She tore Trump apart. "Unfortunate" was absolutely the wrong headline. There's so much gold here, and they went for the safe word.
How about "Arnold Palmer was appalled by Trump, according to daughter"
“My father was very modest,” Peggy continued. “We’ve lost our sense of outrage in this country over just about everything, and I’m not sure that’s OK
My dad didn’t like people who act like they’re better than other people,” she said. "He didn’t like it when people were nasty and rude. He didn’t like it when someone was disrespectful to someone else. My dad had no patience for people who demean other people in public. He had no patience for people who are dishonest and cheat. My dad was disciplined. He wanted to be a good role model. He was appalled by Trump’s lack of civility and what he began to see as Trump’s lack of character.”
Around central Florida we remember the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children. Kind of a Mayo Clinic but for kids. Then there's the Arnold and Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women just around the corner from there....
It's like saying Tiger Woods is famous for cheating on his wife.
Michael Jordan is famous for playing baseball.
Babe Ruth is famous for the candy bar.
Arnold Palmer just happened to like lemonade and iced tea. It is weird what people are remembered for, but it's not like he was just a dude who ordered a unique drink.
Trump has a diary where he keeps records off all of the famous dicks he's seen or heard of.
Alternate comment: Trump can't keep track of what black man he nearly died in a helicopter crash with, but Arnold Palmer's dong lives rent free in his head.
“He had a really nice piece. Everyone wanted to see, but I saw it before anyone knew. I said they’re gonna be amazed, it was such a nice piece. People say mine is better, but his was also nice.” /s