That little thing looks like they had a good fuckin' sleep. I think it's official. 24,000 years is the correct amount of sleep to be getting.
As a Brit, for whom the colloquial for pennies is "pence" like "ten pence" is 10p, I feel he's missing a trick not putting his fat leather apron of a face on the nickel or dime. Because then you could have "Trump pence". You could call it a Trumpence
I'd also like him to drop dead. It seems our goals are singularly aligned.
Only because he's too short to reach Trump's arsehole
A new survey from analyzed more than 3,000 LinkedIn profiles to find out
Certain names appear more frequently in positions of power, reflecting deeper societal and workplace biase
This is literally just a listing of name popularity
Make it a count of CEOs per thousand of each name and you got yourself a meaningful number
Dude was 95. An inclement winter could have caused his death.
Fire up the chimney, boys. That dude is done.
Coming soon: the new planetary redundancy offering from Microsoft Azure. Ensure the resiliency of you application and data in the event that one or more heavenly bodies is wiped from the solar system.
Prepare that mind for further blowage
Could have been "garbage truck" but that made it sound too useful.
Oh you just know Baroness Bertin is a horsie girl
I personally find copilot is very good at rigging up test scripts based on usings and a comment or two. Babysit it closely and tune the first few tests and then it can bang out a full unit test suite for your class which allows me to focus on creative work rather than toil.
It can come up with some total shit in the actual meat and potatoes of the code, but boilerplate stuff like tests it seems pretty spot on.
I feel like clicking that link would make it super evident that you have 'sensitive content' to hide.
Needs more tiny piano
Damn that hat made think I was on mildlypenis
"Come see the violence inherent in the system!"