Jfc this is how your country got here in the first place. Absolutely relentless bothsidesing. What will it take for you to give up on the idea that they're "basically the same"? Insurrection didn't do it, fascism isn't doing it. What will it take??? Morons
Lol. They think this is edgy. Democrats are human beings, they fuck up. Right now? Absolutely torch them for sitting idly by and not connecting to people in large meaningful ways. But like... Really? Democrats have been the ones fighting to give you universal medicine, lower taxes, cleaner air, higher skilled jobs and higher paying jobs, more housing, and even fucki g protecting the border while not infringung on human rights lol.
Yeah this is totally warranted given the recent news. I mean, one side trying to expand medicare, the other gutting it. One side trying to close Guantanamo bay, the other opening concentration camps on it. One side trying to get money out of politics, the other side destroying democracy for want of more money.
Totally helpful, totally warranted, OP. Well done. Way to go. You're so cool and centrist.
yeah sure, I love wasting time arguing with bad faith actors! You're clearly in the special group of the best thinkers, it's so fun to spend time talking with people like you!
Began a campaign of drone assassinations in the Middle East and Africa, in which 90% of those killed were not the intended targets, but innocent civilian bystanders, including women, children, and US citizens. 1. Drone strikes are used by the military and the CIA to hunt down and kill people the Obama administration has deemed — through secretive processes, without indictment or trial — worthy of execution. He authorized 10 times more drone strikes than George W Bush, 2. The Obama assassination program is detailed in the drone papers.
Biden's legacy:
The democrats are a brutal, vicious, genocidal party.
Not three months ago Gaza had a death toll well past fifty thousand by the most conservative estimates, not to mention the huge amounts of women and children maimed, malnourished and the wholesale destruction of the entire strip's infrastructure.
Did the republicans do that or did y'all deny reality so much in the pursuit of tHe mOsT iMpOrTanT ElEctiOn oF oUr LiFeTimE that you don't know what fucking color the sky is unless you ask the DNC first.
The republicans are not diametrically opposed to the democrats, they're just the same shit but more brash, and (with Trump at the helm) too fucking incompetent to not say the quiet part out loud, maybe because they know their base is so rabid on American fascism that dogwhistles aren't enough anymore, they need a fucking trumpet.
What I'm saying is that the Republic Party is trying to dismantle democracy. You don't have to be a fan of the politics of the Democratic Party to want to at least retain the shrivel of a democracy the US had before.
With this current trump slop, the democrats can shift farther right than they've ever been and gain tons of moderates and even conservatives who just feel sour on trump, and obviously they get the liberal moderates, because trump slop.
Republicans shift right by 10, dems shift right by 6 and seem progressive in comparison.
Billionaires continue getting richer, and we all get fucked. Eat, sleep, repeat.
Given the reality of the world we live in, Dems are the best we have right now.
Obama pulled this country out of the worst economy it’s been in since the 30’s. Brought healthcare to countless Americans (my wife would no longer be with us due to the cancer she had - Medicaid allowed her to be treated). He legalized gay marriage. Allowed gay and lesbian people to openly serve in the military. Gave the order that killed Osama bin Laden. We’ve all seen firsthand cities and towns be fixed up from the stimulus bills he passed in 2009. I could go on and on.
Hard for someone like Biden to follow that up being the next Democrat in line.
Meanwhile Trump has done everything to gut the work that Obama did, and make life worse for Americans in general. The last few weeks have felt like years in some sense with all the garbage he’s pulled. He’s bringing back another set of corporate tax cuts that are gonna fuck over a bunch of middle and lower class families.
They aren’t comparable.
At least we have a fighting chance for change under Democrats. They just need to give the old goons the boot.
Say all you want about us providing aid in conflicts worldwide, but that’s what we’ve always done. We all have it great here in terms of safety because of those decisions. I can count on one hand how many times we’ve had foreign powers attack us on our soil since the revolutionary war. Hamas is a proxy of Iran/Russia, so of course we’re gonna back Israel. Same reason we’re backing Ukraine over Russia.
Oh my fucking god, the comments in here are so bad. Nobody is saying "both sides bad". This is not a centrist meme. This is a case of observing that Republicans are far-right fascists and Democrats are center-right conservatives.
Even if it would, how would it ever get passed when the people who would need to pass it are the ones who are only in office because the system works the way it currently does?
This is just a recurring theme I've found when talking with liberals. They like to think about and suggest all sorts of policy ideas as though all we're missing are some smart ideas nobody has thought of. It's one thing to say we should have this, but it's another to have any idea of how it'd be possible to do. Since they have no actual analysis of the system, they'll just turn around and tell you to vote or call your representative. "We should get money out of politics!" "Yeah, well we checked with the people giving us money and they said no. So..."
I imagine it wouldn't be difficult at least at the primary level. The same party has the power and they can get rid of less desirable candidates like Fetterman.
It doesn't. There are plenty of bourgeois democracies that don't use FPTP for all their voting: Japan, Australia, South Korea for some of their elections. Doesn't make a difference (except it might make the bribery a bit more expensive, since you have to buy off more political parties than just two).
The fundamental problem is capital standing above political power. If it does so, then no amount of alternative voting systems can fix the issue. Socialism is the only answer.
No, RCV wouldn't. The fundamental problem of electoral politics being a game between factions pre-approved by the bourgeoisie won't change, there are even safeguards preventing unwanted change that losing parties and government branches can pull in the rare event a worker party won.
It's the perfect carrot, it won't get passed nor would it change much.
You have a few options for enacting ranked choice voting at the national level:
Win hundreds, possibly thousands, of state-level House and Senate seats with the largest grass roots voter mobilization ever seen in the US to, a) enact legislation in all 50 states or b) ratify an amendment to the constitution, that mandates it.
Kill enough republicans in a national civil war to make sure that when elections happen, there aren't enough republicans left to win an election, then enact the above.
Overthrow the entire US government in a much bloodier national coup and set up whatever government you want.
And democrats, too. Don't pretend they're not just as responsible for keeping fptp voting, their party depends on it. If you don't believe me, look into how coordinated the GOP and Democrats were when suing PSL and the Green party to keep them off several state ballots (and severely whittle down their grassroots funds with corporate-money lawfare). Spoiler: there was no overlap.
Imma be real as an European, we kinda have the same problem here even with better voting systems. You either vote for "nothing ever happens" parties or literal Russia funded reactionary nazis.
Suppose you are kidnapped by two people. They tell you that one of them will shoot you and then let you go, but you get to decide who shoots. Person A says he will shoot you in the head. Person B says he will shoot you in the shoulder. Which do you choose?
The more think about this the more I like it. Both persons are clearly awful and contributed to the situation. Both could offer better choices but refuse. Both are rather similar in outcomes. But one is clearly worse.
Is it rational to choose to be shot at all? Is it rational to not choose the better of two alternatives?
Then the people who claim to love you choose for you and say that getting shot in the head would be better for you. Any attempt to convince them otherwise is met with absolute disbelief.
@AbsoluteChicagoDog Don't give your voice to the Genocidal Regimes of America. Instead use your actual voice fully. Don't let yourself be compromized by the machine.
I think this meme might spur people to be less likely to vote democrat. If the midterms still exist in a year, I want the Democrats to win them so Trump can't keep destroying America so quickly.
If you read the project 2025 document you'll see a section on the federal reserve, we seem to already be on the way there with Trump surprisingly. Which the document suggests capital punishment and a border wall, its not a document by the Fraser institute its a document crafted by Trump, you're an fool if you cant see that.
Without inflation, when you require raising taxes to actually pay for things, you'll see how much people are willing to spend for their DEI institutes and doing plays for other countries to cringe at.