Unpopular opinion: Republicans/Maga want to destroy the public sector. Why give the Republicans what they want? The dems stand for the public sector. Fight the Republicans but please use other means than shutting down a sector that is already under attack of Maga.
As a very dumb person, is what the Dems that voted for this said wrong? Is there a chance that Asshat Trump and his Billionaire Butt Buddy would go on an unchecked rampage without Congress in session? Or is that just bull crap? I don't know enough about how everything works when congress shuts down.
No, that is the flimsiest of excuses. First of all, how could the presidents rampage more beyond what has already transpired? Secondly, republicans love to throw tantrums and shut down the govt all the time. This wouldn’t be much different except it would show the dems are actually willing to fight with the tools they have. Unfortunately, Schumer’s maneuver shows they are not. It’s beyond pathetic.
Cloture vote required 60 for passage, final passage is only a majority. Cloture is literally the only time the minority party can assert itself, and they just gave it up.
The cloture vote required 60 senators. That was the only chance for Democrats to stop this bill. He (and the others) then voted no, so they could say he voted against the bill, but they knew damn well that only in the cloture vote they actually could stop it.
This is why we need a real party of the left rather than fascists and fascist-lites. Because when push comes to shove the fascist-lites will always side with the fascists and betray the common man
Jeanne Shaheen already announced that she's not running for reelection...and she STILL voted for the CR. Not to mention that 4 of the other Dems are from the bluest of states.
It's interesting that no one in the media talks about how Fetterman was one of the most progressive politicians, then he had a stroke and started taking the maga side on a lot of things.
It tracks with a lot of other anecdotal evidence (e.g. Tila Tequila becoming a nazi after an aneurysm, some lady in a recent Channel 5 video said she became pro-Trump following a head injury in a car accident, a couple of people in my personal life, RFK Jr. obviously). I'm not saying all magas are brain damaged - there's many different reasons I'm sure. But someone's gotta at least start asking the question. There is at least this study which ties brain damage to religious fundamentalism, which isn't exactly politics but it's pretty darn close.
I just contacted both my senators to thank them for their no votes and to encourage them both to work on removing Schumer from his minority leader position.
If you believe the Democratic leadership is truly against the Republican agenda, you are being duped. It’s all kayfabe. They’re all rich and corrupt, and they all stand to gain from this.
Senator Gay Penis of Michigan (TBH it's low hanging fruit; If he hasn't heard this one the he must have been grown in a lab as a fully fledged adult homunculus and never was a human child.)
Senator Maggie Hasbeen of New Hampshire
Senator Jeanne Smallpeen of New Hampshire
Senator Anus King of Maine, an independent who frequently caucuses with Democrats
And when they sabotage the primaries to keep their opponents from taking the nominations, you liberals will still vote for them because they're somehow a lesser evil despite fully cooperating with the greater evil.
The least bad choice was, and always will be, to never negotiate with terrorists, and always vote NO to anything the GOP ever proposes, ever and always.
They just gave Trump a blank check with our money. There's nothing difficult about this choice. They had leverage, they failed to apply it at any point.