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Lunch salad
  • Huh. Never heard of aquafaba before, gonna have to try that some time!

  • Tea versus Coffee
  • Yes not everyone gets this evidently! There's a large subset of the population that is sickened by the tannins on the tea, but evidently y'all can just chug that shit and be fine? Wild.

  • Tea versus Coffee
  • Yeah some people are more sensitive - it's the tannins that do it.

    I'm fine if the tea has a splash of creamer or something, but straight black tea makes me puke lol

  • ruletation
  • Well think about it from the Flatlander's perspective! They can't even perceive the cylindrical shape of their space. They wouldn't be able to go behind the cylinder from their perspective, all they could do is go forward far enough that the shape of space hides them.

    It's not just semantics imo, cuz it would apply to us as well. If you're ever confronted with a 4th dimensional being then the only way you can hide is to get far enough away. You can't see the curvature of spacetime so that's useless for you.

  • Tea versus Coffee
  • Tea, but no one mentioned the huge drawback that needs to be said.

    Do not drink black tea on an empty stomach. It causes nauseation and you might throw up. I know I always do.

    Herbal teas are safe tho

  • Supreme Court: Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' For Core Constitutional Powers
  • Joe Biden could shoot Donald Trump with a gun.

  • ruletation
  • Sure, but Flatlanders still can't hide behind anything in their environment. They'd be hidden by the very curvature of space, which is really the same as being too "far away" to be seen.

  • Increasing numbers of voters don't think Biden should be running after debate with Trump — CBS News poll
  • Waiting for a president who will provide it before you take any political step, even if what happens while you’re waiting is that you go into a concentration camp for being queer or communist, while the genocide in Palestine actually accelerates and starts being replicated in a lot of other places across the world; I don’t think that is a good idea. Do you think that is a good idea?

    If my red state puts me into a camp Joe fucking Biden wouldn't do shit about it, and the genocide might be completed before election day, so I'm not sure I understand the question.

    You seem to think Trump is infinitely worse. He's not. He's somewhat worse in some ways, and just as bad in others.

    A demon country ruled by monsters.

    I asked you a serious question. Who should win the election in November? If you were running the Democrat’s strategy, who would you nominate instead of Biden?

    A former first lady is not an unserious answer. She's actually probably do very well against Trump. She's likeable, doesn't have any real baggage, and obviously her husband would support her.

    They could also try the also-rans from 2020, so Warren or Buttigieg, or they could elevate someone from the House or the state-level, but I think you missed my point.

    Literally any well-known Democrat is a better option than a man that is in serious decline. Otherwise we'll be in an Emperor's new clothes situation where they try to gaslight us into thinking Biden is qualified.

    EDIT well hold on, I misspoke. I think Kamala Harris would maybe be a worse choice, and everyone knows it, which is why no one is putting her forward as a serious answer. She just doesn't have the juice.

    But like I said, realistically they'll pick Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney i.e. a different disaster

  • As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts
  • Not exactly, they can mind control you into being happy your boss steals your wages tho

  • Increasing numbers of voters don't think Biden should be running after debate with Trump — CBS News poll
  • But trying to extrapolate from that to that he’s a bad labor president when on every non economy ruining strike he’s been 100% on the side of the workers which is incredibly rare for a US president, I think is unfair.

    Labor is strongest when it ruins the capitalist economy. That's the fucking point. It's a class war and the enemy is winning, we need to hit back. Make the markets scream!

    Do you also have a problem with aligning contracts in 2028 so all the unions can launch a general strike? That would fuck the economy up pretty badly.

    I actually have an answer in mind that I like, far more realistic than some that I’ve heard, but I’m curious what your solution would be.

    Michelle Obama, why not?

    I don't really care, I just know that Biden is going to be even worse by the next debate. Running Biden is handing the presidency to Trump at this point.

    Although knowing the Democrats they'll do some dog-brained scheme like running Mitt Romney 💀

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • If Biden is the nominee the Democrats are going to lose.

    There's still time before the Convention! We can still fix this!

    And you won't even try because you're a cynic and have given up.

  • Lauren Boebert mocked for opposing comprehensive sex ed after her & her son's teen pregnancies
  • Yup, as far as they're concerned white girls need to become breeding slaves to save the so-called white race.

    It reeks of sexual pathology.

  • Increasing numbers of voters don't think Biden should be running after debate with Trump — CBS News poll
  • I feel pretty aggressive about Biden aiding and abetting genocide, supplying Israel with enough bombs to turn Gaza into a death camp. I feel pretty aggressive about Biden just coming out against gender affirmation surgery for minors for no fucking reason. I'm also still feeling pretty fucking aggressive that he broke the railroad strike, but that was years ago so you probably forgot about it.

    Biden being medically unfit for the office has basically nothing to do with me not wanting him to be president.

    But at least it's something I can shove in your fucking face so maybe you'll pressure the Democratic Party to replace their nominee. Whatever is the straw that breaks the camel's back is good enough for me. We haven't had a Convention yet! There's still time to replace him! If you don't, he is absolutely going to lose and it won't be anyone's fault but Biden and his blue MAGA cult.

  • ruletation
  • Well, yeah. Once you add another dimension the one below it becomes "flat."

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • I’m not “giving up”, I simply recognize the situation for what it is. I’m a realist, not a delusionist. Our situation is fucked either way, and the only choice we have is laid out plainly in front of us. We have the option of bad, or worse. I know what I’m choosing.

    You are giving up, regardless of your reasoning. You think good things are impossible and we should just settle for less bad things.

    This only guarantees that the worst outcome becomes inevitable. You create a shield for Democrats to hide behind that allows them to ignore calls from their base, which in turn obliterates voter enthusiasm and participation. When no one shows up to vote for your cynical candidates you have no one but yourself to blame.

    You need to join us in forrcing the Democratic Party to listen to constituents or Republicans are going to win.

  • Biden Administration Opposes Surgery for Transgender Minors
  • The moderate position between medical science and ideology is still nonsense.

    Puberty is life altering. My body was permanently changed by testosterone in ways that I can never fix and now I have to live the rest of my life with those scars.

    Trust doctors.

  • ruletation
  • Distance still works! Think about Flatland - they can't hide "behind" anything, but we still couldn't see the people 20 miles away.

  • What are some marketing tactics that you dislike ?
  • "Pay us to not let the homeless starve."

  • Potato Shipwreck

    Carmelized onions and garlic, cubed potatoes, bell peppers, and egg substitute; topped with hot-sauce, with a cup of white chai on the side.

    Chili Topped With Airfried Beans

    Just a simple chili made with four tomatoes, one onion, half a bell pepper, a three chipotles in abado sauce, a clove of garlic, a couple tbsp of chili powder, a tbsp of oil, and then topped with nooch and air fried kidney beans.

    I think I'll spring for mango or pineapple next time.

    Spicy Soy Sauce Ramen

    Did you know soy sauce Top Ramen is vegan? Maruchan isn't so don't get em confused!

    The greens are raw sweet peas and green onion.

    Veggie BLTs

    I've been slowly adding more and more veggies through experimentation, but now I'm at the point where I either need to use bigger tortillas or just be more picky about which veggies I want 😅 this is the configuration I'm using right now, though in the summer I like to use avacado instead of sauce.


    I heat the tortillas in a pan with a light coat of walnut oil and black pepper and assemble my fixins in the pan itself. !

    Sauce is also homemade! I save all the vinegar from pickled jalapenos and then mix that with equal parts coconut oil in a heated pan, then combine it with whatever seasoning I'm feeling like during that batch (rn I'm using nooche, though sometimes I go for an onion sauce or mustard). It's not super precise so there's no recipe, I've just got a feel from experimentation.

    Also the fake-on bits are actually a cheap local veriety I've found. Basically just smoke and salt flavored crunchy soy chips.

    Once I'm done, I pack up my chopped veggies to do this again in a couple days. I usually make four at a time every two days, and these are my pre-shift and mid-shift work meals. Served with a thicc pea protein chocolate drink.


    Biden considering executive action to close southern border, sources say Biden considering executive action to close southern border, sources say | CNN Politics

    The White House is considering executive action that would allow President Joe Biden to effectively shut down the border to migrants crossing unlawfully, according to three sources familiar with the matter—a maneuver reminiscent of controversial action from the Donald Trump ...

    Biden considering executive action to close southern border, sources say | CNN Politics

    And you all told me the blue maga border bill that Republicans rejected was 4d chess.

    Beans and rice on tortilla chips

    Kidney beans and rice with taco seasoning, caramelized onion and garlic, and I found out I can get dried habaneros near me! Definitely growing those this year, I forgot how good they are (haven't had any since before the pandemic 🥲 )

    Also that Perrona sauce is... okay. It's really sweat, throws off everything. Also not nearly as spicy as I was hoping! It's a cool color, you can't really tell but it's actually green, but it just didn't hurt me the way I like 😌

    Bean & Rice Tacos

    Pintos and white rice seasoned with cumin, cayenne, garlic, nooch, salt, msg, walnut oil, and then served with taco fixins on hard shells 💪

    Butter beans, raw brocc, and white rice

    I used to think I didn't really like beans, but when I got an airfryer I decided to see what they'd be like if I cooked them differently. Amazing~✨

    Smaller beans become a delicious crunchy topping or filling, highly recommended, but what's really interesting is those huge butter beans. They're disturbingly similar to chicken breast when cooked this way, so I cooked up some white rice, cut up some ice cold broccoli, and fried up some butter beans 8 minutes with walnut oil at 400o F

    And that's it! Super simple but so so sooo good.

    7 Israel orders more Gazans to flee, bombs areas where it sends them

    Israel ordered people out of swathes of the main southern city in the Gaza Strip on Monday as it pressed its ground campaign deep into the south, sending desperate residents fleeing even as it dropped bombs on areas where it told them to go.

    Israel orders more Gazans to flee, bombs areas where it sends them

    In Khan Younis, many of those taking flight on Monday were already displaced from other areas. Abu Mohammed told Reuters it was now the third time he had been forced to flee since abandoning his home in Gaza City in the north.

    "Why did they eject us from our homes in Gaza (City) if they planned to kill us here?" he said.

    At a home in Khan Younis that was struck overnight, flames licked the collapsed masonry and grey smoke billowed out from the rubble. A child's stuffed toy of a sheep lay in a pile of dust. Boys were picking through the wreckage. Next door, Nesrine Abdelmoty stood amid damaged furniture in the rented room where she lives with her divorced daughter and two-year-old baby.

    "We were sleeping at 5 a.m. when we felt things collapse, everything went upside down," she told Reuters. "They told (people) to move from the north to Khan Younis, since the south is safer. And now, they've bombed Khan Younis. Even Khan Younis is not safe now, and even if we move to Rafah, Rafah is not safe as well. Where do they want us to go?"

    6 ‘All men 16 years and above, raise your hands’: how al-Shifa raid unfolded

    Israeli troops entered Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital in a ‘targeted operation’ at 3am and remained there well into the afternoon

    ‘All men 16 years and above, raise your hands’: how al-Shifa raid unfolded

    The end of the article jumped out at me:

    >The Palestinian health ministry said 40 patients died on Tuesday, after five days without the fuel needed to power generators that fed dialysis machines and other vital medical equipment. The hospital had also run out of clean water, and doctors said they were subsisting on dates to survive as food supplies dwindled to nothing.

    >Corpses were piled in front of the hospital, with staff too terrified to move between buildings. The UN’s office for humanitarian affairs said staff at al-Shifa, for decades the linchpin of Gaza’s medical system, had begun preparations for a mass grave to entomb 180 bodies in front of the facility, as there was no way for them to leave in order to bury the dead.

    14 36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burnt out by overtime

    Americans say they are being required to work an exorbitant amount of overtime to compensate for staffing shortages that have plagued the economy.

    36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burnt out by overtime

    Of particular note:

    >The Association of American Railroads, which represents freight railway operators, said its members have been hiring in recent years to address staffing needs and recognize employees' desire for better scheduling. The group said the number of overtime hours worked by BMWE union members increased to 4.7 hours per week in 2022, compared to 4 hours in 2016.

    >Cory Ludwig, who works as a machine operator repairing railway tracks in Iowa, said he’s been working Saturdays and some Sundays along with 10- to 12-hour shifts since September. Recently, he worked 13 days without a day off. With the mandatory Saturday work, he’s had to rely on friends and relatives to take care of his five-year-old and nine-year-old kids. He said the overtime demands have increased as he’s seen the number of workers assigned to his crew go down.

    >“You fall asleep and then you wake up in the morning and you go right back to work. It can really break a person down, it gets really wearing on a person after a while,” Ludwig said. “With less people trying to do the same amount of work, working long hours, working multiple weeks in a row without one day off, you get irritated and you get burnt out.”

    >Recently one of the union’s members had been working 22 hours straight when he fell asleep on the job, an error that could have put his colleagues’ lives at risk but also could have been avoided had the employee had a rest period, said Ballew. Another member was recently disciplined for refusing to work through his scheduled days off on short notice so he could care for a family member having health issues, Ballew said.

    >“The stress it puts on marriages and parenting and the things you leave behind for your spouse to deal with or the things you miss, that kind of stress builds up,” said Ballew. “In the rail industry, we have noticed recently a spat of suicides and I can’t help but think there is a correlation there.”

    Thank God Biden stopped the railroad strike!

    I swear if I hear another fucker say that the railroad workers got everything they wanted because Biden helped them negotiate I'll lose it.

    Good thing I voted for the lesser evil in 2020! Gosh if I had stuck to principles we'd have had a genocide or something 😒

    Was listening to Democracy Now and an Al Jazeera journalist said something that had me screaming Al Jazeera Reporter on Israeli Strike That Killed Gaza Bureau Chief’s Family

    We speak with Al Jazeera correspondent Youmna ElSayed in Gaza, where an Israeli airstrike killed the family of the news outlet’s Gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh on Wednesday. The Qatar-based news network is one of the few international outlets with reporters in Gaza. The Israeli strike on the Nuseira...

    Al Jazeera Reporter on Israeli Strike That Killed Gaza Bureau Chief’s Family

    I recommend listening to the whole thing, but here's the nug:

    >YOUMNA ELSAYED: Yes, I just want to say one thing. I want to say this, and I want the world to remember my words. In my culture, in my language, we say, ”Kama tadinu tudan, walaw ba’ada heen.” In your culture, in your language, they say, “What goes around comes around.” And when it comes around, like this whole world is watching the genocides happening in the Gaza Strip, we shall be watching, too.

    Israel fucked up. God damn journalists saying this openly? I mean, obviously the Western press won't cover this, but this is after Biden went whining to Qatar to reign in Al Jazeera lol

    I held my nose for that shit in 2020 "to stop fascism" but fuck, this motherfucker endorsed genocide anyway. Not making that mistake again 🤢

    Did Israel bomb a civilian evacuation route in Gaza? | Financial Times Did Israel bomb a civilian evacuation route in Gaza?

    Evidence points to IDF weapons as blasts hit multiple cars along main road south

    Did Israel bomb a civilian evacuation route in Gaza?

    The nug:

    >While assertions have been made by both sides about the incident and death toll, the available evidence is less clear. However, analysis of the video footage rules out most explanations aside from an Israeli strike.

    >The devastation underlines the heightened risk civilians are facing as tens of thousands flee the north, on Israeli orders, during hostilities. The bodies of at least three children can be seen in multiple clips verified by the FT.

    >At least 1,400 Israelis have been killed, according to the government, including many women and children. At least 2,500 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombardment, about half of them women and below the age of 18, according to Palestinian officials.

    >On Saturday, Israel told Gazans that it would refrain from bombing two evacuation routes for six hours, including Salah-ad-Din street, where these explosions took place, so that civilians could continue to move south

    A 57-year-old UPS driver in Texas died after collapsing in the heat while making deliveries

    >Following months of negotiations with Teamsters, UPS announced in June that it would install air conditioning in new trucks starting next year. The company said it would send new trucks to the hottest parts of the country first, if possible. The company also said it would retrofit its existing package cars with cab fans, exhaust heat shields, and cargo area ventilation.

    >"While these improvements will make a difference in the months and years ahead, we had to fight like hell to secure them," the Teamsters union said in its social media post Thursday. "Chris Begley should still be alive to experience them. All companies, including UPS, need to remember that their past failings to protect workers can have deadly serious consequences in the future."

    Chris Bagley should still be alive and it's a damn shame the Teamsters failed to protect him from social murder. Only new trucks? Only next year? They drove trucks without fans, heat shields, and ventilation? What the fuck.

    The Teamsters could have, at the very least, demand a total halt on driving trucks without fucking fans. "Oh but that'll cause package delays!" Well I guess we just have to murder drivers for the sake of logistics.

    If anyone tells me how great and historic the new contract is one more fucking time I'll fucking lose it.

    United States | News & Politics queermunist she/her
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on How She’s Changed - The New York Times

    >I want to read you two recent headlines from New York magazine. They were written within a week of each other. The first is “A.O.C. Is Just a Regular Old Democrat Now,” and that accuses you of compromising on your progressive ideals as you work within the party system. And then came the rebuttal, which was “The ‘A.O.C. Left’ Has Achieved Plenty,” which argued that your wing has pushed the party leftward. Why do you think your role is still being parsed this way by Democrats and by those on the left?

    >>Part of it is because we haven’t really had a political presence like this in the United States before. I think very often you had this consummate insider that was bankrolled by corporate money and advancing this, frankly, very neoliberal agenda. And those were the people that we were used to seeing in power. And so I think over time there’s been an inherent association between power, ascent and quote-unquote selling out.

    >>I often say to my grass-roots companions that the left, for a very long time, was not used to having power in the United States. And so when we encounter power, we’re so bewildered by it —

    Yes, the reason we are suspicious of you is because we're too fucking stupid to understand. Thank you boss queen!!!

    >Moving your ideas internationally, even if they might conflict with the foreign policy of the leader of your own party?

    >>I wouldn’t necessarily characterize my foreign policy goals as oppositional to the president’s or to the United States. I am a member of Congress. I have sworn an oath to this country, and I take that oath very seriously.

    That says it all, doesn't it?

    >Do you feel more comfortable in the Democratic Party now? The way you described it initially was fraught. They rejected you, and you were definitely trying to change the party. You have said you’ve pushed the party leftward. Many would agree. So is it OK to be a regular Democrat now?

    >>The activist in me always seeks to agitate for more. I think despite there being progress, many people are still woefully underserved in this country. But the Democratic Party has changed dramatically in the last five years. Even if you just look at the numbers, I believe it’s something around 50 percent of House Democrats have been elected since 2018. And so what is considered center and moderate now is dramatically different than what it was five years ago.

    No no wait, that says it all.

    Being center and moderate is good now folks!

    14 Big win for Kimberly Sheets bucks Warren County trend

    Republicans thought they could win Warren County with a 2020 election denier. Kimberly Sheets proved them wrong.

    Big win for Kimberly Sheets bucks Warren County trend

    >County GOP activists could have picked a less controversial nominee for the auditor's race, but they stuck with Whipple. The move backfired spectacularly.

    Overreaching is the norm for the Party now because the base doesn't give a shit about electability anymore. That's good for Democrats... until Republicans stop caring about elections entirely.

    Over half of likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers believe Trump won 2020 election Poll: More than 50% of likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers believe Trump won 2020 election

    51% of likely Republican caucusgoers believe Trump's claims about the 2020 election being stolen, a new poll finds.

    Poll: More than 50% of likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers believe Trump won 2020 election

    Imagine the thought process of "the election was stolen, so I'll vote harder next time"

    Extremely American

    What the hell is this horror show shit that keeps showing up in Pocket?

    Look at it! What is that? It looks kind of like a cross section of a human, kind of, except the eyes are pools of blackened fire and the brain is sending electrical pulses out to... are those Jupiters? Why? Why??? This is absolute nightmare shit lol

    queermunist queermunist she/her

    /u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!

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