I can install it myself.

    How do you use your tiling window manager?

    Tiling window manager users: how exactly do you use yours?

    Do you have advanced keybindings for bringing up frequently used programs?

    Are there less common layouts you use frequently?

    Do you use any advanced or fancy features?

    How to secure (podman or docker) containers for public-facing hosting?


    I want to host public-facing applications on a server in my home, without compromising security. I realize containers might be one way to do this, and want to explore that route further.


    I want to run applications within containers such that they

    • Must not be able to interfere with applications running on host
    • Must not be able to interfere with other containers or applications inside them
    • Must have no access or influence on other devices in the local network, or otherwise compromise the security of the network, but still accessible by devices via ssh.

    > Note: all of this within reason. I understand that sometimes there may be occasional vulnerabilities, like in kernel for example, that would eventually get fixed. Risks like this within reason I am willing to accept.

    What I found so far

    • Running containers in rootless mode: in other words, running the container daemon with an unprivileged host user
    • Running applications in container under unprivileged users: the container user under which the container is ran should be unprivileged
    • Networking: The container's networking must be restricted. I am still not sure how to do this and shall explore it more, but would appreciate any resources.

    Alternative solution

    I have seen bubblewrap presented as an alternative, but it seems like it is not intended to be used directly in this manner, and information about using it for this is scarce.

    Playing an unsupported file

    Image Alt Text: "After downloading a 2.5GB movie

    Me: Presses play Movie unsupported file" A person is shown with eyes on her laptop punching the wall beside her, causing it to crack.

    Israel bombed Beirut with a Drone, targeting a Hamas official and killing 4-5 others

    This is a major escalation that could greatly expand the war and drag hezbollah deeper into the war, which was already involved in skirmishes with Israel in Lebanese regions that Israel occupies.

    Note: the verbiage of the article is minimizing the focus on Israel, and they spend half the article justifying the attack as "not an attack on Israel" an effort to minimize how much of an escalation this is.

    Which kernel configurations for USB SD card reader (Genesys Logic) ?

    EDIT: I enabled CONFIG_MSDOS_PARTITION and that caused it to work. It had nothing to do with the device itself but the partition type on the sd card.

    Thank you do much rattking for the help!

    Original post:

    Hi all, I am using a custom configured linux kernel (Gentoo), with very few things enabled. It has done me very well so far and taught me a bunch, but there's one small issue I have been having lately that is annoying. My SD-card reader (a USB device) is not working, but it works perfectly fine on my arch linux laptop without any kernel configurations.

    Is it possible to tell which drivers or kernel configurations I need by looking at the laptop that is working?

    More context about the issue

    On the machine where it is not working, after plugging the device in, I see this in lsblk output:

    NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 1 59.5G 0 disk nvme0n1 259:0 0 400G 0 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 1G 0 part /boot └─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 400G 0 part /

    The device does show sda but no sda/sda1. This is opposite to the laptop, where I do see a sda1 below the sda device, which I can mount using mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/point

    What I tried

    I tried enabling the following kernel configurations: MMC MMC_BLOCK MMC_SDHCI MMC_SDHCI_PCI MMC_RICOH_MMC MMC_SDHCI_ACPI

    Still, this did not change the result.

    I tried looking into the logs, but could not find anything interesting. I am using the sysklogd system logger instead of systemd's journalctl

    The reader I bought

    I bought this a long time ago from amazon:

    Yes I know I cheaped out. But it worked for me until I tried it on this one computer, so I wish to make it work.

    Final Question

    How can I make this work?

    Which vim-like extension for firefox? Tridactyl is the best?

    there are more options that I thought. Any reason to go with Tridactyl's competitors?

    Why isn't there a way to make near-native desktop UIs that's similar in ease to browser and electron UIs?

    it seems ridiculous that we have to embed an entire browser, meant for internet web browsing, just to create a cross-platform UI with moderate ease.

    Why are native or semi-native UI frameworks lagging so far behind? am I wrong in thinking this? are there easier, declarative frameworks for creating semi-native UIs on desktop that don't look like windows 1998?

    Downsides of self hosting fediverse from homelab / locally?

    I am wanting to self host a fediverse instance. I don't hope to make it big. Hoping for 200 users at most, and I won't advertise it heavily so it'll probably be a while before it gets there.

    Is it a bad idea to host something like this on local hardware at home? I have a lot of local-only self hosted services, and I wouldn't want those to be compromised.

    But my biggest fear is overloading my network. I already don't get the fastest signal in some parts of my house, and I am worried the extra traffic might put more pressure on the network.

    What are your thoughts on hosting local? Should I just avoid the headache and host on public instance?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    West Asia - Communist - international politics - anti-imperialism - software development - Math, science, chemistry, history, sociology, and a lot more.

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