A major union head went on Tucker Carlson's podcast... gross. Harris could have done more to appeal to workers, but this dude can't paint himself as a neutral politically-impartial leader!
It's not that the union head should be neutral. The head of a union should be openly and unapologetically pro-union. Going on a podcast and agreeing with someone who is right-wing extremely anti-union, is a very bad and traitorous look for the head of the union.
...besides Sanders who has no power, the green party which has no nonlocal power, and the various even smaller third parties which have even less power, there's no one people union to talk to.
Eventually you will need to wrestle with the basic fact that as a union leader or member, you're an enemy of the state and will always be trying to convince anti union people to support you. That's the point of a union in the first place. If Dems had any chance to be in power, union heads would be cozying up to them.
Strikes suck for everyone, what happens when the strike fails sucks even more regardless of if you pick violence or not, avoiding that is ideal, even if it means talking to people some randos on the internet find distasteful.
Lmfao you are gonna love the next four years. Unless youre rich, then you actually are going to love the next four years. Probably a pot more than four years i suspect
I'm gonna hate the next four years because the dems ran a candidate that they knew couldn't win and idiots like you shouted at people who pointed this out and called us trump lovers
Yes, democrats are vegetative. You can see my comment history, im the first one to point that out. But you are even worse than democrats if you actually thought that trump was the winning option.
Yes Trump bad, that's why I want the dems to run a candidate that isn't a delusional failure so that we can keep Trump from doing bad things. The only way that "good" people can stop bad people is by winning power.
I agree. Now that we are not in an election year, it would be a good idea to attempt to do something about that. But spreading division in an election year is why we now have the worst possible outcome. Thats the glory of the two party system and the illusion of choice.
For both the Biden and Harris campaigns they had internal polling telling them they were gonna lose back in May and they changed nothing. Calling that out and putting pressure on them to change things is helping them, not hurting. If you care about winning you would welcome criticism and adjust accordingly
Exactly, they changed nothing. They do not care about their consituents. As evidenced by the outcome of the election. Pressuring them to change wasnt ever going to change anything. The only thing it did is allow people to "both sides"
I think it's fair to say that, notwithstanding the badness of Trump, the Democratic Party needs vast improvement if it's going to be part of an effective opposition to Trump and his gang of MAGAfascist oligarchs and lumpen God-bothering thugs. I'd even go so far as to say that, if any resistance emerges beyond finger-pointing and bleating, it won't originate with the Democrats.
The second line doesn't logically follow from the first - you're talking about a relatively better option all the way to that top line and then you switch from "better than other" to "good" - it's like going about how in a choice between being knifed twice versus being knifed just once the "just knifed once" is good in comparison and then jumping from that to saying that getting knifed once is good.
Even beyond that totally illogical jump, the other flaw of logic is treating each election as a unique totally independent choice whose results have no impact on the options available on subsequent choices - I.e. that who the Democrat Party puts forwards and who the Republic Party puts forwards as candidates in an election isn't at all influenced by how the electorate responded to previous candidates they put forward in previous elections - it is absolutely valid for people to refuse to vote for Kamala to "send a message to the Democrat Party" (I.e. to try to influence the candidates the party puts forward in subsequence election) and it's around the validity or not of risking 4 years of Trump to try and get an acceptable Democrat candidate in at the end of it that the discussion should be (and there are valid points both ways) not the hyper-reductive falacy you seem so wedded to.
Choices in the real world are a bit more multi faceted and with much more elements and implications than that self-serving "simpleton" slogan the DNC pushed out in its propaganda which you are parroting.
Nah, thats the logical reasoning of a non two party system. Youre acting as though we actually had a choice, or that democrats would ever capitulate to their base. I hate kamala as much as the next guy, biden was even worse. But what other option was there? Vote Trump, dont vote, vote third party. All of which were a vote for Trump. There was ONLY one correct option in this election.
If you guys want a decent option, get rid of the two party system, because democrats will never seek to actually improve anything. But they will always be the better choice so long as Americans dont grow a backbone. Which is unrealistic.
With who her enemy was, it doesnt matter who she said it to. The fact that she had to say it in the first place means Teamsters is an enemy of the country.