Realistically what is the worst thing China is doing with your private data? Selling it? If you’re not a Chinese National, at least you don’t fall under their jurisdiction.
If you’re a U.S. citizen, with all the tech oligarchs cozying up to the current administration, I’d be a lot more concerned with Facebook/Twitter/Etc collecting your data.
Realistically what is the worst thing China is doing with your private data?
Probably mapping out the extended support networks of democratic activists in Taiwan to prepare to throw them in jail after a forcible military takeover.
Yep. Pretty off topic though... Thought this was a thread about a Chinese app. You know, the country that's trying to steal Taiwan, aka imperialism. Just like how the US, England, Russia etc do. It's actually wrong even if it's the authoritarian govt you're rooting for.
Y'all literally brought it up, you don't get to go "uhhh off topic much?" when you say dumb shit.
Taiwan is China, both governments agree on this as well as all other countries in the world, including the US (officially). The only disagreement is on which is the legitimate government of ALL OF CHINA.
If you think the RoC is the legitimate government of China you need to stop huffing paint or reading CNN.
For the past week the people of China and the United States, as well as other countries have been comparing notes. Debunking propaganda on both sides. Realizing that much of what we've all been told for years/decades, has been lies.
For starters, that the Uyghur genocide is yet another piece of atrocity propaganda from the US. We know what a genocide looks like and how it's impossible to hide in the modern world, as Gaza showed.
Blurry satellite pictures of buildings and a German fascist swearing it for ten pages (financed by Raytheon and Lockheed-Martin) isn't proof.
Lmao. Mehdi Hasan is an opportunist. You can check Uyghurs living in China rather than ones deliberately selected by a known ally of the US, Qatar. Extraordinary claims require proof and I haven't seen anything other than hearsay, which is the first weapon of the CIA as with Saddam's WMDs and Park Yeonmi's claims of the DPRK making people pull trains by hand lmao.
If you have any evidence that isn't "I swear they do it", I'll be waiting. Though not holding my breath.
Because there are some functional governments in the world that don't allow US misinformation to spread without challenge.
They also suppress Falun Gong, are you telling me that's in and of itself proof that their cultist shit is one hundred percent true? If so tell me so I can laugh my ass off
The US is in the process of deporting all its migrants and threatening invasions on half the world.
I get that gringos don't want to own up to their complicity by inaction but you oughta stop pontificating about how other governments are worse. Unless they're called Israel, they weren't before and they sure as fuck aren't now.
Lmaooo hurting gringos feelings is being racist? Y'all have had concentration camps for longer than you've been without them, you know their fucking addresses and they're still there.
Do forgive me for throwing y'all's opinions on racism in the dustbin.
Based on what? The US imprisons more people, kills more people, tortures more people. The only way to argue that China is more oppressive is basically to start with the assumption they are and then work backwards to justify it.
Actually you didn't. You listed a bunch of accusations against China (which were refuted, you just ignored that), but you didn't even try to explain how that's more oppressive than the USA. Even if all your accusations were true, the US is still more oppressive.
As a US citizen, I prefer services that US consumer protections could apply to. (While we still have them, ahem.) I know that Chinese laws will not protect me from things a Chinese business does in China.
(What’s with the rude replies? Did I fail to notice what instance I’m on or something?)
This makes me sad, that we can’t engage in civil discussion about this. Why did you assume and not ask questions? Be curious, not judgmental.
To me it’s a question of laws. The laws of the U.S. at least somewhat constrain the people of my own country, and can prevent them from working against their own citizens. Like me.
but it’s a foreign actor so OOooooOOWwwwooOOOO sCaRrRey!
I love that people think this is a solid own. Lest we forget Hong Kong, or an impending hot war in Taiwan or building out extradition systems with an expanding network of countries to forcibly repatriate and torture dissidents and human rights lawyers.
You used to not have to explain why authoritarianism was bad.
Edit: I would love to know the Pro side of what happened in Hong Kong, or the forced extradition regime, since evidently I'm clearly in the wrong in thinking those were bad. What am I missing?
It used to not be necessary because democracies used to have moral authority but since the revelations of Manning and Snowden non-Americans see no difference between giving our data to the USA or to China or any other. We also know from the reaction to the war in Ukraine and Gaza that human rights claims are only sometimes used.
Anti terrorism is good, actually. I don't support people kicking seniors for speaking mandarin to try to bully a government into not prosecuting murderers in the mainland, which was the reason the protests happened (that and Washington money)