Seventies baby here. We worried a lot about nuclear war, but the threat of nuclear war is probably greater now than it was then. It just doesn't crack the top ten anymore. That's how incredibly fucked everything is.
Eh, I'm about the same age as OP, I don't have to get to 50 to know that I'd take my parents' economic context over the two crashes. The rest... For many reasons, if medicine does some miraculous leap forward by then, maybe I'll still wish I got a lot more left to go by then.
I'm not the original commenter, but as someone in a similar boat, I'll interpret:
Aging fucking sucks. Seeing doors close as your body switches modes is depressing as hell. Knowing you have another half century left, but it's all gonna be worse is a terrible feeling.
When you're 50 in the US, you have a little less than 30 springs left on average. a few more if you live in a country with a functional healthcare system.
Think about it: when you turn 50, you'll only get to say "summer is coming" 30 times. Merry Chrismas or Happy New Year to your family 30 times. Or "I'll do it next year" 30 times. And when you're 50, you know 30 years pass quickly.
And that's if the big C or COVID or something equally stupid doesn't get you first.
To the OP: enjoy your youth while you can. It'll be over before you know it. Trust me on this one.
I match your preferred timeline and wouldn't change it. Happy that my childhood and young adult life is documented mostly by still photos with no backup.
i would edit my timeline to change things pertaining to my homosexuality: namely avoiding entering my marriage that doma forced me to dissolve and avoiding permanent debt in student loans that dadt forced me to take on; both were a heavy & permanent detrminents to my financial future.
i'm living your preferred alternate timeline and i can assure that things REALLY sucked for people like me so the thought of someone else desiring it blows my mind.
i think maybe i could see it if i were a little bit older so that i could have enjoyed the liberalism of the 70's; but then the hiv/aids scare would have impacted me even more than it already did.