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Facebook Fact Checks Were Never Going to Save Us. They Just Made Liberals Feel Better.
  • Yes and the article was written by The Intercept, also a US-based media company. I feel it’s important to interpret a text in the context of the vocabulary used by the author. And The Intercept fully ascribes to the definition of “liberal” that I’m using.

    You’re just playing a game with semantics for… some reason. I’m not going to psychoanalyze here with regards to you, but the intention of the author is obvious to anyone with a modicum of political awareness.

  • Facebook Fact Checks Were Never Going to Save Us. They Just Made Liberals Feel Better.
  • Funny because I would say that your definition of the word ends at the US border. You actually hit the nail on the head with your comment about most of the people on this site, but the problem is not being “too online”. Lemmy is a far more multicultural space than you’re probably used to, and you seem to be struggling with that.

  • Facebook Fact Checks Were Never Going to Save Us. They Just Made Liberals Feel Better.
  • I… don’t think you know what Liberal means.

    In pre-WWII Germany, socialists were the only ones willing to actively fight the fascists in the streets. The liberal papers, the largest of which was Jewish-owned, would consistently label the socialists as violent and immature. They were falling over themselves trying to remain “nonbiased” while the wolf was quite literally at the door.

    The New York Times, if you’ll remember, printed a ton of information about WMD from incredibly shady sources in the lead-up to the second Iraq war. They were instrumental in garnering liberal support for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. And they’ve never once owned up to that.

    “Liberals” are just as interested in maintaining the status quo and they always have been. They just do it in a way that gives people the warm fuzzies and makes them feel good about themselves.

    Bernie was a progressive. A socialist. Progressives we can work with. Liberals are like the shortcut that never gets you where you’re trying to go. And yes, they are more often than not fascist apologists.

  • Should Ukraine build the bomb? How would you feel if they did?
  • To me this is the same philosophy adopted by Israel when they kill Hamas leaders. This isn’t chess, folks. Killing the king does not end the game.

    Name one time since Hitler that the death of a world leader has resulted in the end of an armed international conflict.

  • Devastated Harris voters conclude America just hates women as Trump wins again
  • Completely agree, but I’ve been seeing so many similar sentiments on Lemmy since the election. Today I saw someone comment, almost word for word, that there was no problem with Kamala’s campaign - the issue was simply that Americans are too stupid. Someone else on a totally different post commented that this election proves the Dems could run Jesus Christ himself and half the country would still reject him. And those are just two examples. This is one of more unhinged meltdowns I’ve ever seen.

  • DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
  • Oh c’mon, Kamala was pretty far from Jesus, and Trump and co. are no political masterminds. This was the dems race to lose and they brilliantly pulled it off by exhibiting what can only be described as an active disdain for anything that even smelled like progressive politics. Turns out you can’t win on “the other guy is worse.” They fucked up and lost fair and square.

  • Christopher Columbus was likely Spanish and Jewish, study suggests
  • Don’t know who downvoted you, you’re absolutely right. Just as an anecdotal example, my grandmother was an extremely intelligent and progressive Italian-American woman, but Columbus was the one thing she would never budge on. It goes back to a time when Catholics had to constantly defend their loyalty to America. I’d imagine St Patrick’s day was a similar thing. It was these immigrants’ single point of pride that other Americans would respect and understand.

  • A couple uncommon PRS Hollowbodies

    This is my 2008 PRS Hollowbody II singlecut and my 2006 PRS McCarty hollowbody doublecut. Both were purchased second-hand within the past six years.

    The singlecut was originally offered through the PRS Artist Package and I’ve only ever found one other guitar like it on the internet. Last year I finally pulled all the piezo electronics and had it completely rewired as a regular passive guitar. Aside from that, it’s all stock.

    The doublecut was a prototype produced before the hollowbody was officially offered as part of the McCarty line, or so I was told.

    Both of these guitars are remarkably similar. Playability is absolutely off the charts, and I enjoyed the singlecut so much that it was pretty much-love-at-first-sight when I found the doublecut a few years later. They are the lightest damn guitars I have ever played; both weigh in at about 5lbs. The weight makes all the difference in the world during long-ass bar gigs and weddings. Tonally, they’re way more percussive than a Les Paul, but incredibly versatile nonetheless. The way the top is braced to the back allows you to crank the gain on your amp/PA without having to worry about the feedback issues typically associated with hollowbody electrics.

    Hands-down, these are two of my most prized possessions. I never post pics of my instruments to normal social media because I worry about theft, so I decided to do this little write-up to help grow this new (to me) community.

    2022 LP Deluxe - Most recent purchase

    Picked this one up a couple weeks ago. I’ve been playing for close to 20 years, and this is the first Les Paul I’ve ever really fallen in love with. The big 50’s neck profile is extremely comfortable, and holy crap do I love these Mini Humbuckers! Even though everyone quotes Spinal Tap when I say it, the sustain is exceptional; it gives the tone a very “vocal” quality.

    195 PolydoreSmith
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