Realized I fucked up half way down a cliff jump into water that was way too high and I broke my back. Having that realization mid air was terrible. I’m very lucky to not be paralyzed from it
How did you hit the water? were you aiming for a belly flop, or dive? or were you just jumping in without thinking of the other?
What injuries did you sustain if any?
Crushed my T-11 vertebrae from my legs bending over my head because I landed leaned back a bit but I also possibly hit the bottom I have no memory of the moment of actual impact. I was freaking out in the air which didn’t help at all. I was also not sober
I was getting a ride home from work with a colleague, which was nice of her because I usually took the bus. We had been friendly for some time, and I never understood why other people at work were creeped out by her. Sure, she could be cold and a bit intimidating in a stereotypical "immigrant from former eastern bloc country" sort of way.
I would compare her to a pretty, young, athletic and blonde Frau Verbissene. And she was not afraid to be comedically cutting. For example, one day I was mindlessly trying (and failing) to unscrew something and she walked up behind me and dryly said, "I am not native to North America, but in Europe we turn it to the left to loosen bolts." It's a little bit mean, but also funny.
But to the main point, it was that car ride when I found out she was a Nazi. OK - Maybe not an actual Nazi, but a big fan. She explained that in her country, <I'm paraphrasing this next bit, so her words> they had asked the Jews to leave, had tried to incentivize the Jews to leave, but the Jews would not leave. When the Germans came to her country, they fixed that problem.
You know what they say about what happens when you jump into a car with a single Nazi, now you have 2 nazis sitting in a car. JK.
Aslo, i should mention, I think you mean to type: "I'm paraphrasing, so no exactly her words since if you're paraphrasing they wouldn't be her exact words.
"2 Nazis in a car" is exactly my horrified emotion in the moment.
And it's true that I didn't word that correctly, but it happened 20 years ago so the words are not an exact quote. However, they do convey the gist of the conversation. And I really really wanted to make it clear that I'm not the original Nazi in the car.
Background: shouting at a cop for violating the rights of a woman and harassing her to tears in an attempt to force her to divulge what she had done that night to implicate herself.
I was charged with resisting/hindering arrest with the justification the officer had to direct his attention at me.
It was enough to justify, or rather the words of the officer claiming that provided sufficient justification …
They body camera footage “couldn’t be found” and the charges were dropped.
I opted for an apology and a go fuck yourself, I also wave at the officer after concerts when I see him and give him the finger. Idk if he remembers me but I remember him. Lmao.
Driving in snow, I gave myself a good four times the distance to brake like they teach you. It wasn't enough. I did get it slowed some, under 20mph I would estimate, and rode in slow motion as I rear-ended a brand new, lifted, very expensive looking pickup.
No injuries, fortunately. That was the most "time dilation" I've ever experienced. Somehow it happened so fast but also so slow.
Same feeling, River at Brockway in Truckee, lost traction on an ice patch and time slowed until a crunch, then it caught up.
Luckily for me we knew the same people and the cost was fair.
Probably a prolonged awkward moment that I couldn't escape. In chatting to an old friend I bumped into, I let slip that I'd heard something bad had happened to them and asked how they were doing. Rather than answering clearly, they were super interested in finding out who told me in the sort of way that I knew it would be a very bad idea™ for all concerned to reveal that information.
I can't remember how I got out of that. I sometimes think I'm still in that moment and all this is a fever dream as my brain tries desperately to escape.
Honourable mentions: i) Zeroing the wrong partition on my own computer, all data unrecoverable. ii) Deleting all of a customer's data rather than the one part they wanted removing. Luckily, in that case there were backups.
On a family trip to Seattle, a cousin and I went out to Pike Place before noon to drink and meet up with the rest of the family later for lunch. We both got hammered fairly quickly on a lot of whiskey and lost each other. I apparently decided to lay down and sleep at about 2pm. When I woke up I knew I had a problem, a problem much bigger than getting back safely. I woke on one of the piers after dark, phone dead, had to walk five miles back to my family's airbnb. Took forever then took another forever (years) to get in good graces with my family. I do not drink to be drunk anymore after that. Love my fam too much to do anything close to that ever again.
Updated the number of key iterations on my Bitwarden password manager. Logs out every device instantly. It’s fine, just log back in right? Well guess which dodo put their Bitwarden 2 factor OTP inside Bitwarden and nowhere else, and didn’t write down the recovery key or anything. Yeah.
Lesson learned. Also made me realise how few places that have 2 factor authentication actually care about it for password recovery. I think Bitwarden was the only place with 2 factor where I couldn’t get back in (that I cared about anyway). The rest I was able to get my account back through other means
Be me
Riding motorcycle for leisure
Come up behind a line of slow cars
"Bruh 🙄"
Passing zone, decide "fuck it", twist throttle
Zooming past cars in opposite lane
Lead car turns in front of me as I'm approaching at speed It was at this moment he knew... he fucked up
Barely squeeze by on shoulder
Pull off onto a side road a mile later to reflect
Fake and gay, I know.
Ride smart, friends.
Still feel bad for the fright I probably gave the driver...
Making cookies at work, had oven fan on, turned pan sideways and something was preventing it getting all the way in. Pushed that something with the pan and immediately heard a large rattling noise as the something (a thermometer) was rattling around inside the large ass fan.