I mean I'm just saying, banning meat lobby shilling and boomer tier animal abuse memes is morally good. Would be pretty based mod. Idk. They can get shit on in the thread for sure but I wouldn't mind not seeing the brain rot 🤷‍♂️
Most people on here will know vegetarians or in some cases be one. It's a respectable choice that takes a lot of willpower and energy. People who make fun of that aren't my crowd. Mostly because it's a dick thing to do.
As one who does not care if the food i eat has meat in it, maybe i can clarify why people react like this. It's simple: you make me feel like i'm some sort of a heartless, evil person for eating meat, i will make you feel bad as well. Eating chicken is murder ? We humans are omnivores, we eat anything. Meat is less efficient land wise, but is more efficient to digest. Morals have nothing to do with it, as we have long evolved to be that way.
If you want people to eat more plants; my advice is to make it a better option. I often make myself a 100% plant pasta sauce, but that takes 3x longer to do and doesn't cost much less then just grilling a piece of meat and cutting a tomato or two. Make cheap tasty vegetarian fast food stalls, cheap mini markets, etc. Calling people murderers will make some of them hate you.
PS I have a vegetarian friend, for over a decade i didn't know he was. Respect his decision, has nothing to do with me.
Unpopular take: Good people doing bad things does not make the bad things not bad. Yes, purchasing and consuming animal products is a morally bad thing to do. It is not morally neutral.
So yes, by consuming animal products, you are a worse person than you would be if you were not.
Your choice is to purchase the bodies of the dead and “respect” the fact they at they were killed by turning them into sewage. Your choice is to financially reward those who bring them into existence for the sole purpose of killing them for your pleasure and the killers’ profit. This is not a morally neutral thing. This is a morally bad thing.
Personal choice stops being personal when there’s a victim. The victim is the one whose corpse is being ground up in your mouth.
And the angel of the lord came unto me,
Snatching me up from my place of slumber,
And took me on high and higher still
Until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself,
And he brought me unto a vast farmland of our own Midwest,
And as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil;
One thousand, nay, a million, voices full of fear,
And terror possessed me then,
And I begged "Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?",
And the angel said unto me
"These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots!
You see, Reverend Maynard,
Tomorrow is harvest day, and to them, it is the holocaust!"
And I sprang from my slumber, drenched in sweat,
Like the tears of one million terrified brothers and roared
"Hear me now, I have seen the light!
They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul!
Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers!"
Look, I agree that eating meat is morally bad, I accept that. What most extremist vegetarians need to accept is that there's people that simple don't care about animals as much as them, I don't really care about it just like I don't really care about some bad things happening in the world, I know that it's morally wrong, and I'll push for more options for the people that do care, but I won't restrict my diet or personally try to fix those things, because I don't care enough.
And this sounds quite rude and I look like an ass, I know, but the reality is that there's a lot of people that think exactly like this. Hell there's tons of people that thinks like this about actual humans. You won't convince those people because in the end, it's their decision and as bad as eating red meat etc is for the body and global warming etc, so are tons of other stuff that people do.
I really advocate for more vegetarian stuff, I actually enjoy seitan/tofu and dishes with them, but the fact is that I'll keep consuming meat once in a while, and when you start trying to make every meat consumer your enemy, you also make people from my group, people that actually push for more progress, your enemy, and that's honestly a bad way to make progress.
This is going to be a generational progress, there's way more vegetarian teenagers than 40+ people, and every friend group I frequent on my age range 25-35 has at least someone vegetarian, and businesses naturally will offer more options because if they won't they'll lose business.
Try not making society your enemy, because if you do you will become the enemy of society.
May I request that you watch Dominion, a 2018 documentary about the farming industry. https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko
If, after watching it, you still don't care about consuming animal products or not then fair enough.
People seem so sure they already know how animals are farmed so they don't need to learn about it or watch this kinda thing, but I feel many people would be shocked to actually see with their own eyes that it's not 'happy cows living it up in green fields all day' like the farming industry would like us all to continue believing.
Many people who work in factory farms end up with all kinds of mental illnesses. Even those who are desensitised to the suffering of animals end up with PTSD and severe depression from contributing to this man-made animal hell.
My grandparents had pigs, chicken, goats, etc. And my father has farm animals. I'v also seen larger scale farming in my country. It's not so bad as what you are thinking of, here is not the usa. I know of what you want to show me. Maybe go watch Clarksons Farm for a different view ? Do what you want either way.
So have you seen Dominion already? I just find it hard to believe anyone can watch Dominion from start to finish and not be done with animal products forever, unless they lack any form of empathy.
I don't see how your family having farm animals has much relevance unless they keep them as part of an animal sanctuary where the animals can live out their lives in peace and safety, plenty of room to roam and live as they would like to live their lives?
Were any of the animals' lives cut short so that they could be eaten? Were any of them ever forced to do something they didn't want to do? Did any of the animals that were slaughtered actually want to die?
When you say you've seen large scale farming in your country, was that in the slaughterhouses? All of the animals were treated with courtesy and respect? Never mistreated? Imagine for a moment that instead of animals being farmed, it was your family members being farmed.. would you feel that they were all being treated fairly and justly then? Being herded around and murdered in the prime of their lives so someone can enjoy a sandwich?
Animals have feelings and emotions just like human animals.. the way they feel things will be very similar to how we feel things, both pain and happiness amongst all the other types of feelings and emotions.
Imagine again your family being stunned before being murdered, does that make the murder ok because they didn't suffer at the moment of death?
Or perhaps you live in a country where you don't even need to stun the animal before killing, you can just hang them upside down and skirt their throat while they slowly die in agony.
I've seen a clip of Clarksons farm, it was something to do with him always feeling dread when it was time for his animals to be slaughtered. I'm assuming because even a complete buffoon like Clarkson knows deep down, it's wrong to kill animals.
A) I don't have to equivocate. Killing humans isn't the same as killing a chicken. We agree. The point is obvious. Moderation exists for a reason. Discrimination and normalizing violence are things worth moderating. You're either being intellectually dishonest in response or need to give it a little more thought.
B) Species difference aside, their experience at scale is by definition a holocaust. 136 million will die today alone. They can't grasp the scale as individuals, but they experience it personally. Believe it or not, some people value non-human life. Whether or not you do is not relevant given lack of moral justification.