You have to be a special kind of idiot to vote for Republicans thinking they are going to manage the economy well.
I know people like to say "but that's not real" - but until Bronzo the Clown started up, we had an economy with a lot of great indicators. Biden had a lot to deal with during covid and the aftermath, but compared to many other countries, our metrics were quite good.
It is headline news when this man "admits" to the truth we are all seeing with our eyes. How can people look at this guy and see anything but a con artist.
The talking Cheeto uses have fun here in the sense that all of the farmers can just change what they are growing. Overnight and immediately just change to new crops. He thinks that the farmers will suddenly be able to stop producing products just for export. No thought about what it would actually take to change crops.
This is the same train of thought he has about manufacturing. Rise some tariffs, and boom, by the end of the week all the factories are up and running in the US. No thought about anything, it will just be great. No thought on costs, or logistics, or suppliers or anything. Just those factories will come back. And if the raw products you need aren’t available in the US, they will just move here too. Even the minerals in the ground.
If he can bankrupt a casino (and everything else he touches - call it the Trump touch, its like Midas but instead of gold it's shit) i dont have any hopes of him being profitable in an industry that the product literally grows on trees
......but, but, gas will be cheap. Mostly because average folks won't have enough money to buy a car, buy food or go anywhere - if they even have a job..
“To the Great Farmers of the United States: Get ready to start making a lot of agricultural product to be sold INSIDE of the United States. Tariffs will go on external product on April 2nd,” Trump wrote.
“Have fun!” he added.
Doesn't sound like an admission to me. Sounds like he's just shifting the burden of responsibility to farmers and acted like this was doing them a favor.
Because capacity to manufacture and produce whatever “product” he handwaves in the general direction of will magically appear?
I am continuously frustrated and amazed at the absolute fucking stupidity of this man. He attacks the labor force that is exploited in agriculture thereby leaving food unharvested and unprocessed, jacks up prices on imports, and now tells farms to magically “make more now”?
TF…we might actually see real food scarcity become a thing here in the US again. Starvation is what’s for dinner for an increasing number.
that kinda needs a stable climate, and not a fireball with record breaking extremes every fucking yearseason.
so, is he gunna go all-in on ev, clean up industrial pollution and greenhouse gasses, shut down all the coal-burners, quit drilling for even more fucking oil?
is he gunna stay in the paris agreement, stay in the un, stay in nato (allies cooperate with each other on more than just defense)?
is he gunna let schools teach to all students, let all students learn, let libraries shelf and circulate all books, restore all the now deleted 'climate change' and other data and research, restore noaa, usda, fda and other gutted agencies?
maybe he'll let farmers repair their own equipment, harvest seeds from their own crops, or anything helpful.. at all?
What we need is another Luigi. Several of them. Put the fear of God into these assholes, that they may never deign to allow the sun to touch their faces again. Let none that look gaze upon them.
As an alternative can I offer you an aggressively trust busting Teddy?
Assuming America avoids committing to the kleptocracy path I'm hoping we can eat the rich at the end of this road.
It's really feeling like this won't end softly - it's unlikely some random centrist dem wins in 2028 and everyone says "Fair match, sport". Either America as we knew it dies or there's going to be a radical revolution. I guess my point is... there will be a radical revolution, I just hope it's a good one.
Either America as we knew it dies or there’s going to be a radical revolution.
There is no or. The America as we knew it is dead. The level of such is the question and what it looks like after.
But the America we knew had far reaching power through trade and alliances. The America we knew had backing of friends. The America we knew may not have always been in the right and not always successful, but there was expectations of it roughly keeping its deals internationally and rule of law at home. All that is gone.
Now the America today is one that will immediately drop deals on a whim, will turn its backs on its allies to shake hands with enemies, has no friends, has no allies, and no expectation for rule of law.
France... US's oldest ally even before it was a country has committed that if we invade Greenland that they'd commit troops and are looking at offering their nuclear weapons as an umbrella to Europe because the US cannot be trusted. There is no going back to "whoopsies, we made a mistake" like we were able to do last time we got Trump out of office.
Buckle up. We're about to see how far down we can fall.
Fun fact: $1M in assets equates to $40k/year income in retirement at a 4% safe withdrawal rate.
Considering that MAGAs are both trying to destroy Social Security and fucking up the stock market (meaning that 4% may very well need to get smaller in the future), everybody who isn't literally a millionaire (or more!) by the time they retire is likely to die in poverty.