How's the battery life after you've had one for a while?
Hey all, just wondering how the battery life is after you've had it for a while? I'm getting one soon and wondered if it would have a noticeable impact on the battery if it was on a dock for most of the time.
I haven’t noticed a huge difference and I’ve been playing it like crazy on both the dock and handheld. Battery wildly depends on the game and performance settings. It’s my primary gaming device and I love to tinker with it but I haven’t noticed a degradation at all.
I know it’s been almost a month but I somehow stumbled on the battery health on the deck and it says it’s at 84%. I assume that means after years of heavy, almost daily use it’s dropped by 16%. Ifixit has battery replacements for ~$100 USD so if I don’t replace this baby in another couple years the battery won’t be too bad to replace.
I’m more worried about wearing out the bumpers and triggers. The LB is getting a little worn down and I wouldn’t say unresponsive but some days it rides the struggle bus for sure.
I swapped to an OLED deck about a year ago, but I didn't notice any battery degradation on either my original LCD deck or my new OLED deck.
The OLED deck battery is a major improvement over the LCD in highly demanding games. Games like Baldur's Gate and Cyberpunk went from 1.5 hour battery life to 2.5 hours, which is very noticable.
I haven't noticed any loss of battery performance in the year I have had mine.
Weirdly, the time I notice the battery the most is while playing Lunati. Because playing Lunati for two hours somehow costs no battery at all on my SteamDeck.
The Lunati developers are some kind of mad geniuses, I figure.
Yep. Luanti / MineTest. My battery life while playing it is so good, it's weird. I certainly don't mind. But I thought my SteamDeck had a battery tracking bug, at first.
Had mine since first release. Depends on the game of course, no change since first playing to now that I've noticed. I can get about 2 hours of gta4 in before it shows the low battery warning
2022 LCD Q2 or Q3 can't remember which but still running good. I can get 3.5 hrs in a light game like vampire survivors and 1.5 -2 on a heavy game depending on the options. I dont play it docked and only plug it in to charge of it. I also dont charge it over night. I play it frequently , almost daily.
I got mine pretty early on, one of the first waves to be shipped, and only issue I've had is having my battery level drop go zilch when switching to a 2.4Ghz Wifi network. Then I would have to plug it in, open the BIOS and switch to battery storage mode, unplug and wait about a minute. Plug it back in to boot it up, and battery levels are normal. I can fortunately just stick to 5Ghz networks nowadays and haven't had a problem.
It happens on any 2.4ghz network. I'm apparently not the only one, as there are some old reddit posts about it, too. It's an oddly specific problem and I can't figure out if it's a software issue or if my battery really is borked.