Or just don't show up to work, and start looking for another job.
What they gonna do? Shoot you for "being sick and unable to report to work"?
Message for Government Employees: If you work a government job, DON'T GO TO WORK WHEN THE GOVERNMENT IS SHUT DOWN. Fuck that BS, don't let the government treat you like a slave. Calling out from work is not a crime (even if it is, fuck them anyways).
And they ripped out funding for pediatric cancer research. $250 million.... or around 0.05% of president Musk's net worth. Why do repubs hate kids with cancer?
TSA agents are ineffectual on the best of days, but without pay? Between that and the amazing production quality at Boeing I'm quite content to not fly anywhere.
I get it, but having people feel bad for the TSA of all organizations is a tall order. Why not pick a less controversial gov agency effected like say the National Parks and Museums?
Ruining the holidays for a bunch of government employees, not just TSA. I am more worried about air traffic controllers, NASA, NOAA, FDA, the VA (yeah they suck, but a lot of people depend on them and making them work unpaid is definitely not going to improve anything), and thousands of other government employees that will go without pay. The longer it lasts, the worse it will be for the economy.
Remember when the goverment was first shut down in a long time, if ever before, when Republicans thought it would be a good ratfucker move to harm Obama's presidency, and it blew up in their faces, and our Country went from a AAAA rated borrower to a AAA borrower due to government disfunction? We seriously need a law that prevents this stupid shit from happening again. Maybe if they don't pass funding, we just renew the last passed funding. It pisses me off so much. Imagine getting paid a significant amount of tax payer money, a life long sipend, and better health care than most the county, and not even doing your job and letting the goverment shut down. At some point here the lawlessness is going to convince enough people that it seriously doesn't matter anymore.
Theater of security isn't helpful anyway. I say it's even harmful, as it makes cars more attractive over public transport and get more shit in our lungs as result.
Musk and Trump showed me, that I don't have to think about being a good enough person...
Obviously I easily am (it's enough not to kill/rape/extort,.... who would have thought it's so easy?)