My wife was digging around under our bed for something and asked me to help pull her out, so I ran up and cried "oh no step-wife, you're stuck" and briefly dry humped her (don't worry I pulled her out). She said she bruised her ribs from laughing so hard 😂
I should! Just gotta grab her wedding ring so I can size a ring for her!
Seriously though, we actually joke about that all the time. We were good friends back in high school (way back in the 2000s), but "took the long way around" (long story), then reconnected and finally got married a couple years ago. Worked out great.
It's not incest if there isn't genetic overlap. Sorry. Don't care. Fuck it, I'm borderline asexual and hardly even look at any porn, let alone this niche of it, so I don't even have a horse in this race. As an outside observer, it's a stupid pointless manufactured conflict with no grounding in reality, only as real as superstition. I will never have any respect for anyone who gets hung up on something so trivial.
Weirdly angry take supporting fucking people you might see on holidays for the rest of your life - I can assure you if you get married, your partner may not love this scenario.