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Supreme Court says cities can ban homeless from sleeping outside
  • What the actual fuck.

    No it doesn’t work like that.

    Sleeping outside while homeless I am sure isn’t a deliberate choice. Homeless people aren’t magic. They can’t conjure a building to sleep in from thin air. Making it illegal doesn’t give tgem magic building making powers or like teleportation or whatever these delusional idiots think it does.

  • Rule (Penance 4/100)
  • The internet has ruined me. I fully expected a punchline about uninstalling Life.

    Great game though, agreed. Stupid thing had me waking up at 6am as a child to attend morning aerobics.

    And Kiki stole something from me before I could save with it. I forget if it was an igloo item or a painting. I liked her but not at that moment! Looking back though, little frustrations like that made the game more charmingly alive.

  • which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??
  • No kids. They’re a huge, life long commitment that you need to be willing to sacrifice everything for. Your happiness, your sanity, your time, your money… everything.

    And I’m not the type of person who wants kids nearly enough to do that.

    Especially when people tell me that I should for reasons like having a caretaker when I’m older. I’m not attached to my parents enough to do that. Why would I expect that of anything I pop out? And what a horrible selfish reason to make a new human that is!

    If the only reason I’d be having a kid is selfish reasons in the distant future that aren’t even a guarantee, then that’s not worth sacrificing myself for right now.

    Nothing against other people who want to be parents, so long as they’re prepared and not doing it as some sort of life insurance or to make a clone of themselves.

  • True story.
  • The Game is the perfect counter/addition to Loss memes because every time I see a meme of Loss I know I just Loss The Game.

    Then I get to say it and make othe people lose the game because of Loss. This makes me smile.

  • Maven Imported 1.12 Million Fediverse Posts
  • ITT people not recognizing that there’s a difference between comparing and equating.

    People, it’s possible to make analogies to more serious situations without saying the two things are equal. The statement above is saying it’s there’s a shared mentality, not a shared level of consequence/seriousness.

  • Anon has an asexual gf
  • Why does it have to be both?

    Why do other orientations get to be easy to understand, but the ones that just want to say ‘no’ absolutely must be comfortable in the same label as yet another ’yes’?

    What is wrong with having graysexuality and asexuality be as separate as homosexuality and heterosexuality?

    Why do people want to force others to be comfortable with what they’re not comfortable with?

    Why is it so important to dismiss and erase people who just don’t have a sexuality that it’s acceptable to take over their one safe word and sexualize it?

    I genuinely find antisex spaces more welcoming than asexual spaces and I hate that. Because people born without sexuality often don’t care about other people having sex. It’s normal, it’s natural, it’s fine, it’s just not our thing. So why do people insist on sexual themes in a community started to be safe for those who are just born not sexual?

    Many of us already feel broken when we don’t get horny as teens. Yes, we’re freaks. We’re weirdos. We’re biological failures.

    We create a space to feel not broken. To vent among others born the same. So why take that away? Why take away the one safe term for people who already struggle with feeling like something is wrong with them by coming in and saying that people who DO like sex are the same label and the ones who don’t want sex at all are outsiders among outsiders?

    It hurts. It genuinely hurts to finally find others like you, to then be told that no, you’re still a weird broken minority even in this supposedly “fitting” label.

    Why is it so important to have a special label that it’s worth hurting the people it was made for to make sure more people can claim it?

  • This is Fine Rule
  • Did you at least kill him yourself? Or did you have to deepthroat Daddy Tyson’s throbbing meaty cock to underpay an immigrant getting PTSD to just to harvest a baby’s organs and pack them in a pwetty wittle gift baggie for you? uwu

  • This is Fine Rule
  • If you will buy it, they will sell it.

    Corperations are not people. They have no moral compass. They do what their customers will pay for.

    Customers are people. Customers can choose based on any criteria. Convenience, morals, pleasure, whatever they value.

    You are the customer. By buying from animal agriculture, you are saying you value what they are selling.

    Yes, the thousands, millions, billions of customers matter. YOU are a customer. YOU MATTER. And if you choose to value something that is pure evil for all involved except your taste buds and their bottom line, then yes. You share in the blame. Especially now that you know what it causes.

  • Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades
  • Meat and dairy are heavily subsidized by the government (at least in US). Government subsidies for animal agriculture allow them to sell for cheaper because they can sell for less than what it actually costs to make.

  • What drew you to the high seas?
  • Probably being unable to buy music when I was in my teens.

    No job, no income, no way to get to the store anyway, and to top it off… half the music I liked I wouldn’t have been able to find anyways. (Fan songs/parodies)

    So I learned that (free) YouTube downloaders and MP3 converters existed.

    A bit later than that… NES/SNES games I wanted to play but those consoles were before my time. So I learned emulators existed.

    So basically stuff I didn’t have access to otherwise.

  • Dawnguard vs Volkihar: A list of what each side gets

    A comparison I typed up 7 years ago that seems to have helped a few people choose between Dawnguard vs Volkihar.

    Dawnguard gets:

    • Pet huskies
    • Pet armoured trolls
    • Master Level trainers in Archery, Heavy Armor, Restoration, and Smithing.
    • A couple followers
    • Better crossbows
    • Easier access to Dwarven and Elemental bolts
    • Easier access to the spells Stendarr's Aura and Vampire's Bane
    • Chance to convince Serana to cure her vampirism.
    • Attacked by Volkihar Vampires. (I think) Guards/Citizens will get involved with the fight, risking their own lives to help.

    Volkihar gets:

    • Pet death hounds
    • Master Two-Handed trainer and Expert speech trainer
    • Thralls in the castle you can feed on
    • The Ring of the Erudite, Ring of The Beast, Amulet of The Gargoyle, and Amulet of Bats
    • The Bloodstone Chalice, to enhance your vampiric powers
    • A free player home with merchants (the castle itself)
    • The chance to turn your spouse into a vampire
    • Easier access to Necromantic Healing and Heal Undead
    • Attacked by the Danguard in the wild. Guards/citizens won't help with the fight.

    Both sides get:

    • Serana as a follower
    • Auriel's Bow and Bloodcursed arrows
    • Access to Vampire Lord form and Bloodcursed Arrows*
    • Durnehviir
    • Radiant quests to kill vampires**
    • As long as Serana is still a vampire ** Yes, Members of Clan Volkihar will request that you go kill vampires. Don't think the Dawnguard are the only ones upset at random vampires attacking towns!
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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