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Donald Trump committed fraud for years by inflating his worth to banks and insurers, a New York judge finds
  • And yet he's still somehow bookmakers' favourite to win the 2024 us presidential election

  • The older I get, the truer this becomes
  • Mīn lyftcræft is ful ǣla!

  • The older I get, the truer this becomes
  • Für mich, es ist nicht nur Kommentaren, aber

  • Duck
  • You may see a duck, but Stanley sees a bucket.

  • See?? I'm supporting togetherness
  • I suspect you don't understand what a one sided conversation is, but ok, good luck and have fun with your life too.

  • See?? I'm supporting togetherness
  • So have you seen Dominion already? I just find it hard to believe anyone can watch Dominion from start to finish and not be done with animal products forever, unless they lack any form of empathy.

    I don't see how your family having farm animals has much relevance unless they keep them as part of an animal sanctuary where the animals can live out their lives in peace and safety, plenty of room to roam and live as they would like to live their lives? Were any of the animals' lives cut short so that they could be eaten? Were any of them ever forced to do something they didn't want to do? Did any of the animals that were slaughtered actually want to die?

    When you say you've seen large scale farming in your country, was that in the slaughterhouses? All of the animals were treated with courtesy and respect? Never mistreated? Imagine for a moment that instead of animals being farmed, it was your family members being farmed.. would you feel that they were all being treated fairly and justly then? Being herded around and murdered in the prime of their lives so someone can enjoy a sandwich?

    Animals have feelings and emotions just like human animals.. the way they feel things will be very similar to how we feel things, both pain and happiness amongst all the other types of feelings and emotions. Imagine again your family being stunned before being murdered, does that make the murder ok because they didn't suffer at the moment of death? Or perhaps you live in a country where you don't even need to stun the animal before killing, you can just hang them upside down and skirt their throat while they slowly die in agony.

    I've seen a clip of Clarksons farm, it was something to do with him always feeling dread when it was time for his animals to be slaughtered. I'm assuming because even a complete buffoon like Clarkson knows deep down, it's wrong to kill animals.

  • See?? I'm supporting togetherness
  • May I request that you watch Dominion, a 2018 documentary about the farming industry.

    If, after watching it, you still don't care about consuming animal products or not then fair enough. People seem so sure they already know how animals are farmed so they don't need to learn about it or watch this kinda thing, but I feel many people would be shocked to actually see with their own eyes that it's not 'happy cows living it up in green fields all day' like the farming industry would like us all to continue believing.

    Many people who work in factory farms end up with all kinds of mental illnesses. Even those who are desensitised to the suffering of animals end up with PTSD and severe depression from contributing to this man-made animal hell.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "I am going to create a discussion about a thing I would like people to stop discussing"

  • Most Brits reckon Brexit has failed, new poll finds
  • I feel like polls have been saying that since before Brexit was even finalised :') the only good I ever thought might come of Brexit was it might make things so bad in Britain that it might help spark some kind of revolution..

  • I present; The CLT
  • It'd be a whole lot cooler if this was vegan, it looks amazing 😔

  • Wait, wot?
  • Who would downvote this? 😂

  • Any Nintendo fans here in Beehaw? If so, there's an incoming Nintendo Direct!
  • I miss being excited about Nintendo games.. they just don't seem to live up to my goodness/expectations anymore ☹️

  • vegan potato
  • I was mad when I found out supermarket frozen mash had milk in it, I was like "why!?!? Why is it necessary!?" So it's nice to see that they managed to make a plant based product out of plant without feeling the need to add dairy at last 😁 I shall keep an eye out for it next time I'm at Asda.. knowing my luck they will have stopped making it before then, or in the near future.. Asda always stop doing my favourite things 😭

  • What are your favorite gaming YouTubers?
  • Robbaz isn't just any Swedish guy.. he's the King of Sweden! 😁

    He's by far my favourite streamer, the only one I don't get bored of after a while 🙂

  • Who is your go-to character in Mario Kart?
  • Haha that.. Is... beautiful! 😁

  • Who is your go-to character in Mario Kart?
  • Yoshi.. he's so cute 🥰

  • Lemmy is booming
  • Hello world! My first Kenny Lemmy comment! I have no idea what I'm doing :D all I know is I'm mad at hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! In regards to Reddit anyway hehe. I will kinda miss Reddit, but if Lemmy gets a good following I imagine it should be better than Reddit ever was 😎

  • Volfkha Volfkha
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