Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
This is the sort of thing that makes me feel more sympathy for the Democratic party. The party simply can't win with the left.
The party leadership worked against Sanders candidacy because they are convinced a liberal can't win in America. I don't agree, but recognize with Nixon and Reagan dominating over leftist candidates, Carter ekeing out a win as a centrist, Clinton winning convincingly as a centrist, and Obama winning as a rather vague candidate, recent history has given limited reason think a leftist national candidate is a safe bet.
But if voters are supporting Cuomo and the party doesn't intervene the party is the wrong for not ignoring the will of the voters and tanking his candidacy.
I mean I get it. The left wants their candidates to win, but the lack of consistency is grating. It makes the centrist seem more sensible.
2016, 2020, 2024: bernie would have steamrolled trump. But the dems can't have an outsider - even one who's better at articulating their party goals and values - so here we are.
Yeah, it seems like there's one party actually holding greater than 60% of their bad actors accountable and another one rewarding bad behavior... But, sure, let's complain about how 60% is not enough instead of dealing with the reality we find ourselves in.
Yes, Cuomo was forced out, but he is attempting a comeback by running for Mayor of NYC against Eric Adams. Aren't there any non-shitty Democrats in the city who want that job?
If someone wants to be a politician that’s a disqualifying factor to being a politician. So yes he’s a fucking shitbag. People who want to improve our lives would rather do anything than politics because that’s just theatre for self absorbed sociopaths
Exactly. We got the most prolific traitor in American history dismantling America on behalf of the worst tyrant on the planet, with the help of enthusiastic Nazis, and we're supposed to be more concerned with what our guys are doing with their wieners? If they aren't raping children like Republicans, then put it aside and start making plans to drag the miserable traitors to their well-earned punishments.
Why do you assume all Democrats are trying to put out the fire? Schumer and 10 Senate Democrats just sold out the rest of the party and handed Trump a huge victory. We need to look at every single Democrat and make sure their buckets are full of water instead of gasoline before we decide to work with them.
Well for one, I think Schumer made a mistake here and if I lived in NY I’d be calling him up to tell him just that.
But I can see his logic as to why he went the way he did. He fears a govt shutdown is only going to let the foxes eat more of the henhouse.
I think the public would have forgave the dems and I think a shutdown would have helped raise things to the fever pitch needed to suck all of the oxygen out of the room up there. Time will tell I guess.
If you want to make sure they’re carrying water, then we gotta be the reservoir. You gotta add your drop to the bucket and I gotta add mine. That starts by calling, funding the causes you believe in, and then getting out in the streets and being real loud.
Lol. When you put Bill Clinton, Andrew Cuomo and every other horrendous caricature of evil in the democratic party as "our own", you've doomed yourself to losing in perpetuity.
"Registered Democrats were given a list of 11 Democrats who either have announced they are running for New York City mayor or are seen as a possible mayoral candidate. They were asked if the Democratic primary for mayor were being held today, for whom would they vote. Andrew Cuomo receives 31 percent support; Eric Adams receives 11 percent support; Zohran Mamdani receives 8 percent support; Jumaane Williams receives 7 percent support; Scott Stringer receives 6 percent support; Brad Lander receives 5 percent support; Jessica Ramos and Adrienne Adams each receive 4 percent support; and Zellnor Myrie, Michael Blake, and Whitney Tilson each receive 1 percent support. "
I'm not a New Yorker, but of that entire list I only recognize the names of Cuomo and Adams, and for both their misconduct. So this could be a situation of simple name recognition especially since only 31% said Cuomo.
Also on election day for the Presidency in 2024 we had this news:
"Google searches for Biden’s candidacy surged on Election Day: Though Google has not released the exact number of queries, the trend spiking on Election Day highlights a disconnect for some Americans in the lead-up to the election. Many supporters were left confused, with searches peaking in Pennsylvania’s urban centers and spreading state by state as the day continued." source
The quote about Biden's candidacy and at least a portion of the Cuomo answer to me sound simply like low information voters. So I don't see the poll results showings Cuomo's lead (again at only 31%) as the electorate forgiving him for his past transgressions, but more likely they don't even know about them and perhaps just want a known alternative to Adams.
Of course they will. The Democratic Party’s only bedrock ideological stance is preserving neoliberal capitalism. All of their other supposed policy positions are merely fundraising slogans. If you feel compelled to downvote this comment because you rightfully want to mount an opposition to the fascist Republicans, please consider how ineffective Democrats have been in that effort for 40 years and start reforming the party. If you need help, it starts with actual standards and policies.
Yeah. I’m not a realist by any means — if anything, I’m a constructivist and I think we can do better — but power exists. It may make me vomit in my own mouth and want to become a realist and sock someone but we can do better.
It’s like that Jesus guy said: washing hoes feet will get you to Heaven. (I don’t think he said those exact words but you know Mary Magdalene’s feet were clean and smelling fresh. Anointed with fragrances and oils and everything. Jesus loved feet.)
i dont think theres evidence of mary magdalene being a prostitute, i believe this misunderstanding came about due to mistranslations of 'young woman' or 'unmarried woman' or somthing.
Edit: Jesus washed her feet because they both were fantastic at cuddling and they were in a healthy platonic relationship where boundaries were clearly expressed and respected. It was sweet.