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Wekelijkse post: hoe gaat het?
  • Gelukkig inmiddels weer beter. Ik heb de huisarts gesproken, die adviseerde rust. Dus ik heb een paar dagen vrij genomen. Ik had teveel hooi op mijn vork genomen.

    Inmiddels gaat het een heel stuk beter. Moet ik vaker doen 😄

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You're misunderstanding them... They're talking about clipboard sharing between iPhone and Mac. You select some text on your phone, copy it and then you can paste that text on your Mac.

    They're not talking about copying and pasting files.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I got tired of Google/Android constantly removing functionality I was actively using. (I had specifically bought a Pixel 4a 5g because of certain features not available on other (non-pixel) android devices, only to have those features be removed or hidden deeper into the system with a new android update. Also the quick access buttons at the top of te notification slide suddenly being text only instead of icons thus taking up more space for much less buttons (we went from 8 to 6 to 4 directly accessible))

    So I went to iOS, first with a second hand iPhone 7, which is still holding up. (unlike any of the android devices from the same year)

    Which convinced me enough to pick up an iPhone 14 pro.

    I already had an iPad (because android tablets were horrible) and I enjoyed the integration between iPhone and iPad.

    I've actually also been looking at replacing my work laptop with a MacBook, but I'm not sure if that's going to work for me.

  • What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?
  • First operating system was DOS 4 or 5, I think. On big 5.25” floppy disks on an 8088. Unless we’re counting whatever was running on a commodore vic20.

    My first Linux distribution was Red hat Linux, somewhere around 1997, 1998 and I had a really tough time getting it installed.

    I also once had a trial version of os/2 warp. Which was fun but pointless.

  • Nokia rule
  • They really burned me with their Nokia 9 Pureview. That camera set up was shit and less than 1 year of support?! And I really liked the Nokia 7, with that copper tone around the edges? That was sexy. But after the 9? Never again Nokia.

  • Wekelijkse post: hoe gaat het?
  • Ik heb vandaag mijn wachtwoord voor mijn feddit account weer gevonden (nu veilig opgeslagen in Bitwarden) Maar ook vandaag erg veel last van een hoge bloeddruk, waardoor ik vlekken voor mijn ogen heb, en daardoor minder zie :(

    Hopelijk gaat het met jullie beter? :)

  • Explosie en uitslaande brand na explosie auto in Rotterdam Zuid VIDEO UPDATE: Explosie en uitslaande brand in Rotterdam-Zuid

    Op de Schammenkamp in Rotterdamse wijk Zuidwijk is maandagavond een grote explosie geweest bij een appartementencomplex. Daardoor is er een grote uitslaande brand ontstaan. Volgens de politie is er tot zo ver bekend één persoon gewond geraakt. Onder het complex zitten bedrijven.

    VIDEO UPDATE: Explosie en uitslaande brand in Rotterdam-Zuid
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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