A highly decorated Army soldier who fatally shot himself just before an explosion of a Tesla Cybertruck at the Trump hotel in Las Vegas left a note saying it was a stunt to serve as “wake up call” for the country’s ills.
Matthew Livelsberger, a 37-year-old Green Beret from Colorado Springs, Colorado, also wrote in notes he left on his cellphone that he needed to “cleanse” his mind “of the brothers I’ve lost and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took.” Livelsberger served in the Army since 2006 and deployed twice to Afghanistan.
“This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake up call. Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives,” Livelsberger wrote in one letter found by authorities and released Friday.
Livelsberger’s letters covered a range of topics including political grievances, societal problems and both domestic and international issues, including the war in Ukraine. He said in one letter that the U.S. was “terminally ill and headed toward collapse.”
Do you notice how the side he takes on those grievances is not mentioned? I wonder what that means.
Edit: Oh wait, he was a "Trump-loving supersoldier patriot," I know exactly what that means.
My Elon-brainwashed relative alerted me to the fact that on twitter, the main rumor is that he killed himself to bring attention to the drone sightings being a secret Chinese gravitic propulsion technology.
Read the note... This guy must have had some TBI from his deployments. I mean he gets to the top of the forest, but then refuses to see the trees.
Yes billionaires and the 1% are a cancer on society... So the solution is to put two of them in charge? Like holy shit, you literally just fucking said they didn't care about us, and that we're cattle to them. Oh except for these two, the illegal immigrant that made a fortune over staying his visa and pays no taxes, and the rape ape who's been convicted of fraud multiple times, who hires illegal immigrants, refuses to pay overtime, and also pays no taxes. Those two are the shining exceptions...
I can't even fathom the cognitive dissonance he must have lived with daily. If this guy were in Jones Town he would have cut in line for his Kool aid even after seeing people start to drop dead.
Thank you for your service, and for showing yourself out.
Why are they withholding exactly what he meant with his list of grievances? Probably because its’s right wing AF, he’s white, and had lots of guns. When are they going to play the “mental illness angle?
Since some news sources are afraid to state his stance:
In one letter, he tells “fellow service members, veterans and all Americans” it’s time to “wake up” because the country’s leadership is “weak” and “only serves to enrich themselves.”
Tesla engineers, meanwhile, helped extract data from the Cybertruck for investigators, including Livelsberger’s path between charging stations from Colorado through New Mexico and Arizona and on to Las Vegas, according to Assistant Sheriff Dori Koren.
“We still have a large volume of data to go through,” Koren said Friday. “There’s thousands if not millions of videos and photos and documents and web history and all of those things that need to be analyzed.”
The writings found on Sergeant Livelsberger’s phone suggest that he had been increasingly concerned about politics. In one note shared by the police, Sergeant Livelsberger said that people should “try peaceful means first but be prepared to fight” to get Democrats out of the federal government.
So this isn't necessarily a problem with Trump, this guy was just another "democrats are the problem with the Real America™" Republican that happened to have mental issues driving him to be a suicide bomber.
He wasn't even anti-Musk, he seems to have worshipped the authoritarian.
In another, he said that “masculinity is good and men must be leaders,” adding that people should rally around Mr. Trump and Elon Musk, Tesla’s chief executive and a top donor to the Trump campaign.
This was also terrorism and occurred only shortly after the terrorist attack in New Orleans, and yet somehow it's the brown Muslim getting all of the attention for being a terrorist.
Yes, the white guy who lit fireworks off in a Tesla said it wasn't terrorism, but he also said that it was to send a message ("a wake up call")--that's terrorism. He was a right wing extremist terrorist but because he was white and not an Islamist, it's just glossed over.
It doesn't matter that he was a decorated soldier. He was a terrorist who literally wanted non-Republicans to be hunted down and forced out of the government.
Kinda says a lot about the US military that a supposedly well trained soldier - green berets are supposed to be fairly elite right? - couldn't figure out how to build a bomb beyond just stuffing a car with whatever random flammables they could find
Madness inflicting the nation as the mad king takes his throne. Trump isn’t even remotely equipped to handle this. I wonder what happens when the right turns on him.
Musk/Vance 2024? Or do they even wait that long? They could put Trump out to pasture in his golf courses and run the country. Maybe let one of his criminal cases play out. A state one they technically can’t control.
I mean, we live inside of bullshit town, so it's less unbelievable each day that something like the following is actually true:
They killed a guy or the guy decided to "die for the cause" as a cult member
Remotely drove his dead body in a cybertruck (like the fake FSD "taxi" demonstration from musk the other month)
Parked at decrepit old trump hotel with arrival and lobby area in desperate need of repair, but in a place that would assure press coverage for brand and to stoke bases's victimhood complex
Remotely detonated explosive when it was clear of most people and in a way that was loud and showy, but without extreme loss of life
Cops at first won't name cybertruck directly as involved vehicle as they "investigate" and then immediately cop starts talking in specific detail (uncharacteristic of cops) mentioning truck by name and how that specific brand model truck contained blast probably
Weird press articles about musk response being a "masterclass" in crisis management PR
trump will fundraise a lot off of the "attack" and also make a huge fraudulent insurance claim ridiculously inflating costs of ruined assets and remodeling "there was van Gogh in the lobby, you couldn't see it, but it was there
dead person's writings will serve to radicalize more nutjobs ready for the slaughter as soon as their divorce finalizes.
(Keep in mind that while you were reading all that, musk is on Twitter now admitting, after being publicly caught and humiliated, that he has had fake Twitter accounts for years where he personally goes to his own posts and comments on how great he is, to himself, as the world's richest person, on paper.)
Is everybody just ignoring the email he sent to sam shoemate and instead going to trust the corporate owned msm reporting on this?
If he really was a right wing extremist then why would he detonate explosives outside of a trump building and cause property damage to one of the rights most symbolic moron leaders? Something doesnt add up in the mainstream narrative ,
"Not a terrorist attack" -- um detonating a bomb in a public place to get attention for a political purpose is basically the definition of a terror attack. Using fear to stop your opponents from opposing your favored political despots. Not to mention that even if there weren't many injuries, the people who breathed the fumes from those batteries burning likely will develop cancer including the firefighters. And the cost of cleaning that up falls on the people who live there. Not exactly a beneficial act.
The media treating this as a patriotic act is just going to encourage copycats. And this guy was a bomb expert, but failed to realize that the temperatures he was creating would vaporize the fireworks, not shoot them off. If an expert could make that kind of mistake, just imagine the mistakes that will be made by the copycats. Look forward to many casualties from "patriotic" terrorists.