Don't worry not a spider in "space" just a green screen glitch.
Are mosquitoes and viruses OK ? I'm sure bill gates can help you.
Same here, since I tried ublue, I can't go back, it just works without a headache. I even made, very easily because of their great tools, my own personal ublue based "distro" which has all I need out of the box. I really like the immutable/flatpak concept and the ability to make your own version of it easily.
Exactly what I thought.
Unfortunately the name reminds me too much of Bill.
You may have a problem with your USB flash drive , I was also using bazzite to play elden ring and I got the same problem because of the latest NVIDIA driver updates so I rebased to bluefin gts which is a version behind and the only thing that works flawlessly. Rebasing is faster than installing another distro and doesn't need a USB flash drive.
It's a kind of Linux distro which doesn't need to be taken care of, a plug and play Linux, after a decade using traditional Linux OSes I think it is the future of Linux because it just works out of the box without any tweaking needed just like android so anyone can use it. I am very satisfied with Bluefin which is based on the immutable Fedora version.
Yes , bluefin gives me the best Linux experience I have had in two decades.
Thanx, I didn't know I could see a video of one of my favourite writer who doesn't even need glasses from being born nearly blind and practicing the Dr bates method described in his book the art of seeing, he also wrote the doors of perception which gave the name of the band the doors.
I use Gmail as a trash account for easy logins and proton for the rest with Gmail forwarded to proton so I never have to open Gmail itself.
YES ! I got back to Steam while Bottles is getting fixed.
Dodi repacks work more ofter than fitgirl's on Linux and they install 10 times faster, I would try Dodi's instead.
Same, I got back to Fedora, I got many issues with video games everywhere else lately.
Not Debian, it is how the arch Linux distros boot after the grub menu.
Should we ask them before we just take them ?
They're both the same image
Here is my collection hoping what you're looking for is there. https://fmhy.net/ https://rentry.co/megathread https://letsdecentralize.org/ https://shakil-shahadat.github.io/awesome-piracy/ https://github.com/pluja/awesome-privacy/ https://git.hackliberty.org/hackliberty.org/Hack-Liberty-Resources/
It struck me that the political reason behind climate change, saving the planet and all is just so they don't have to fix anything and can keep all the money instead of helping people.
When I was a child I had a revelation; if Santa isn't real then the tooth fairy also isn't real. Then growing up, if the moon landing isn't real then nothing (of the same kind ) we are told is real.
I have been mostly an Arch and Fedora user but I am very impressed by Vanilla Os, it is clean and fast, their installer is beautiful and new, everything works very well, for example after a few day my last fedora install with gnome desktop was lagging a bit on my gaming laptop but I doesn't lag at all on Vanilla Os, it always feels fresh and clean. Anyone else experienced Vanilla Os, what are your thoughts about it ?
I have been mostly an Arch and Fedora user but I am very impressed by Vanilla Os, it is clean and fast, their installer is beautiful and new, everything works very well, for example after a few day my last fedora install with gnome desktop was lagging a bit on my gaming laptop but I doesn't lag at all on Vanilla Os, it always feels fresh and clean. Anyone else experienced Vanilla Os, what are your thoughts about it ?
I have been mostly an Arch and Fedora user but I am very impressed by Vanilla Os, it is clean and fast, their installer is beautiful and new, everything works very well, for example after a few day my last fedora install with gnome desktop was lagging a bit on my gaming laptop but I doesn't lag at all on Vanilla Os, it always feels fresh and clean. Anyone else experienced Vanilla Os, what are your thoughts about it ?

What was in front of me during my morning meditation.
I wish someone would make a tiling desktop environment instead of only a window manager to make them easy to use for all without tweaking because they are the future of the DEs.
Is it just me or... Since the last update tester day on Arch Linux I haven't been able to start steam on Wayland and on Xorg i can start steam but not any game.