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Cheetah balls aren't orange
23 0 ReplyThey look pretty orange to me
14 0 Replywhen was the last party you got invited to?
12 0 ReplyLast Friday?
16 0 Reply[x] doubt
10 0 ReplyI don't know, detailed knowledge about animal scrotums could be useful at the right parties.
8 0 Reply
I don't get invited to parties. We discussed this last Friday.
3 0 Reply
wait, how do you know??
9 0 ReplyI looked it up because Mama didn't raise no bitch.
14 0 Reply
Is there a source for this? I want to fact check this but also I'm a little scared of what DDG will show me if I look up "cheetah genitalia color"...
5 0 ReplyIdk. I just looked up "Cheetah testicle color" and there was a video some tourist took that was zoomed in a little too much tbh. But the balls were white. Not Cheeto orange. Lol
7 0 Reply
Leopard balls apparently are.
4 0 Reply
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