Wait until they cut Medicaid. People are going to be gnawing on rechargeable AA batteries like it’s chewing tobacco. Maybe C or even D batteries if they need more OnlyFans subscriptions to make rent. It’s going to be like when N.O.R.E. found out Doja Cat was in racial chat rooms showing feet. People are going to find out their crazy but hot girlfriend ate whole car batteries for 8chan.
This is the America Ted Cruz wants. Vote for me and I will make sure Doja Cat gets the purest lithium.
There’s probably a lot that could be recovered from my urine. Fun fact when phosphorus was first discovered they had to boil off gallons of urine to get a useful amount, so they collected barrels of urine from mining camps.
Because externalities of lithium extraction like using aquifers for evaporation ponds and the pollution from the leftover brine aren't included in the cost of new lithium production, thus making less environmentally impactful methods of recovery too expensive to justify.
When refining a process, it becomes exponentially more difficult and expensive the closer you get to 100% efficiency. 0-95% costs less than 95-99%, which costs less than 99%-99.99%