The maths was right, except it was all being done on colour values than already had the CRTs response curve baked into them. You may have heard of "gamma correction". Well, this is when you correct an images colour values for the display you'll view it on.
Blending before gamma correction and after gamma correction produce very different results. The cards were doing it after. This story is about doing it before.
Paul Debevec had similar observations around the same time. His work at the time was all about HDRI and that was put into Source a few years later.
I do this to my silicon vendor. I apparently made some people's lives very uncomfortable for a good while this past year after I decompiled some of their binary blobs.
Valve is that perfect example of being just shitty enough to be annoying without stepping over the line into complete enshittification. But this too will happen. I reckon there'd be good odds of it happening not long after Gabe retires.
If they ever go public then yes, enshittification is guaranteed. As long as they remain a privately held company, there's a chance they can hold the enshittification at bay.
Allow me to introduce you to the perceptually uniform color spaces, CIELAB, CIELUV and HSLuv, something I needed for a project I was working on a few years ago: