UPDATE: Here is the final design of the Humorless Toaster, that this wonderful community helped me pick yesterday! (Needless to say one of the previous versions was unintentionally problematic)
UPDATE: Here is the final design of the Humorless Toaster, that this wonderful community helped me pick yesterday! (Needless to say one of the previous versions was unintentionally problematic)
Thank you all for contributing, here is a link to the original post: https://lemmy.world/post/19721257
Also if you want to support the game, a simple wishlist will make my day :) Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336120/Do_Not_Press_The_Button_To_Delete_The_Multiverse/
Yeah, way better
58 0 ReplyYeah, I would agree too! Thank you :)
14 0 Reply
Is that a croissant for a mustache?
50 0 ReplyKind of :D
27 0 ReplyAwesome!
16 0 Reply
Ha! I love it. It looks like that old, grumpy cop that's 3 months from retirement
37 0 ReplyYes! hahah And he doesn't have time four anyone's nonsense!
14 0 ReplyThe burned croissant appearance is a nice touch
3 0 Reply
He was planning to retire 6 months ago, but the market hasn't been doing great and his brother in law had to borrow some money to deal with gambling debts.
6 0 Reply
Now THATS a "Humorless" toaster. Great work.
20 0 ReplyThank you :))
7 0 Reply
This final solution is much better than the previous attempts, 10/10 very cool toaster
16 0 ReplyReally??? “Final solution”???
3 0 ReplyIt was deliberate. For those arriving here without context, one of the previous examples unintentionally looked like Hitler.
3 0 Reply
I love how that could be an angry mouth, a moustache, or a croissant
15 0 ReplyA toasted croissant.
1 0 Reply
Love it. I love that you went to Lemmy for tips. A side note, while I love it, I'm curious to see what it would look like with a bushy unibrow now that you've added the bushier mustache.
11 0 ReplyInteresting, I might try it at some point :)
8 0 ReplyI hope you can find another bread product that's perfect for bushy eyebrows.
Ooh and maybe tiny bagels for eyes. That might be too silly or too small
1 0 Reply
This is looking very good, good job OP
7 0 ReplyAww thank you :))
4 0 Reply
"Best friend I ever had... We still don't talk, sometimes."
7 0 ReplyTalkie Toaster is insulted
6 0 ReplyTruly, the Ron Swanson of toast.
6 0 ReplyIt reminds me of "Davie" from Adventure time! Good deal! Looks fun and humorless, in a funny way. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.kcVfOKF6t4uk9h6PJF4DXgHaGg%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=b7ffde66ea34a825892395caa1a3368029d6c7eb016edcbe87775f43feb8dc85&ipo=images
6 0 ReplyThat's so clever!
4 0 ReplyYou might want to fix your links.
4 0 ReplyI dang, thank you! Fixed now :)
5 0 Reply
Good to see this version pop up.
3 0 ReplyIt's perfect!!
2 0 ReplyThank you :)
2 0 Reply
Reminds me of the toast character from Gumball lol.
1 0 ReplyLove it!
1 0 ReplyI'm missing everuthing
1 0 ReplyClassy
1 0 Reply