Warframe 1999: the dating update?? (warframe.com)
Warframe 1999: the dating update?? (warframe.com)
"New Syndicate to debut with first-ever Romance & Relationship System"
DE: "we struggle to find a way to challenge our players" also DE: making me pick between Eleanor and Amir
Definitely a new twist
NGL I kinda wanna jump in and give it a go now...
For what it's worth, what I've managed to see of the Hex members so far is really cool, DE have a knack for endearing characters!
Oh, no... they tied the romances to Syndicate rep?! Yeah, I'll kiss Eleanor in 2026...
Nah, it's just a badly worded title. From my understanding of the devstream yesterday, Chemistry is separate from Hex rep, and is more in line with the standard romance heart system you'd see in something like Stardew (individual favor per protoframe). They haven't said if it has a daily cap or if it's just very grindy, just that it'd take a while to max out (and that you can redo stuff at certain points if you're unhappy with how things are going).
This whole update just seems sillier and sillier but damn if I'm not very excited for it, can't wait!