The "kids don't like broccoli" has a scientific reason. Kids have a lot more receptors for aromas tasting bitter (10 to 15k different chemical compounds taste bitter to them) which reduce to 5k or less when growing up. So some types of food that adults can eat without problems because they lack the receptors have bitter and vile flavours for kids.
Fun Fact, if broccoli kinda tastes like soap to you, congratulations! You have a gene variation that makes certain bitter flavors taste like soap, it's stronger in childhood (which is potentially why "Kids hate broccoli" trope is a thing) and tends to fade into adulthood, but not always.
There are also studies being done to figure out specifically which compounds in broccoli make it taste like that to cultivate it out to encourage more broccoli consumption
Many years ago my kids pediatrician recommended feeding the kids kale smoothies. I didn't have any
Kale at home so I cooked bunch of broccoli to mush and mixed it with bananas. Those kids eat half a pound of broccoli for breakfast just about every day now. They also eat it raw or crunchy cooked. Definitely the best medical advice I've ever gotten and the kids are used to a very simple and quick to make breakfast that keeps them full for hours.
Tldr: Kids constantly surprise me and sometimes they like vegetables.
vegetables in general and tasting bad is moreso lack of preparation/cooking rather than the actual thing itself most of the time. Brusselsprouts is the polarizing one where its seen the most.
Broccoli is like green tofu. It tastes like whatever you cook it in. There is perhaps no other food which has more surface area for holding sauce or seasoning.
My theory on this is that some of the hate for a lot of vegetables comes from either eating canned ones or poorly cooked ones. My girlfriend didn't know she liked green beans until she started living with my family and my father made her some. My dad sautéed the in butter with garlic, and she only had ever had those extremely mushy canned ones and had concluded on that basis she hated green beans.