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Onos thoughts?
  • Hmm maybe, I don't have all the incarnon upgrades yet so it could feel better later on. I still feel like a lot of stars have to properly align in order for the incarnon mode to actually feel powerful, otherwise it's just meh - especially if you compare it to something like lex incarnon which seems better in pretty much every way.

  • Onos thoughts?

    The entrati armcannon doesn't really seem to live up to its hype - the normal fire is just slow rifle-like fire with no aoe or punch through and the incarnon mode seems to be a big short lived beam with low damage, short range and width, and can only fire a few times before running out of charge.

    Am I missing something, like how to build it, or is it really underwhelming?

    Weekly Warframe: Nekros
  • I usually run a max range nekros so range is rarely an issue. It also feels really good to cast petrify when you run into a corridor full of basic grunts, you get an instant statue/pinata gallery 😁

  • Dante: No Grind?
  • Yep, it's been really painless! I even got all other weapons after a few hours of grinding (onos and ruvox). As a thanks to DE I then spent 50 plat to rush the foundry which I usually never do😁

  • Weekly Warframe: Ivara
  • Still my go-to for spy missions, but unfortunately doesn't see much use outside of it

  • Weekly Warframe: Atlas
  • When DE added auto-attack by holding E, I'm guessing they never got around to making it work the same way with Atlas' Landslide? Would be neat if you could just hold 1, or alternatively make it so pressing 1 is a toggle that replaces your melee weapon so you can just hold E to rockpunch continuously

    But yeah I remember the 1111111 gameplay and it quickly made me drop the frame despite how cool it looks and sounds :/

  • Weekly Warframe: Nekros
  • Petrify and Desecrate are 2 different types of loot generation so they stack, it's mostly a way to create even more drops for the team. Pull could be fun indeed tho

  • I really like Tennokai
  • Absolutely, you can completely ignore melee efficiency now since you get free fast heavy attacks every few seconds while attacking.

  • I really like Tennokai

    It's busted as hell but I really like it. It's a simple change in the overall gameplay but having to look out for this quick popup and being rewarded with a free heavy attack is such a neat addition to the experience.

    I've pretty much switched to Naramon on all frames because of it.

    Weekly Warframe: Nekros
  • I really like Nekros and the type of build he can go for, he's still my goto frame for long survivals since otherwise you tend to run out of life support no matter how many enemies you kill. It does feel like he doesn't have any interesting abilities though, desecrate is practically a passive and terrify is a good armor strip but the rest might as well not exist. I think I have petrify subsumed for his #1 for added loot generation and some CC.

  • Is Dagath anti-synergy with on-kill effects?
  • Then both my ingame experience, and the wiki that says

    Strike Doomed foes with Wyrd Scythes to trigger Phantom Wrath, while refreshing Doom on the targets hit and spreading the curse to other enemies within a AbilityRangeBuff10 / 12 / 13 / 15 meter radius around the Doomed foes.

    are wrong I guess. I can't test it rn but will later, but it doesn't really change the original point that much, just makes it harder to apply if true but not impossible since it isn't that hard to press 2+1 on a group of enemies

    edit: Played a bunch with her and the doom effect definitely spreads on hit, not on kill.

  • Is Dagath anti-synergy with on-kill effects?
  • Wyrd Scythes only have to damage the doomed enemy in order to spread it, and it's pretty easy to maintain it once you get it going.

    While the enemy has the Phantom Wrath effect active, it stores 35% of any damage Dagath does (whether ability or weapon) and then when the time expires, or the stored damage becomes lethal to the target, it triggers and deals that stored damage.

    This means that for example if I store 50k damage on an enemy, and someone else's grimoire starts damaging the enemy and brings it below 50k HP, dagath gets the kill - if I am reading this correctly.

  • SP 60 Eyes boss fight - some very soft/general advice for the fight
  • Yep, can confirm the attacks are dangerous. I went in cocky with citrine and then I got stripped in the first few attacks, pulled in, staggered and killed immediatelly 😁

  • Is Dagath anti-synergy with on-kill effects?

    For example the new grimoire needs to kill enemies in order to proc its bonus. Trumna needs to kill enemies to get alt-fire charges. You need to land the killing blow to proc Merciless.

    For those who don't know, the Wyrd Scythes+Doom combo places a mark on enemies that gathers/stores damage for a few seconds and when that damage exceeds the enemy's remaining HP, it triggers and kills them with true damage.

    If you're playing Dagath and using your doom abilities, are you inadvertently kill-stealing and making it impossible for your allies to complete these on-kill challenges? Or for that matter even for yourself?

    What kind of companion uses have you found now that they are all semi-immortal?
  • Yeahh but mecha mods are so underwhelming on their own :/ I need to spend 2 warframe mod slots on shield recharge and additive armor increase, which is an even bigger waste than the aura's bonus to damage against a single random enemy.

    Kullervo can already spread his damage around with his third ability as well, I much prefer dethcube on him for more energy generation.

  • Weekly Warframe: Ember
  • I love Ember, she's got it all. Energy economy with the augment that makes her #4 generate orbs, high damage reduction with #2, armor strip with #3 and all the fire going on... She's good all around (well, unless you go for high lvl corpus missions) The resource management is satisfying and the rework was a huge success IMO.

    Her #1 is the only outlier that seems kinda boring and useless, I tried replacing it with nidus's larva to group enemies together for her #4 but it has such a short pathetic range by default lol, and its even less useful nowadays with all the CC-immune eximus units running around.

  • Share your Dagath builds
  • IIRC they said that overshields and shieldgate are bugged/OP at the moment and having too high of a duration but that will be changed with the next major update? So dunno if brief respite is gonna stay that good. Could still be a good thing tho, and its the default aura polarity a well so maybe you got something there

  • Share your Dagath builds

    I really like her abilities but to be completely honest I haven't figured out what kind of a build to go for on her. Damage seems good even if you just spam and spread doom around, #4 is a really good "ohshit" button when you find a large group of enemies that need killing, but her survivability seems a bit low, she doesn't have any damage reduction or even healing abilities by default (and low base armor value as well). She seems overall solid but doesn't really excel in anything and doesn't do anything extraordinarily fun?

    I kinda mitigated the low defense with a few blue armor archon shards, as for healing her signature melee weapon can restore health but it seems like bad synergy - her #3 boosts crit weapons but her Dorrclave is a status weapon? So that seems like a trap.

    Adaptation, arcane grace and her #3 lifeguard do a lot of heavy lifting but all in all, it doesn't seem as reliable as other frames. Maybe subsuming gloom would help but I'm not sure what to replace, and that's kind of a boring thing to do anyway.

    So anyway, any thoughts, how have you been playing Dagath so far?

    What kind of companion uses have you found now that they are all semi-immortal?
  • Ohh, cat's eye, I see. A bit annoying it only has 1/3 uptime overall but it does seem like a nice additive bonus, and as an overall solid buffer for crit builds.

  • What kind of companion uses have you found now that they are all semi-immortal?
  • Is Adarza the only companion that can get above 50% crit chance? Seems kinda wasteful to dedicate the whole companion just for x1.2 crit damage but then again, maybe they do decent damage on their own nowadays.

    I was planning to try Hunter Synergy and see if that counts in potentially activating Tenacious Bond on any companion

  • What kind of companion uses have you found now that they are all semi-immortal?
  • Hmm, it's one marked target every 15 seconds and the spread is only 7.5 meters but it does seem interesting, it could have some good synergy with citrine perhaps? Maybe even new hydroid with all the corrosion going on, or excalibur with chromatic blade? Not sure which other frames want to go for lots of status dmg.

  • What kind of companion uses have you found now that they are all semi-immortal?

    Now that we're not locked into 1 or 2 companions that can't die, we can finally start using them to fill the gaps in our warframe's arsenal! Did you find any good uses like that yet?

    Looks like Helios is a pretty good armorstrip bot now, combining the Deconstructor with Vicious Bond.

    Dethcube seems like a good fit on energy starved warframes thanks to its energy (orb) generator, possibly combined with Duplex Bond? Dunno if companion weapons ever get strong enough to kill high level enemies on their own though

    I was thinking about trying out a Chesa for survival missions when you don't have a Nekros but I dunno if Retrieve helps at all since it only fires off every 10 seconds with a 45% chance of success

    What kind of stuff have you tried?

    Fun Pairings
  • It's an oldie but a goldie - my favorite synergy is Nekros, Despoil, Equilibrium, Health Conversion.

    I wish other frames had such unique interactions as well - a core game concept like health orbs, a warframe ability and augment that causes ability to run off health, getting more armor by getting more orbs and then using a weird equilibrium interaction so you can pick up even more health orbs even when you're already full, while generating tons of them with despair... it's so weird and unexpected and yet it just works off each other so well 😁 it all just comes together in a way

  • Abyss of Dagath: Update 34
  • Also, we got new redtext very fast!

    Can't believe 44 mad lads actually bought it for 10k plat

  • Abyss of Dagath - Dev Workshop: Accessibility + HUD Improvements
  • Honestly this all might be worth it just for the fact that we can now put a friendly outline on allies, right? No more shooting friendly moas and ospreys! No more searching for the defense objective guy hiding in shadows and getting downed there! No confusion with nekros's shadow allies and whether they are friends or foes!

  • Warframe Devstream #173 Reminder Warframe - Coming Soon: Devstream #173 - Steam News

    Tenno! Join the development team on a special date: Tomorrow, Thursday, September 28th at 2 pm ET for our first Devstream post-TennoCon 2023! The couch crew is eager to recap TennoCon 2023, reveal our next in-person event, and deep dive into our upcoming October update Abyss of Dagath. It might be a...

    Warframe - Coming Soon: Devstream #173 - Steam News

    (approximately 10h after this post was made)

    We've had Dark Sector hints this whole time

    I guess now it just went from a subtle funny nod to actual canonical lore 😁

    Tennocon 2023 Recap (new info inside?) Warframe: TennoCon 2023 Recap

    Relive the biggest Warframe news, Soulframe updates and more!

    Warframe: TennoCon 2023 Recap

    Whispers in the wall:

    >In this new story-driven cinematic quest, you'll be caught in the middle of a deadly battle between Albrecht Entrati, one of the Origin System's most brilliant minds, and the unknowable Man in the Wall. The board is set and the pieces are moving. Can you put it all together in time, Tenno?

    I guess we're fighting Wally, indirectly maybe? Murmur confirmed to be his creations as well

    > Naturally, you won’t be fighting unarmed, either. Hold fast against the dangers littered throughout Albrecht Entrati's secret laboratory with an all-new Secondary weapon class — the otherworldly Grimoire.

    Grimoires confirmed to be secondary weapons, in case people were wondering

    Warframe 1999:

    >Long before The Old War, the deeds of Albrecht Entrati have cast an ominous, lingering shadow over the Origin System. Who is he? What is his story? Learn more of his secrets in Warframe: 1999.

    Time travel confirmed?

    What are your hopes / theories for the Tennocon 2023 reveal?

    I think the only officially confirmed thing is the pet rework, right? Everything else is up in the air. I'm still personally hoping for more railjack updates, for some UI work (an LFG tool or a better minimap/buff bar), maybe a way to favorite weapons or a better way to navigate the huge amount of gear we have.

    In terms of cinematic quests and story I hope they focus a bit on smaller side stories instead of spending years on big new war / duviri content drops. Warframe has a big universe and they can do so much with it that is unrelated to Wally, the orokin or the tenno, but even those could use more smaller but more common updates IMHO.

    I guess a big focus will be Soulframe but I'm not that invested in it (yet) so I hope it's not the main thing they discuss.

    5 Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix 33.6.4

    Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix 33.6.4 Incarnon Genesis Changes: A little over two weeks have passed since the Gammacor, Angstrum, Boar, and Gorgon Incarnon Geneses became available to earn on the Circuit. This has given you time to put them to work in-mission and share your thoughts with us and much of...


    Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix 33.6.4

    Incarnon Genesis Changes: A little over two weeks have passed since the Gammacor, Angstrum, Boar, and Gorgon Incarnon Geneses became available to earn on the Circuit. This has given you time to put them to work in-mission and share your thoughts with us and much of the feedback we’ve seen has consisted of requests to improve their Incarnon Forms. So today’s Hotfix brings you tweaks to reduce the friction to charging Transmutation and to increase the fluidity between modes. Paired with some other general stat improvements and fixes, take them for another spin and see how they feel!

    The changes below apply to the base and variant versions of the weapons. Please note that we’re also reviewing the Anku Incarnon for our next Hotfix.


    • Charging the Incarnon Transmutation gauge is now twice as fast!
    • Increased the explosion damage of its Incarnon projectile from 620 to 660 (Synoid from 760 to 800).
    • Increased the Critical Chance bonus from Evolution IV Perk 1 (Critical Parallel) from 18% to 20% (Synoid from 6% to 10%).
    • Increased the Critical Chance from Evolution IV Perk 2 (Survivor's Edge) from 10% to 12% (Synoid from 4% to 6%) and the Status Chance from 6% to 10% (Synoid from 4% to 6%).
    • Increased the Status Chance from Evolution IV Perk 3 (Elemental Balance) from 12% to 20% (Synoid from 6% to 10%).


    • Now uses direct projectile hits instead of headshots to charge its Incarnon Transmutation gauge.
      • The projectile must physically hit an enemy in order for it to count towards the charge, not the AOE damage dealt to them within proximity of the projectile.
    • Improved tracking, speed and targeting of the Incarnon projectiles and added more ricochets off the walls to make it easier for them to land.
    • Increased the Critical Chance bonus from Evolution IV Perk 1 (Critical Parallel) from 10% to 14% (Prisma from 6% to 10%).
    • Increased the Critical and Status Chance bonus from Evolution IV Perk 2 (Survivor's Edge) from 6% to 9% (Prisma from 4% to 6%).
    • Fixed being unable to reload the Prisma Angstrum after switching to Incarnon Form.
    • Fixed Angstrum’s Incarnon Form altering the ammo pool of the equipped Primary weapon.


    • Changed the way Elemental Balance’s Status Chance bonus (we will be doing the same for Survivor’s Edge in a follow up hotfix) applied to be consistent with the Strun Incarnon: Now it applies to each projectile instead of being divided by the Multishot count.
      • Prior to the above change, Elemental Balance’s 12% Status Chance bonus would grant 7.5% - 9% per projectile. Now it grants 7.5% - 19.5% per projectile.


    • Removed the initial charge delay on Incarnon projectiles fired and replaced it with an automatic trigger type.
      • In other words, you can now hold the fire weapon input to continuously fire its projectiles as long as a charge is available. The former 1.2 second charge delay is its new auto fire rate.
    • Adjusted projectile detonation times so that it better matches the fire rate of each variant (base version having the longest and Prisma the quickest).
      • This goes hand in hand with the two above changes, with the initial charge delay removed and replaced with an automatic trigger there was room to establish a better rhythm for detonation while firing in auto. Instead of many projectiles taking a while to detonate, they will now roughly do so around the next auto shot fired.

    General Incarnon Fixes:

    • Fixed the Evolution VI Incarnon Challenge (Complete a mission with an Incarnon Weapon in every slot) not completing for the Felarx, Innodem, Laetum, Phenmor and the Praedos when using weapons with Incarnon Geneses installed.
    • Fixed the Lex Incarnon Genesis’ final evolution challenge (Get 5 Headshots with this weapon in Incarnon form in a single mission) considering headshots from all weapons.
    • Fixed the Sibear Incarnon Genesis’ Evolution II “Thane’s Wrath” perk missing its UI icon.
    • Fixed the “Incarnon Form” text missing from the bottom right UI elements for the Gammacor and Synoid Gammacor while in Incarnon Form.

    Overguard Changes:

    • Player Overguard now protects against Arctic Eximus’ slow auras.
    • Overguard granted by Styanax’s Intrepid Stand Augment Mod is now capped at 15k (at 100% Ability Strength), which scales with Ability Strength.
      • Outside of maintaining the status quo (excluding Rhino’s Iron skin, which requires skillful timing to scale), the Augment allowed for infinite amounts of Overguard to be stacked effortlessly and quickly, which could trivialize challenging content and limit future design space. The survivability and team support element that players have been enjoying on Styanax is still preserved, just at a more practical level to encourage more dynamic play.
    • Overguard granted by Frost’s Icy Avalanche Augment Mod now stacks on cast (up to 15k, which scales with Ability Strength) instead of keeping the highest value from the original or recast.

    Corrupted Jackal Undercroft Assassination Changes:

    • The following changes have been made to address feedback that the fight feels a tad too challenging on the Steel Path.
      • The Corrupted Jackal Asssassination mission will now appear at stage 4 and onwards in The Circuit to ensure players have had a chance to earn more Decrees before taking it on.
      • Slightly reduced Jackal’s health and the number of seeking projectiles released per phase during its Grid Wall attack.

    General Changes:

    • Wisp Prime’s cowl cloth has been returned to her helmet instead of her body as intended. As reported here:
    • The Prisma Ohma is now tradeable!


    • Fixed active Warframe Abilities (ex: Voruna’s Ulfrun’s Endurance Augment Mod, Equinox’ Maim, Gauss’ Redline, and Ember’s Immolation) getting deactivated and reset at the end of each Stage in the Circuit.
      • This was caused in our attempt to fix the issue with being able to teleport out of the Undercroft and back into the Duviri landscape using Wisp’s Breach Surge or Wil-O-Wisp in the Echoes of Duviri update. We have reverted that fix in order to address all abilities being affected.
    • Fixed melee weapons with projectiles launched from heavy attacks (Glaives, Gunblades, Edun, Argo & Vel, etc.) causing Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance to potentially miss its target.
    • Fixed dual wielding Glaive and Pistol causing loss of function after casting Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance.
    • Fixes towards being revived causing the camera to turn 90 degrees after Transference. As reported here:
      • This is a workaround non-code solution to address the majority of the camera issues with reviving. A Code fix is still required to fix it in its entirety, which means that you may still encounter it in certain scenarios (e.g. Last Gasp).
    • Fixed slow loading players being prevented from entering Deck 12 if another player began the fight during the loading process. Those players will now be automatically teleported to the fight upon loading in.
    • Fixed the Prime Details toggle missing for Wisp Prime while her Dex Skin is equipped.
    • Fixed the flame VFX missing from Wisp Prime’s Helmet.
    • Fixed Atlas’ Landslide not increasing the amount of rubble dropped from Petrified enemies by 50% as intended.
    • Fixed being invisible after closing the game and rejoining the in-progress Orowyrm fight during the Kaithe stage.
    • Fixed the new Captura Scenes released with Echoes of Duviri not appearing in Acrithis’ Wares.
    • Fixed general control binding callouts appearing during The Duviri Paradox Quest instead of the intended Drifter ones.
    • Fixed incorrect binding callouts appearing during the Drifter combat tutorial in The Duviri Paradox Quest if the “Melee with Fire Weapon Input” option is enabled.
    • Fixed controls for the Ludoplex minigames (Frame Fighter, Happy Zephyr, and Wyrmius) not working when using Steam input.
    • Fixed controls for Komi, Recover the Paragrimm’s Tomes, and the security cameras in Break Narmer missions not working when using Steam input.
    • Fixed being able to fire weapons during Wisp’s Sol Gate ability after casting it and then immediately following it with Dispensary (Helminth).
    • Fixed “HUD not initialized” dialog appearing when starting Exterminate and Mobile Defense missions from the Crysalith elevator.
      • Also fixed the enemy kill count to not displaying correctly in Exterminate missions under the same start condition.
    • Fixed stealth melee kills not counting towards the “Close Up Kills” Break Narmer challenge (Kill 3 enemies with melee).
    • Fixed Grineer allies disappearing after dying and respawning in the “Junk Run” and “Prison Break” Break Narmer missions.
    • Fixed an error popup (“You must complete the Vox Solaris Quest”) preventing players from speaking to Eudico after returning from the Orb Vallis during stage 5 of the Vox Solaris Quest.
    • Fixed the Wisp Prime Skin icon in the Arsenal appearing as a blank square.
    • Fixed shields (from Sword and Shield Melee weapons) sitting backwards on Baruuk’s arm when his Doan Skin is equipped.
    • Fixed the Protovyre Apex Syandana clipping into the Drifter Keeler Suit.
    • Fixed offset issues with the Left Prisma Daedalus Shoulder Guard when equipped onto the Drifter Keeler Suit.
    • Fixed the right Emblem offset being too far forward on all Limbo skins when equipped on Limbo Prime.
    • Fixed several offset issues with leg attachments equipped on Kullervo.
    • Fixed offset issues with chest attachments equipped on the Drifter Saita Prime Suit.
    • Fixed offset issues with the Imugi Prime Shoulder Plate equipped on Gauss.
    • Fixed offset issues with shoulder attachments equipped on the Nova Atomica Skin.
    • Fixed being unable to equip the Balefire Einheri skin on Hildryn’s Balefire Prime.
    • Fixed the Cognitive Relay Facial Accessory sitting weirdly on the Duviri Drifter.
    • Fixed the Demolyst’s beep SFX at times slightly offset if in a far away room.
    • Fixed the Syam, Azothane, Edun, and Sampotes missing several SFX with various Melee Stances.
    • Fixed an issue with the sample used for Sevagoth’s Sow SFX.
    • Fixed the Bronco Prime not leaving bullet holes in the environment.
    • Fixed a rare bug where Nihil’s health bar could go missing.
    • Fixed several HUD script errors related to the Nihil fight.
    • Fixed double spacing in the Wisp Prime Accessories Pack.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur if Host returned to a town hub before Client managed to get into the open landscape.
    • Fixed a rare crash when going from town to landscape and failing to connect.
    • Fixes towards being unable to chat link several Kavat and Kubrow Fur Patterns.
    • Fixed being unable to chat link the 2023 Pride items and the Pride Celebration Color Palette.
    • Fixed text appearing cut off in the in-game Market after opening a chat link.
    • Fixed being able to equip Primary weapons in the Dojo after using the Shawzin emote.
    • Fixed the Accessibility Color Palette not being available in the Customize HUD Colors screen if accessed in-mission.
    • Fixed Kahl (summoned from Skaut’s “Kahl Beacon” Air Support) not shooting when commanded to hold position.

    Click here for the Known Issues List

    ------ Credit to CephalonAhmes

    Compendium of Warframe 3rd party resources

    Over the years I've filled my Warframe bookmark folder with various useful websites, maybe you don't know some of them and hopefully you find them useful! Do let me know if I'm missing any and if you want me to add it to the list.

    Honorary mention to the one and only Warframe Wiki 🎉

    Dashboards Tenno Tools - timers, cycles, limited time events Warframe Hub - various timers but also much more (good resource for open worlds, synthesis targets, etc)

    Trading Warframe Market - no introduction needed I hope, this is the place to go if you wanna trade Riven Market - riven trading

    Builds Overframe - find popular and meta builds Semlar amp builder - also zaws and kiguns but check the rest of the site for other useful tools too

    Relics Warframe Squads - LFG tool for relic sharing Warframe Reliquary - fissure tracking tool Tenno Zone - (now outdated) tool to plan out your prime hunting and relic farming adventures

    Guides Synthesis Target Locations - where to find easiest/guaranteed synthesis targets The Ultimate Fortuna Guide - it seems the site isn't updated anymore but you could still find some good intel there

    Misc Shawzin Documentation - everything you wanted to know about the shawzin, and more Compozin' Mmmm glyphs Mandachord Songs - probably the biggest song list you can find, have fun Octavia mains

    Kaldo Kaldo
    Posts 11
    Comments 46