3D internet browser built with Godot Engine
3D internet browser built with Godot Engine
github.com GitHub - thegatesbrowser/thegates: 3D internet browser build with Godot Engine
3D internet browser build with Godot Engine. Contribute to thegatesbrowser/thegates development by creating an account on GitHub.

why lol
18 0 ReplyWhy not?
22 0 ReplySounds cool.
3 0 ReplyUnity does it
1 0 ReplyUnity is proprietary
2 0 Reply
Put it in VR and it reminds me of the Community episode:
"Jesus wept!"
11 0 Replya vr browser/3d browser would be incredible but this ain't it lmao
7 0 ReplyYou acting like beggars can be choosers lmao, the vr scape is desolate post Zuck
1 0 Reply
Unfortunately the name reminds me too much of Bill.
6 0 Reply
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