I’d almost think our equivalent to 1984’s “reduced vocabulary” is the question of “Are you left wing or right wing?”
Coming to the forefront as we champion the statistic that, when talking about policies past outrage headlines, a lot of Americans agree on major issues.
He's also not providing military support to and not sharing intelligence with Russia, so that means he's actively and intentionally supporting Ukraine.
I think you're kind of missing the point. I was pointing out the obvious self contradiction in the Bush-Cheney era "you're either with us or against us" war criminal rhetoric. I'll spell it out some more.
You personally are not providing weapons to Israel, nor intelligence. Does this mean that you personally are actively aiding and abetting Palestine?
When America invaded Vietnam, Angola did not provide weapons and intelligence to Vietnam. Does that mean Angola was actively aiding and abetting Vietnam?
When America invaded Iraq, France did not provide weapons and intelligence to America. Does that mean France was aiding and abetting Iraq?