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a strong beak, of course
  • I can't see it, my instance has downvotes disabled. But I figured. Lemmy is a toxic and kinphobic place. A bunch of crabs in consensus reality's bucket, trying to keep the rest of us from escaping.

  • "Pro-Life" Rule
  • I dunno. I haven't had a long enough conversation with one to tell. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Last time we assumed a group of beings were subhuman and enslaved them, it wasn't good.

  • "Pro-Life" Rule
  • I'm genuinely a vegan because I think racism is wrong.

    Single cells don't have a mind either. Minds are made of neurons. An embryo begins developing neural cells during the fifth week of development. That's just a few neurons, though, not a full brain. A fetus doesn't get smart enough to process sounds until the late second. If a mind isn't even complex enough to process any sensory information, is it more deserving of life than a cow? Cows like to run in the grass and play. They have social relationships. Fetuses aren't that complex.

  • A billionaire rises to the occasion
  • It's a Bruce Wayne origin story. Batman hasn't figured out how to be Bruce Wayne yet. The movie is about him realising he needs to do good as Bruce, too.

    The Gotham Renewal Fund is managed by city employees. Batman was never told by anyone that he's responsible for it, except the Riddler. And the Riddler was right, and after Batman stops the terrorism, it's implied he starts fixing it.

  • "Pro-Life" Rule
  • Embryos don't have souls. The soul develops during the third trimester.

    If you can play music into your belly and get a kick, that thing has a soul. But there's a lot of time where it's not that developed.

  • The state should be purely passed through function inputs and outputs
  • Hoarding resources will be banned. If you start doing it, we'll beat you up before you can get enough to hire a private army. Also, only the most corrupt people would go work as a private soldier, because everyone's needs are met so there's no poverty to drive people to do bad things. You'd have to promise private security a lot of money to betray their nation for basically no reason.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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