Southwest Washington, north of Vancouver and south of Tacoma. You might as well be in Alabama in these parts. This is where a lot of the Proud Boys come from.
Osceola, IN. Klan haven, horribly backwards community full of racists and weirdos. A few anecdotes:
My next door neighbor was a card carrying member of the KKK. Once my black aunt came to visit and he made a reference to "n*ggertoes" right in front of her.
I worked at the gas station in town, and once walked in to a ton of Klan recruitment material. Funny enough, none of the emails or phone numbers were even operational??
The community voted to defund their fire department because they were tired of paying the taxes. A woman's house burnt down weeks later because it took over 45 minutes for dispatch to even realize that Osceola Fire was no longer operational.
Fuckin Arcade, NY is scumbag central. From the cops to the meth heads anyone with a shred of dignity gets out of the shit hole young and never looks back. What's left gets dumber, lazier, slower and uglier by every passing generation. Fuck Arcade, NY.
Huntington Beach, CA. So, so many public meltdowns in the Karen/Kevin sense get uploaded to the internet from there. Lots of drunk people and road ragers.
Washington DC. Aside from the obvious, just trying to drive into DC makes you think that perhaps you could get off on a technicality or plead insanity.
It's not near where I live now (I haven't been to enough places here yet), but if you're ever in New York and come across a town called Fillmore, treat it like the plague.