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America’s big problem is not Joe Biden, it’s the menace to democracy posed by Donald Trump
  • This is such a stupid take that I keep hearing. It's like saying, "Yes, the captain is steering us towards the iceberg, but the real problem is the iceberg." Well, we can't change the iceberg, but there's still time to change the captain.

  • Emotional overload
  • In my experience, the first time your child smiles at you, you're overwhelmed with joy and wonder, which is undercut moments late by the realization that your child is not smiling because of you, but because they just took a massive shit.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • We'll never know for sure, but polls had him beating Trump by a wider margin than Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020.

  • Trump is “absolutely” immune for “official acts” on Jan 6th, SCOTUS rules
  • God, we're so fucked. SCOTUS is turning the Presidency into an autocracy, Biden refusing to get out of the way for a capable candidate...that judge sentencing Trump to jail time in the Stormy Daniels case is basically the only thing that can save us from a right-wing theocracy at this point.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • Not what I said, but cool lie dude!

  • Holy voting choices!
  • No, the problem in front of us is that the only person standing between us American fascism just went on TV and made himself look old and senile. Ignoring that problem and plowing through with compromised candidate isn't dealing with one problem at a time, it's ignoring a problem and hoping it goes away.

  • Can Biden come back from a bad debate the way Reagan did in 1984?
  • Not sure comparing Biden's performance to the dementia President's is doing him any favors right now.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • LOL, first comment: "Well, akshualay, if you read the comics, you'd know that the Joker would get wrecked by Alfred."

    Second comment: "This nerd is correcting me!"

    Life comes at you fast, huh?

  • Holy voting choices!
  • Yeah, Alfred was also originally a fat amateur sleuth who wanted to figure out Batman's secret identity, and was then retconned into Bruce/Batman's confidant. He wasn't even a father figure to Bruce until the '80s, and the, "Alfred is a secret badass," thing is something they've been picking up and dropping since the 90s. This comment is actually a great metaphor for all of the political discussions on Lemmy; a guy who thinks he's an expert even though his base of knowledge goes back less than 10 years.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • Following your analogy to its logical conclusion, we're about to send Alfred out to take care of this Joker problem. It seems like we should find a Batman instead, or at least a Robin, before Alfred gets his ass handed to him.

  • rule
  • I don't know, but it seems weird that they wouldn't know that but still know what Super Saiyan Blue is.

  • rule
  • Pretty sure kids these days are going to be more familiar with Goku and Hulk than Mighty Mouse.

  • Please vote
  • No one here is saying that, they're saying that Biden did much worse than Trump in the debate, which is once again making people concerned about his age. And again, you'd understand where they were coming from if you'd actually seen the debate.

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  • You're welcome to bury your head in the sand if you want, but then you don't get to talk down to the people who aren't choosing willful ignorance. Either watch the debate to find out why people are questioning Biden's fitness or stop talking.

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  • Yeah, the difference is the GOP held a primary, and his voters chose a geriatric. The DNC didn't hold a primary, and ignored polling that showed their voters didn't want a geriatric. And since you've already admitted you haven't seen the debate, I don't actually care about what you've, "called out," in your comment, since you literally don't know what everyone else here is talking about.

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  • You should go ahead and watch the debate and then get back to us.

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  • Everything I said is a fact, except for the last sentence, which is opinion. And if you think I just started complaining about Biden's age and the lack of a Democratic primary, you're welcome to go through my comment history and find out how spectacularly wrong you are.

  • Please vote
  • No they didn't. There were no debates. Alternative candidates were kept off the ballot in multiple states. Florida and Delaware didn't even hold votes. If this had happened in a foriegn country we'd be calling it autocracy.

  • Fetterman to Democrats after Biden debate performance: ‘Chill the f‑‑‑ out’
  • Guy who has been acting erratically since his stroke: "Biden seems fine to me!"

  • Political Memes pjwestin
    I'm begging you to learn how to use this term.

    Tankie's original use was for British communists who supported Soviet military expansion. In the modern sense, it is used to describe communists who are authoritarian-apologists. For example, a communist who romanticizes the Soviet Union or makes excuses for the Uyghur genocide is a tankie. I've also seen it stretched to include militant anti-capitalists, or more commonly, "militant," anti-capitalists who call for violent resistance to capitalism from the safety of a keyboard.

    Democratic-Socialists are not tankies. Socialists are not tankies. I don't even think most communists qualify as tankies. Criticizing Democrats does not make you a tankie. Condemning Israel's human rights violations does not make you a tankie. Voting third party doesn't make you a tankie. I see this term used here every day, but never correctly.

    pjwestin pjwestin
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