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Running is the solution to all of life's problems
  • The mysterious child that was never to be referenced again

  • Revenue from game subscriptions like Xbox Game Pass has barely grown in 2 years, potentially explaining Microsoft's studio closures. The megacorp is now reinvesting in "high-impact titles".
  • I'm sure there was a threshold they had set for that, but I doubt it ever made it. For Microsoft something can't just be very profitable, it has to be insanely profitable

  • Parkitect: Deluxe Edition | Official Trailer | PS5/4 and Xbox One/Series
  • I loved it. It's a modern rct2 for sure. I couldn't find anything that was super different about this versus roller coaster tycoon 2. The gameplay is fun, I got easily addicted to it, they added a couple new elements that were kind of fun, I don't know if you're debating about it. I think it's worth the money completely

  • dudes will say there are only 2 genders and then post this
  • 4chan adopted as a kinda meme and then these fuckers took it seriously

    Sum up the last 8 years in one sentence, man that hits too hard

  • Anyone else who knows they are a softie, but absolutely hate it when someone else points out that they are a softie?
  • time and time again those who ignore their feelings just end up having worse and worse problems later. So many marriages end because one person refuses to open up. Repression leads to substance abuse. It's better all around to acknowledge emotions

  • Music Monday - what have you been listening to?
  • Lindsey Stirling just dropped a new album. I didn't care for her last few, they will kind of blend together and sound the same. This one she's craving out and trying some slower things out and it's really nice to listen to

  • Anyone else who knows they are a softie, but absolutely hate it when someone else points out that they are a softie?
  • I used to think that way, feeling embarrassed when someone pointed out I had emotions.

    I realized over time it was my dad who taught me to feel that shame, and the friend group I was with. Slowly I started to realize that it wouldn't matter, and let myself be me a bit more.

    Life definitely got easier. When they talk about toxic masculinity, that's it. Forcing you to hide who you are because you think it isn't manly or something. It's wrong though. I met my wife and she liked me because I was in touch with my emotions. It's become a part of me. Hell I finally realized I love Taylor Swift because I emotionally connect with her songs where before I could never let myself like her music.

    Society pushes all of these weird rules on us, and man does life get easier when you just stop caring about them

  • Dev rejects CVE severity, makes his GitHub repo read-only
  • Yeah idk. I get what they're saying completely, but this exact one seems easy. Just do a validation check and throw an error. I mean, it is an IP validator after all. Either support hex or don't.

  • Sony’s New Tech Lets You Create Mini-Games Out Of Your Gameplay (Patent)
  • "we had this idea, no idea if it's possible, we may not make it, but fuck anyone else who tries to do this"

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • Correct, JSON can handle any precision, because it's just dumped as a string anyway, just not enclosed in the "". However, as you mentioned, as soon as it comes through the parser it'll put it into an underlying float value. In C# I create a save high precision attribute that will take the value and put it directly into a decimal. In JS I'm sure there's some way to do that, but that parser is way less extensible compared to C#. However, this also all assumes you know the client will parse it correctly, overriding the default behavior. Safest is to just send it as a string, and then create your parsers to automatically send to and from strings

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • Until you get to multi currency, which is why I don't support using ints or longs, and strings are still the only way. There are currencies that have no precision, and others that have 3 or more digits of precision - and then you're looking at doing calculations each time. Strings are the safest way to make sure you're representing exactly what you want to when sending data over the wire or persisting

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • The fun differences between the perfect world of theoretical and the realistic. Everyone thinks of computers as perfect - but it's not until you're asked to solve "How do you store decimals using only 0s and 1s?" does it start to click. Not as easy. It's why I'm hesitant to hire bootcampers into my roles. Bootcamps are great, and they get more people coding, but you don't learn that theory behind the scenes - you don't really know what the computer and operating systems are doing. For 90% of the time it doesn't matter, it's abstracted away - but that last 10% man, that can really fuck up an entire system.

  • Mark Meer Wants More People To Play As FemShep In Mass Effect
  • Not a bad reason to want to play as yourself at all, but after the first playthrough or so then it's time to start experimenting. One of the great things about RPGs is that you can be someone else entirely, and I think it opens us up to other ways of thinking. Playing as female shepard is at times a completely different experience, and you just want to explore it. It's the guys who are afraid of playing as a woman, who think it's not masculine or something weird like that. That's not okay, drop the masculinity, be the awesome femshep bitch you were born to be. Plus to them, I like to say, "Why would I want to stare at a guy's ass for 100+ hours?" Usually fucks with their masculinity a bit

  • Mark Meer Wants More People To Play As FemShep In Mass Effect
  • Long and short, floating point math is imprecise, and when dealing with currency you must be 100% precise. One of those rules of programming: Never store (or let currency flow through) a float. That includes doubles too.

    In javascript, the number type is imprecise, it is contained by a float under the hood, meaning precision can be lost. So even just parsing JSON to a number, even if you mean to move it into something like BigNumber, the precision is already not guaranteed when it finally gets to BigNumber. The safest thing to do is pass the numeric values as strings, which are guaranteed of course to represent their exact precision and value, and then use a proper precise parser to the value, like BigNumber.parse(strValue). (Even then, there's an argument that it's very rare that you ever need an amount outside of a string in a UI. Most calculations should be handled by a server that's the single source of truth in calculations, think sales tax and shipping, so a string is just a value that is presented to a user).

    In C#, float and double are imprecise and not guaranteed, especially with arithmetic. Decimal is the best way to store an exact value.

    In databases, it's usually best practice to store the string value of the amount for exact precise recordkeeping, with a decimal field next to it labeled something like AmountImprecise that you can use for aggregating, sorting, grouping, whatever.

    Every language will have it's quirks, but essentially, take this from me, a senior fintech engineer. If you see currency amounts, think precision, and know you'll need to take extra extra care about how it's stored. You don't want to accidentally office space yourself, especially when auditors come around.

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • All of us fintech devs however, know the true horrors. Make everything a string, lest ye end up in precision hell

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • bingo. Timezones became easier when I learned that all apps and databases should have all times be in UTC. Let the UI do it's thing and accept local time and convert it, and vis versa.

  • Mark Meer Wants More People To Play As FemShep In Mass Effect
  • FemShep is the best way imo.

    I've heard the weirdest excuses for why not though, worst ones were "why would I want to play as a woman, I'm a man". Now, on your first playthrough absolutely but after that?

  • Price will increase by $10 for v1.0 after the Steam Summer Sale

    (But it's also heavily on sale right now, for $15 -

    Personally, I don't mind at all. For one I bought it at $30, but also I have 2,000 hours logged. Per hour that's a cost of $0.02 per hour (at the new price) if I had bought it at $40. I'm all for calling out studios like ubisoft for being greedy, but coffee stain has done a very fair job with Satisfactory IMO, and they very well deserve $10 more for the game.

    That being said, go pick it up now for $15

    Phone home tracking image in DocuSeal, and how to remove it
  • This is all over a GitHub stars badge? Developers probably want to encourage people to star it. It's a huge stretch to say they're trying to track people

  • Brita, any way an American can watch this?

    Siddy Holloway is doing a special I'd really like to watch, but it's only on BBC2 from what I see. Will it be on a streaming service or anything?

    Camila Cabello - Chanel No.5

    Didn't like it at first, but won't lie it got stuck in my head and it's growing on me

    Signed Camila Cabello CDs back in stock C,XOXO - Exclusive Signed CD - Camila Cabello Official Store

    Standard CD + Signed Art Card Tracklist TBA  Shipping only available to customers in the United States. Limit 4 per customer.

    C,XOXO - Exclusive Signed CD - Camila Cabello Official Store
    Back in the factory, building up for Tier 8

    After a brief haitus I'm back in the factory! Currently working on our first big nuclear power plant again, and the resources needed for it. Today will probably be building a new quickwire factory to help that, and finishing automating turbomotors.

    Shameless self promotion, you can watch (and subscribe on the fediverse) here: Owncast Link

    "Designed to better support our users"

    Not that I use them anymore anyway, cancelling my old account, but name and shame any companies who conveniently can't support their free base. Also - it's VNC. It's a protocol. There's a dozen free clients out there.

    I made this

    cross-posted from:

    > Forgive the hastily made meme. All too common with us engineers.

    I made this

    Forgive the hastily made meme. All too common with us engineers.

    I forgot Awards existed

    I just got this email from Reddit, and I just realized it's been a year now since I swapped over here, and I haven't thought about awards once. I always thought they were gimmicky and a way for people to throw away money. It's just really nice not worrying about them.

    (I also have participated more in BuyMeACoffee and Patreon over here now, and I think my money is better spent that way)

    Also, what is with that exponential scale, so screw you if you're a big time user apparently? And the expiration? The whole thing has corpo stink on it

    7 Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h

    TL;DR: We've been on the Cloudflare Business plan ($250/month) for years. They suddenly contacted us and asked us to either pay them $120k up front for one year of Enterprise within 24 hours or they would take down all of our domains. While this escalated up our business we had 3 sales calls with th...

    Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h

    Always call out Cloudflare for their bullshit. For those working for companies in devops, share this with your teams...

    34 Why aren't people having kids anymore?

    View Why aren't people having kids anymore? on Odysee

    Why aren't people having kids anymore?

    I don't always love his videos, but this one hits home.

    I'm childfree for many reasons, but there are so many obvious ones - no one should be wondering why millennials are choosing not to have kids.
