This is the man who held a Bible upside down and posed in front of a church for a photo op, shortly after he ordered militarized police to tear gas Black Lives Matter protestors.
MAGA: God has delivered our saviour! He will bring the Bible into our schools.
Trump: does weird ass things, including fellating a microphone
Ask them to explain his specific behavior to a child. The former president in a public setting telling people to vote for him, is pretending to suck a dick. Why? How is that a normal appropriate behavior? Wouldn't you chastise your child for that? Wouldn't you be embarrassed if your husband or father or whatever did that on stage while telling america he is their only hope?
The new Pledge of Allegiance "Suck dick, do drugs, eat ass to pwn libs" to be televised at every commercial break between "Ow, My Balls" and "That Anachronistic Show" reruns, in perpetuity.