No high schooler is EVER gonna pay even the slightest bit of attention if we incorporate a “taxes and accounting” class. No shot.
We learn certain general subjects like this in science mainly to learn critical thinking, analytical/logical reasoning skills, how to apply the scientific method (which, yes, can come in handy in many areas of life besides science).
No high schooler is EVER gonna pay even the slightest bit of attention if we incorporate a “taxes and accounting” class. No shot.
Ask any teacher who's taught it and they'll confirm. People just like to bullshit. They lie about not being taught things they were taught too. I'll bet many had a lesson that went over tax brackets etc and they just ignored it
Most of the people I know that complain about not being taught "real life skills" are absolute dumbasses that would have refused to pay attention anyway.
I had also been told this about something before where the guy had poured water on a flat top grill. As it was boiling off be was like "man this is real life right here, if school taught things like this I'd have paid attention" and I was like they did idiot you just didn't pay attention that's literally just water boiling smh lol
We learn certain general subjects like this in science mainly to learn critical thinking, analytical/logical reasoning skills, how to apply the scientific method (which, yes, can come in handy in many areas of life besides science).
Given your previous claim:
No high schooler is EVER gonna pay even the slightest bit of attention if we incorporate a “taxes and accounting” class. No shot.
What makes you think that they'd be any more likely to pay attention to any other subject matter?
[…] No high schooler is EVER gonna pay even the slightest bit of attention if we incorporate a “taxes and accounting” class. No shot. […]
Assuming that some high schoolers aren't going to pay attention to the lesson, wouldn't it still be better to at least try to teach something that has real life practical use rather than something that doesn't? At least the people who do pay attention will gain something useful — it doesn't make much sense to me to reduce the overall usefulness of what's taught simply because some may not pay attention.
Well, I am unsure if I agree with that, as my business management class, which had pretty ordinary coursework about it without really anything 'exciting', had a vast majority of students paying tons of attention and actually learning, and half of the class was the stereotypical lazy bum students who acted macho and popular even though everyone hated them.
Although, the people who failed that class failed to the most catastrophic degree, as everyone else was well above passing, certain students got an overall score from 10 to 30% in total for all assessments.
I'm not too sure how standard this type of class is, so the success rate of accounting or other classes could be highly varied
Lol. Mainstream economics is nothing but ideologically charged excuses for the status quo. And you wouldn't learn heterodox econ in high school anyways.
I have never heard of an economy class in high school. And our math teacher did a tiny thing on compound interest in general when we finished a quiz early.
So I don't know what school you went to but it wasn't the normal one.
Tax forms change. And some little shit complaining "why do we have to learn percentages? Teach us something useful like how to do our taxes." would make for a better joke. And it would be more accurate.
Frankly, we should move on from the mitochondria and start talking about the immune system. I want pre-schoolers to know about the interleukins, goddamnit! Let the children in first grade recite a list of adjuvants! And somebody shootshoo away vaccine deniers!
It also separates raw protons from hydrogen atoms and somehow turns it into spinny-motion, which it then turns into chemical energy with incredible efficiency. It’s a wild piece of biological machinery
If we're going to scrap something from high school to add a tax lesson, let's ditch some literature. Over four years my graduating class studied 5 shakespeare plays and a handful of sonnets. Surely we could have cut out Much Ado About Nothing and The Tempest if we still have Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet and Henry V.
I'm unconvinced that Shakespeare is a particularly good exercise in reading comprehension given the vocabulary, phraseology, spelling and grammar is 500 years out of date.
I remember reading Hamlet out loud in class, and that was the last of the plays we studied so we had read some Shakespeare before, and every other thing you're running into a sentence that doesn't work or a word that is NEVER said except in Hamlet like 'contumely" or 'orisons' and you just get a room full of teenagers saying words one by one taking none of it on board.
Surely we could have cut out Much Ado About Nothing and The Tempest
The only subject that was required for all four years when I was in high school was English, and senior year English was all British literature, so we got Chaucer, Shakespeare, the Bronte's, shit like that.
Honestly I think later high school English classes do more to beat any love of reading teenagers have out of them by force feeding them dire dour old ugly hateful and just plain obsolete shit written by damaged people who lived in a world before the invention of epidemiology so sometimes your neighborhood would die of cholera because someone's pit toilet leaked into the ground water.
Make English 4 if not English 3 electives rather than required. Replace them with a semester of driver's ed, taxes, fire safety, how to safely refrigerate chicken, I can think of a lot of shit that would benefit the world more than having teenagers read a Skakespeare play they don't get aloud.
It's different in different regions and it's certainly moved around over the years.
And the point remains, we graduate students who know what the powerhouse of a cell is but not how to do their taxes, work a 401k, put together a realistic budget, plan for major purchases, make a work schedule, or have any saleable skills other than being able bodied.
We aren't preparing people for life, we're warehousing them until college and if they don't go to college we just shove them into the cracks.
School systems set the path, and it's pretty standardized when these subjects get taught. They wait until kids get more math skills for physics classes to take place, meaning the less math heavy subjects go first, like bio and earth science.
I took Statistics instead of trig like my peers, and it raised a lot of eyebrows because for whatever reason it's considered the "slow kid math class". Trig is just fancy geometry and not difficult to look up and understand if it somehow becomes applicable later, spending a whole semester on it is a waste. Meanwhile I apply what I learned in Statistics class every time I read the news. Statistics should be mandatory.