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"Free Access! Just give us your email."
  • That little purple button in the email field is a built in tool in FireFox for a throwaway email. They give you something like 2-3 free throwaway email addresses.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • Answer the question, bot. You can't because all you want to do is shit on the Democrats. Go commit some war crimes.

  • Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016?
  • Don't forget Trump dismantled the Obama era pandemic response program shortly after taking office. He had a game plan all laid out and he threw it away out of spite and vanity.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • Who is your pick for POTUS? Wave your magic wand.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • Literally has had one minor mis-step with the railroad union strike, telling them to go back to work, and they still got the deal they wanted in the end. She hasn't just earned my vote for POTUS should she choose to run, but she's got my full support. Heck, I might start throwing campaign contributions her way if she makes a POTUS try.

  • "Free Access! Just give us your email."
  • You have the button right there for the throwaway.

  • In the US, did Amazon kill the mall, is everyone too broke, or a combination of other factors?
  • Right, there's got to be a good reason to go to the mall. The successful malls still draw crowds because they have more than just stores and a movie theater.

  • Please think of the trans kids and the LGBT folks and all the women affected by abortion laws, and drag queens trying to make their art. Come on Americans, you can do it.
  • One of the news stations in Texas has a "foster kid of the week" kind of article on their FB page. It's so sad, these kids just want a mom and dad that love them. Always a bunch of thoughts and prayers in the comments section.

  • Be honest... Are you a bad person?
  • I'm probably a worse person than I let on. People like me more than they should. It could just be mild depression and poor self esteem talking though, the lying bastards.

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • Police are allowed to point weapons at you and not expect return fire. It's not considered self defense if you return fire even if the police burst into your home in the middle of the night and don't announce themselves. 2nd amendment rights are simply an advertisement for the gun industry to sell more weapons and ammunition and has nothing to do with self defense especially from the state.

  • In what scenario is conscription acceptable? (if any)
  • I used to be against the draft or conscription, but someone made the argument that people are far less war hungry when they or their loved ones might end up on the front lines. In that case, I'm all for it as long as the rich, politically connected, and otherwise privileged are treated like the rest of us. Otherwise the next best option is an all volunteer military.

  • [Silly Thought Exercise] What over-the-top absurd person would you choose to replace Biden who you think could actually body Trump, and why?
  • Bill Burr or Jon Stewart, either one of them would absolutely crush Trump on a debate stage and people would line up to watch it.

  • Please vote
  • He's probably a brain parasite guy.

  • Undecided voter focus group disappointed in Biden's debate performance
  • We are going to get less than ideal candidates until the voting system changes. I think it might be the one point of agreement with most voters in this country that we need a new voting system because first past the post isn't working well.

  • Undecided voter focus group disappointed in Biden's debate performance
  • We certainly aren't going to try a risky move like getting a candidate other than Biden elected. It's way too late to try to get the name recognition going. People know Biden, they know Trump. You could potentially split the vote which gives Trump the automatic win.

  • Famous last words?
  • I legit forgot my roommate's name in college while he was right in front of me.

  • Undecided voter focus group disappointed in Biden's debate performance
  • It just needs to not be Trump at this point. Biden isn't a touchdown, he's a punt with the hopes that we can do better next time.

  • Goddamn onion
  • The Onion was on fire tonight. Best live reactions out there.

  • What song "brings you back"?

    What's that song that brings you back to a moment in time every time you hear it?

    Kalkaline Kalkaline

    Nothing to see here

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