that reason is colonialism. the thought is that Israel helps us control the oil and intelligence in West Asia. the obvious problem: they don't, actually, because our support of them makes dealing with oil producing countries harder, not easier, and the intelligence they provide us is incredibly faulty on account of being a fascist dictatorship. so that explains the support they get from liberal rubes, but what about the support they get from hardline conservatives? well hardline conservatives like fascism as a system of government so they like israel. that's basically it. oh sure, some of them genuinely think there needs to be a homeland for the jews (nevermind most of our ancestral homelands are in western Ukraine, but these jackasses don't know enough about us to know Ukraine has been consistently a better ally of the jewish people than israel). and some think all jews must return to israel in order for the events of revelations to unfold (never mind that was John the revealer writing about exactly what he was seeing in the year 90 happen to and against the jews and early christians, and the weird language was so he could get around roman censors). for the most part, it's all as simple as "fascists like dealing with fascists because they understand eachother"
How is Israel a dictatorship? They have a multiparty democracy that regularly changes who is in control.
They are are a parliamentary democratic state that has a system of apartheid which is not at odds with liberal democracy as other liberal democracies have had apartheid states eg the USA until 1964-ish.
The fact that you place no blame on Netanyahu and the IDF tells me you aren't serious. It's the same "why didn't the Democrats stop this awful thing someone else is doing" Russian propaganda line we've heard for years now. Enough. What happened in Gaza is a war crime committed by Israel's far right government.
With full and unconditional support from the Biden administration. Who sent them the weapons? Who moved aircraft carriers to defend Israel? Who vetoed ceasefire four times at the UN? Who kept saying that their support of Israel is iron clad?
The only country that actively tried to stop the genocide, i.e. Yemen, ended up being bombed by Biden.
Netanyahu won’t be able to fire a shot without US support.
I’m not sure if you are willfully ignorant or lying.
"Russian propaganda" lol. So those billions of dollars in arms were just Russian propaganda? Those aircraft carriers were just Russian propaganda? Those vetos were Russian propaganda.
People have such little compassion for forging lives in America. Even the "liberals" are still chastising millions of people for choosing to not support any genicidal regime, and not blaming a literal handful of people that knew supporting Israel's genicide would cost them votes. There was no and is no justification for the Democratic party to be pro Isreal. Zionest weren't going to vote blue any ways. So why take a stance that only appeals to only them!? If they really believed Trump was some existential threat to democracy and freedom, (I do believe this and voted blue. Only to watch them throw away millions of votes for no reason!) why didn't they do everything in their power to get every single vote possible? They know that from polling and form left leaning organization that supporting Isreal was a net negative on their chances of winning but told their base to eat rocks or have Trump for president. Whelp. Here we are. This mindset goes for universal health care, free college and college debt forgiveness, wage increase, income inequality, and so much more! But the democrats preferred status quo over actual winning. Dem leadership doesn't care who wins a election because they still get to go home to their ivory towers regardless.
The good thing about Trump winning is the establishment Ds have well and truly fucked themselves so that they won't hold the presidency again. They constantly hold the threat of Rs to our throat, well now the worst has come to pass so their threats mean nothing now. It's either listen to the people and change or never have power again.
They are just making it clear that the issue with the Democratic Party isn’t just one racist Zionist president but the entire base and ideology. Their responses are a guarantee that there will never be a Democratic president that isn’t pro genocide. They are making sure that the people opposed to the genocide know well that the Democratic Party isn’t there’s and will never be.
That's been my conclusion too, and given that the Republican Party is the same in that regard, and that they are the only real parties in the USA politics, I conclude that the USA has a bipartisan and broad commitment to genocide.
It is so crazy when we adress the real issue of providing arms to Israel and provide diplomatic protection they keep talking about how presidents can't do anything and that the situation is complains. The funny thing is that they don't realize is that also excuse Trump actions.
Those guys clearly don't care about Palestinians and just use them as scapegoat to keep defending their cult.
This post has gotten out of hand. I have seen everything from genocide apologia to genocide celebration. In the heat of it all, the ban hammer might have been wielded unevenly. If you were banned and believe your ban was unjustified please message me and you will be unbanned.
It's only a reason to keep a presence there, same with South Korea/Taiwan. They don't give a fuck about them or what they do as long as they don't actively harm their interests but they're close to their enemies.