Haven't been back since xmas. Gonna be a shock going through the CBD. Always blows my mind down here you only see a few people daily (usually on the foreshore / beach / shops) but people go out of their way to interact. Had more convos with randos down here in the last month than I have in the last 2 years in melbs.
passed my Azure exam!
Also "Mama" is now "Mummy". I'm still "dada" but hes working on it. something like "dada-ey?"
I also told him the other day "no chance" of me getting in the sprinkler with him. He goes "Chance!" so we ended up running around the house going "Chance!" "No Chance!" "Chance!" for a while.
I regularly travel on busy tram routes with a number of tram options. One thing I've learned is that 90% of people will always board the first tram, even when there are clearly one or two more coming directly after it. This leads to an overcrowded first tram and blissfully empty second and third trams. I consider it an important life lesson. It's generally best to wait for the second or even third tram. Thank you for listening.
Happy Friday 😊
Our daughter, our only child, cherished baby girl is out on a date. Don't worry, she's keeping us up to date. Plus I have life 360. I know exactly where she is.🥺
Still no joy convincing the mrs on the camper trailer/poptop/campervan/whatever you want to call it. She wants to think about it more. her primary concern is we wont use it enough, but its real hard to convince her shes wrong when the campervan would make it all so much easier to actually do it more frequently. chicken and egg. We dont do it often cause its hard so we dont wanna spend money to make it easier.
Found a couple worth checking out. But the flipside is I found tons of places I want to go assuming we get one.
On my second coffee but all I have succeeded in doing is adding a heightened layer of anxiety over the overwhelm. I have so much to do I can't find a place to start 😭😔
But haircut after work. New colour I think...dunno what yet...
Our Caffeine , who art heavenly , hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily coffee. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us into temptation; and deliver us a triple shot cappuccino.
Alright, I'm home. I'm going to stretch out the anticipation and murder the tower of dishes, vacuum, and shower before I lose several hours to the show of the season. I suppose this is not dissimilar to the concept of "edging"
E: I have watched it. I suppose, in line with the theme above...
Severence s2e5 mild spoiler
... I feel a bit blue-balled. Way to end it there again!!
I freaking clapped and cheered when that elevator first opened though. THAT'S OUR GIRL
I'm drinking piña coladas
While watching exposés
Of speedrunning cheaters
Breaking rules of the games
And it's narrated by an Aussie
But from Queensland they are
But they're actually quite funny
So I'll forgive that faux pas
Headphones! My work headphones for about six years have been a pair of Google Pixel earbuds that have been fine. No complaints, nothing to rave about. I've ogled a pair of Sony XM5's for the longest time, but have never been able to justify buying a pair while I have a perfectly working pair.
The Pixels are starting to wear out. I'll be getting replacement headphones this year.
Here the thing: If I wait a couple of months, I'll have enough points for a free pair of Apple Airpods Max. Only, at work the only Apple device I have is the iPad. I have a Macbook at home, but these will be for work. The biggest strength of Airpods is their ability to seamlessly work with all your Apple devices. They'll do regular Bluetooth, but they aren't special for that.
The Airpods are stupidly priced at $900. Even getting them for free that pricetag is the biggest thing I have against them. I don't really want to look like the sort of moron who would waste that much money on a pair of headphones. I thought of getting them, selling them and then buying a pair of Sonys. Only, Ebay seems to have Airpods going at around the price of the XM5's anyway. So, that pathway looks like a hassle for no real gain.
Buy a pair of XM5's and claim them on tax like a normal person.
Get the Airpods and cope.
Get Airpods, sell them and get XM5's. Put the remainder towards something I actually want.
Get a free pair of cheaper Beats headphones and look like even more of an idiot who pays too much for headphones.
What to do? I don't suppose anyone has had any experience with both XM5's and the Airpods Max, do they?
Been using the salicylic acid on my witchy toe warts and I can feeeeeeeel them coming off? Out? Idk. It's a very weird feeling. The one on my big toe must be quite deep, as it's taking a while, and looks absolutely nasty now.
The two small ones on my second toe are peeling/coming out and they tingle the most. Least the acid is working!
Today I am going to an outdoor event and apparently there will be rain (where?!) so I bought some heavy duty ponchos that will not fit in my bag. Alas. I will give them to their recipients upon arrival, but hopefully it's a great day.
Anyone got good leads on places to acquire non-white patterned sheer curtains? Doesn't need to be skulls & bats, but not bloody granny florals would be grand.