Painters’ union leader Jimmy Williams Jr says that the Democrats have a messaging problem with working-class voters — and it isn’t just going to cost them a single election.
Wasn't Biden the first sitting president to join the picket line? Didn't Trump and Elon joke about killing the Unions? Seems it's like the union workers need to wake up. Tired of pointing fingers. The unions have abandoned the democratic party. They grabbed Trump by the hand because he promised victimism.
I'm just going to say that I one hundred percent agree with this guy with one caveat.
Unions need to also unfuck themselves too with their members who continually vote for Republicans.
Let me tell you I knew a few to many union members who voted down right to work while voting Republicans and then had a shocked Pikachu face when those same Republicans continue to ram right to work in the legislature. Hate to say it but their members aren't the brightest.
Still, I agree this isn't a chicken and the egg dilemma, Democrats need to step up and publicly have the workers back.
says that the Democrats have a messaging problem with working-class voters
Every other comment here is ignoring this word to the point it almost seems intentional. Read it carefully. Low-income union voters who swayed Republican are voting against their self interests, yes. But this was not adequately communicated to them.
This union leader isn’t saying that union voters are blameless. They are saying that union voters were fed destructive information which compounded with existing white supremacist and conservative bias.