People keep coming up with new ways to keep their Teslas but I'm not buying any of it. I can't tell a 3yo Tesla from brand new. The second he started spewing Nazi propaganda on X you should've sold yours. Don't act like this is all coming out of the blue.
I would use a Fisher-Price Powerwheels logo. No one is going to be fooled either way but Powerwheels were making electric vehicles for people without fully developed brains before Elon Musk even bought Tesla from the real founders. Gotta pay homage to the innovators in the field.
Plus, maybe some would-be vandals will get nostalgia for their childhood toys and decide not to piss on my theoretical cybertruck’s door handles. (Assuming it has door handles. For all I know, you have to pay $1.99/month for an in-app subscription to open the doors.)